Swinney discusses rivalry with Gamecocks on SportsCenter

by - Assoc. Editor -

Clemson head football coach Dabo Swinney is in Bristol, Connecticut on Monday to take part in the annual ACC Coaches "Car Wash" at the ESPN headquarters.

Swinney was asked by host Jay Crawford on SportsCenter if Clemson fans would prefer to have a South Carolina win or an ACC championship.

"I think certainly from a fan base standpoint there is a certain segment of your fanbase that truly believes that if you just go 1-11, but beat South Carolina they are happy," Swinney said on SportsCenter. "That's what they believe but in reality they would be one of the first ones trying to run you out of town. We want to win them all. No one is going to be truly happy till you do that. I know this is our goal at Clemson is to be the best. Not just the best in our state. That's a part of it. In order for us to be the best we consistently compete to be the best in this conference. Because if we can win this conference consistently then we got a chance to be in the college football playoff. So at the end of the day they are all big. The biggest game of the year is the one we are playing, and it is the most important game. I know this if we can win some ACC championships our fanbase is going to be just fine."


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