Duncan Wilson Photo
Before Clemson

  • Played for Cardinal Newman HS

  • 2023 State Champion

  • 2023 South Carolina Gatorade Player of the Year

  • 2023 High School All-American

  • Four-star recruit (South Carolina United FC)


  • Son of Kemp and Kaley

  • Two brothers, Waylon and Quade

*Courtesy Clemson Media Guide


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Duncan Wilson FAQ

What position does Duncan Wilson play for the Clemson Tigers? Duncan Wilson is a Forward for the Clemson Tigers
When did Duncan Wilson join the Clemson Tigers? 2024
What years did Duncan Wilson play for the Clemson Tigers? 2024
What is Duncan Wilson's number at Clemson? 23
Did Duncan Wilson play for the Clemson Tigers? Yes
Did Duncan Wilson go to Clemson? Yes
What college did Duncan Wilson go to? Duncan Wilson attended Clemson
What is Duncan Wilson's hometown? Columbia, SC
What city is Duncan Wilson from? Columbia
Where is Duncan Wilson from? Duncan Wilson is from Columbia, SC
How tall is Duncan Wilson? Duncan Wilson currently stands at 6'3"
How much does Duncan Wilson weigh? Duncan Wilson currently weighs in at 195 pounds
What state is Duncan Wilson from? SC