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TNET: WATCH: Tigers react to Clemson football's Drake music video
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TNET: WATCH: Tigers react to Clemson football's Drake music video

Sep 9, 2020, 4:37 PM

WATCH: Tigers react to Clemson football's Drake music video

The Clemson football team recently had some fun doing their version of Drake's 'Laugh Now Cry Later' music video. The last couple seasons, players have weighed Read Update »

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Video unavailable

Sep 9, 2020, 5:21 PM

Did we not have approval to use Drakes music ?

Mickey Mouse club drake. What an OG

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Re: Video unavailable

Sep 9, 2020, 5:56 PM

I was able to watch.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Thanks. I’ll try the YouTube app***

Sep 10, 2020, 7:25 AM

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Re: Video unavailable

Sep 9, 2020, 7:12 PM [ in reply to Video unavailable ]

I've been watching it for several days on YouTube, it's trending big time, almost a half million views already. Drake posted it on his Instagram and tons of non Clemson folks are watching.

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Sep 9, 2020, 6:03 PM

The “Drake Curse”

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Re: Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

Sep 9, 2020, 7:08 PM

Shhh..don't tell the Raptors

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Sep 9, 2020, 8:28 PM

I'd be curious as to who made this video, and how. But hey, tell me, what recruit would not want to play for this team - really?

Go Tigers!!!

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Re: Awesome...!!!

Sep 10, 2020, 8:35 AM

Pretty sure this was made by Clemson's nationally recognized, award winning Social Media department. Not sure of their official name. I do wonder who came up with the idea. Bringing a ton of new eyes to Clemson from Drake followers. I saw one comment that they, "didn't know who this school is... but they are the bomb..."

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Tigers react to Clemson football's Drake music video

Sep 10, 2020, 7:48 AM


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Sometimes the road to the truth is so elusive it's confusing and reality becomes illusion.

Is it impossible to make a video without using the n word

Sep 10, 2020, 7:59 AM

I know it's ok for this guy to say that word. I know it's not ok for me to (if you assume I'm white or asian or native american or arabic or norwegian). I know they fade it out in this version of the song for the clemson team. But anyone that goes to read the actual lyrics of the song or listens to the actual song sees or hears the word. I guess when they play the actual song on the radio the word is there.

And that word is something I would think this guy Drake would be wanting to eradicate from our vocabulary. But if he's saying it in a song and Clemson is using the song, then the word will definitely still be around and even more so. So, maybe it's not that they want the word to go away. Maybe it's that the really do want to keep a different culture where I'm not allowed. But Clemson shouldn't be a part of the pattern of allowing this to be perpetuated.

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Tigers react to Clemson football's Drake music video

Sep 10, 2020, 8:13 AM

I think the video is good fun, but like others, the lyrics bother me, especially the use of a word, that as a white person, I'm told I can't use. Double standardville

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I don’t want drakes curse

Sep 10, 2020, 5:32 PM

It’s reverse psychology. He’s a Bama fan.

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