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TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in
Tiger Boards - The Amphitheatre
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TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 9:55 AM

Starting early for those who are busier in late afternoon. Last night I weighed exactly 189 after my shower - won't admit to the amount before the shower, but more than I would expect since it should be negligible but I guess sweat, sawdust and regular grime does add up - was a dirty guy. Now 11 down and a painful 4 more to reach my goal.

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 10:20 AM

I went backwards this week. I have been under the weather, unable to exercise, and had no desire to turn down comfort food. On a positive note, I am much feeling much better and was able to exercise a little this morning.

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 10:20 AM

Sorry for the extra much in the sentence!

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LOL! I did that from March to the first week in June. Gained about 15 pounds


Jul 13, 2024, 5:06 PM [ in reply to Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in ]

because I was sick and coughing 400 to 500 times a day for months. Did not run. Did not fish....And Mrs. Spud got sick of picking me up a #1 from Wendy's....but like you said,IT WAS COMFORT FOOD.....All I can say is ....when you feel well again, get your *(* in gear and get started back!


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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 10:23 AM

165 after I woke up 168 after eating

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 11:15 AM

No sense in working that hard to lose weight.I have one
simple exercise that only takes seconds to do and it only
uses the arms. Push yourself away from the table after
you eat one plate of small portions.

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 2:22 PM

That is my basic plan- no exercise other than daily tasks- which is a lot in this heat

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 1:16 PM

194.2, was 193.4 last week, and 194.2 the week prior. Will need to bear down a bit more during the coming week. Still better than 202.

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 1:27 PM

Happy to say I returned from our European vacation weighing exactly the same as when I started it. Certainly wasn’t because I watched what I ate or drank. Must have been the 10,000-15,000 steps per day with all the walking tours. We didn’t see very many overweight people there (except our fellow vacationers) so I believe their approach might work. Drink lots of wine, eat lots of meat, cheese, and sweets, and walk everywhere you go. I have always believed the key to maintaining a healthy weight is finding a balance between eating and activity.
So I am still down about 2 pounds from when this started.

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 4:15 PM

Down to a surprising 176 this week for a 3 pound loss for the week and 7 total.

Goal was originally 172 but so my BMI would not be overweight. However, I have finally accepted the fact that I am now 5'9" instead of the 5'10" I used to be. 5'10" just sounds better but at 77 years I guess I should be happy to be 5'9". Any way, at 5'9" my weight should be 168 or lower.

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BMI is a joke IMHO. I am 6'0" and for me to be in their OK range I am


Jul 13, 2024, 5:03 PM

suppose to weigh 177 I think. Now, back in 1975 when I played high school sports...I weighed 178. I am now 210 and will soon be 200 again,but...177 or 178....no way. My sitting heart beat is 58,blood pressure is 117/68....I get my heart rate up to 163 for several minutes running the steps and it quickly goes back down to under 100 when I stop....So,my question is...who is more healthy, a 6'0" 178 lb. 66 year old guy that cannot walk up a flight of stairs or a 6'0" 210 lb. 66 year old guy that can run up and down the steps for 25 minutes?

Plus, some guys are 6'0" and stout. I mean muscular. Not fat. Are they obese? I doubt it.

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Re: BMI is a joke IMHO. I am 6'0" and for me to be in their OK range I am


Jul 13, 2024, 10:49 PM

You are about my size and very healthy!

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 4:45 PM

Still sitting at 205 but there is always tomorrow

Go Tigers

Supper tonight - orange chicken and white rice

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Class of '87



Jul 13, 2024, 4:54 PM

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 5:22 PM

Just about half-way there. Started at 228 now at 214. Must have been smoked up when I set my goal at 200, I haven't weighed that since high school and that was in the '60s.

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 5:24 PM

I’m at 220 right now. I started at 225.

I believe that I will reach my goal!!

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Did a 5-day water only fast that ended yesterday


Jul 13, 2024, 5:29 PM

Waited til now to post so I could have my after refeeding weight and am very pleased to check in at...

179 lbs!!!

Down 6 lbs from last Saturday and breaking my original target of 180!
This has been such a good experience for me in so many ways. I've decided to stay in the challenge and set a new target of 170.

Back to my Abs Diet & Workout plan now for the duration and really feeling good about the health benefits I'm already seeing and feeling.

Stay determined and persistent and you'll reach your goals!!!

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 5:46 PM

209. Down 8 and 8 more to go. Last week was my birthday so it was a tough week. Lost a pound though. Keep it up everybody. We got this.

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 9:33 PM

Late to y’alls weight challenge, but proud to be losing. Was 250 back in April. Through cutting back on carbs, alcohol, etc, and going the high protein route, I’ve gotten down to 215.4 as of today. I feel so much better!

I never liked cottage cheese, but I mix it into everything now…eggs, pizza crust with chicken, dips, dressings, etc. you can hide it into almost anything and not taste it. Lol

Goal is 199. A number I haven’t seen in 30 years. 5’10” and 62 years old.

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 13, 2024, 10:48 PM

Did not know about challenge. Weight 210. Goal stretch would be 195. 6 feet 1 inch tall. Want to get in 36 inch pants again. 66 yo former runner, no more after foot surgery. Anyone use FitBit or My fitness pal? Just finished large bowl of butter pecan!

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Re: TNet Weight Loss Challenge Saturday check-in


Jul 14, 2024, 2:58 PM

I use MyFitnessPal! It’s great for me and highly recommend it. I’m 5’9” and have lost 57 pounds in 6 months. I’m now 150. My body fat% is 14%. My goal was 15%, so I’ve given myself some room for variation.

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Hey Y'all


Jul 14, 2024, 6:00 PM

Checking back in after a week or two away.

Got a stomach bug and didn't eat much for about 7-10 days.

Came in at 178 yesterday. I think I started at 185, so, some progress.

I've cut way back on the Iced Chai Tea latte's and coke and Sweets which as helped.

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Re: Hey Y'all

Jul 14, 2024, 6:04 PM

I think you said you wanted to lose 30 - down to 155? Have to check back.

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Jul 14, 2024, 6:54 PM

I got some work to do. LOL

Going to be a long process. Diet and exercise. Diet and exercise.

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