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Should Dabo even offer scholarships to HS players
Tiger Boards - Clemson Recruiting
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Should Dabo even offer scholarships to HS players


Sep 11, 2024, 11:16 AM

that he knows will be involved in a bidding war ?

Should David Saunders have even got a Clemson offer, for example ?

This would be consistent with the portal philosophy.

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Yes. You should still go after the young men you think will be a great fit for


Sep 11, 2024, 11:18 AM

your program.

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Re: Should Dabo even offer scholarships to HS players


Sep 11, 2024, 11:19 AM

How is that consistent with the portal philosophy? We offered guys who were in the portal that ultimately went elsewhere for NIL money.

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Dabo has stated that Clemson doesn't even pursue certain Portal players


Sep 11, 2024, 11:22 AM

because of the expected money involved.

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Re: Dabo has stated that Clemson doesn't even pursue certain Portal players


Sep 11, 2024, 11:50 AM

Assuming that is even factual/accurate, did he state anything similar for HS players? Asking for a friend.

If you are going to try to use his words against him, please don’t cherry-pick, distort, or misrepresent. Makes you look churlish.

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Re: Should Dabo even offer scholarships to HS players


Sep 11, 2024, 11:44 AM

Could you please explain what it is that you think Dabo' s Portal philosophy is? Also can you give examples of great success via the portal? More than one school and one year?

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Re: Should Dabo even offer scholarships to HS players


Sep 11, 2024, 12:15 PM

1965tiger said:

Could you please explain what it is that you think Dabo' s Portal philosophy is? Also can you give examples of great success via the portal? More than one school and one year?

Dabo's portal philosophy is that he prefers HS recruits but would use the portal if needed assuming they found someone who could help us and fit our program. Problem is he is opposed to paying players upfront money so the ones who can help us typically require upfront money (and often have a new destination in place before they enter the portal (tampering)).

UGA, Ohio St and Bama (under Saban) has had great success in the portal. For example, two portal WRs caught two TDs against us. Problem is these types of elite players require large upfront payments which are arranged before they ever hit the portal.

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Re: Should Dabo even offer scholarships to HS players


Sep 11, 2024, 2:17 PM

Thanks for the answer.. I think it’s partially accurate.
One thing I am not sure of is Can Dabo just pay players?
I thought the NIL , the collective paid players!
Either way it’s a bad model and it will be the ruin of college amateur athletics and not just football!

But at least technically or at least what I have been told the NIL and the Collective can give money but not coaches and not the school.
College Football is over and we now have some sort of Wild West pro system.
I am to the point I was just as soon watch NFL. At least the contracts run both ways and not just in the players favor.
Yes I still watch and I pull for Clemson but it’s not as much fun!

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I think you know Dabo's philosophy on all


Sep 11, 2024, 11:57 AM

this but using Dabo's philosophy on high school and the portal to say Dabo is wrong. Well, many of us think differently. Go Tigers!!!!!

Message was edited by: AThomas®

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Yes, keep offering the ones that you want. He encourages them to visit


Sep 11, 2024, 12:03 PM

other schools and see what they lead off their recruiting pitch with. Peter Woods said that this is was one thing that set Clemson apart from other schools and one of the reasons that he wanted to come play at Clemson.

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Re: Should Dabo even offer scholarships to HS players


Sep 11, 2024, 12:05 PM

No Dabo shouldn’t offer any more scholarships period we should only allowed walkons

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Re: You Could Be On To Something There ---


Sep 11, 2024, 12:06 PM

Instead of offering the scholarship.....it may be better to give them the cash value of that scholarship. Kind of like those fake loan checks that come in the mail. So its basically like saying...."" If you want it come to Clemson and get it ""' The fine print...."" Money in existing scholarships given are to cover expenses related to educational and athletics purposes....and limited NIL usages...throughout the 3 to 4 year stay at Clemson University only. "''

Any scholarship recipients that transfer before completing 3 years of participation with the university and it's programs are subject to delinquency.

Welcome to Clemson University.

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Re: Should Dabo even offer scholarships to HS players


Sep 11, 2024, 12:20 PM

How do they know if they're interested in getting money and being in a bidding war versus being a player like TJ Moore who's content with producing on the field and then getting NIL money as he progresses through his career? I would imagine we're on a lot of them by sophomore and Junior years and that the money doesn't start being thrown around until they're near the end of their senior year. Who knows.

I do hope dabo changes his philosophy in the future. When you have a recruit that you know is almost a sure thing like DeShaun Watson or Trevor Lawrence. I'm afraid it's going to be very difficult to find a guy like that that doesn't need some cash.

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Is today post a bad idea day?


Sep 11, 2024, 12:33 PM

Between this silliness and running down the hill by somehow starting at the bottom. I’m not sure how deep down the rabbit hole I want to go to see if there’s more

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