military_techFreshman auto_awesome0 favoriteN/A%
place Stafford, VA
school UWF and East Carolina - Educational Leadership
work Retired
accessibility_new Joined 2011-05-01
search Last Seen 2020-09-17 14:18:52.0
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I grew up in North Carolina, my family members were Clemson fans and I went to Clemson games throughout my youth. I can remember the stuffed football players and tiger hats and badges that my mom used to buy me at the games. I also have a memory of them selling fresh french fries and they sprinkled vinegar over the fries. I hope it is an accurate memory, because it really has stuck in my mind how awesome they were and it was the first time I had ever had anything except ketchup on my fries! Also, one of my earliest memories at Clemson was a visit to the gymnasium where there was an indoor swimming pool, and I had never seen anything like it. I don't think that exists today. Fast forward to 2011, and my son decided to go to Clemson, and graduated in 2016. What a year! I never had the chance to go to Clemson, although I always dreamed of being a Clemson majorette, but my last-born son reignited a love for Clemson that had been dormant for many years. And that is why I am here! I have the bug! I have brought my grandson to Clemson and I am trying to pass the love for Clemson to him. He is 5, and he calls our team the Clempsman Tigers. God continue to bless the Clemson Tigers!