military_techCU Guru auto_awesome1,062 favorite100%
place Alpha Centauri
school Clemson University
work Beer Sampler and Whiskey Tester
brush Apartment frisbee, drunken computer games, football, basketball, skiing, camping, etc.   
accessibility_new Joined 2001-10-17
search Last Seen 2025-02-23 05:51:59.0
visibility Views 91
edit Posts 885
person Followers 1
I come from a long line of successful, opinionated people. When proven wrong, I punish myself by eating live kittens and beating myself with a plastic spatula. I regularly practice voodoo magic on people who are anti-Clemson. Secretariat, the lucky Capibara, dominates my dreams. There is no other nut than a honey roasted peanut. I bathe my elderly pet elephant on Tuesdays and Saturdays with a rag on a stick. I enjoy much beer, but give me Crown and thou shalt know true happiness. The other day I learned why cats lick themselves... they're friggin' delicious!