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Louisville To Be Added To ACC-Another Powerhouse
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Louisville To Be Added To ACC-Another Powerhouse

Nov 28, 2012, 8:57 AM

Another sub par school is being added to the ACC, just another reason for Clemson to leave. The ACC is the laughing stock of college football.

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Re: Louisville To Be Added To ACC-Another Powerhouse

Nov 28, 2012, 8:59 AM

16 posts in 11 years.

I am sure your other 15 were just as riveting.

go back to FGF.

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Re: Louisville To Be Added To ACC-Another Powerhouse

Nov 28, 2012, 9:03 AM

I would suggest we button up the chin straps when playing these new ACC schools. None of them are cup cakes.

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Nov 28, 2012, 9:26 AM

GT, UNC, NCSU, UVA, VT, Miami, occasionally Wake, and usually BC aren't cupcakes by any stretch. But they also aren't powerhouse teams to be feared. The 3 new ACC schools aren't much more than mediocre, with occasional trips into the top 20.

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Re: Tell me that Pitt is nothing after they whip our butts.***

Nov 28, 2012, 9:47 AM

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I didn't say that

Nov 28, 2012, 9:54 AM

I just said they're not significantly tougher than any of our usual competition.

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Re: Louisville To Be Added To ACC-Another Powerhouse

Nov 28, 2012, 11:37 AM [ in reply to Re: Louisville To Be Added To ACC-Another Powerhouse ]

Your number of posts hasn't made you any smarter. I make posts when I have something to say. I probably know more about Clemson Football than you do. I went to games when it cost $3.50 to get in, and you could sit anywhere in the stadium. Being a big mouth doesn't improve your image on this board,it just shows your ignorance.

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Re: Louisville To Be Added To ACC-Another Powerhouse

Nov 28, 2012, 11:39 AM

Sure you did chicken boy.

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I agree that Louisville is less than ideal...but

Nov 28, 2012, 9:07 AM

they are the best school that is available. Their Athletic Dept revenue and spending are higher than Clemson's.

Who else out there would be available? The ACC certainly is not capable of going and poaching a team from the SEC or B1G. What school in their right mind would leave those conferences to come to the ACC and lose all that money? The best hope we had was for the ACC to pressure ND into coming in full time. But the conference has no leverage to do that. ND could simply leave and go be in the B1G.

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Just Curious

Nov 28, 2012, 9:17 AM

what powerhouse teams you had in mind other than Louisville?

You aren't going to pull an SEC, Big 10, Big XII, or Pac 12 team out of those conferences. Who, exactly, is left to add?

Honestly, from an athletic perspective, Louisville was about as good as it gets.

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Clemson is my team, but......

Nov 28, 2012, 9:23 AM

there are so many on this board who have some false view of how successful the school has been in football and basketball in just the past decade alone. If you compare Louisville in basketball, well, there is no comparison. But even in football they have a great program for the Big East. I remember them beating ACC teams in the last decade (FSU in the early 2000s - not sure exactly when). And they have a recent record of beating WVU. Do we have a recent record of beating WVU for example???

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Face it boys. We are done as a football power.

Nov 28, 2012, 9:25 AM

Our admin is a bunch of pu$$ies.

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Re: Face it boys. We are done as a football power.

Nov 28, 2012, 11:30 AM


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Not sure what year your calendar is set on

Nov 28, 2012, 11:59 AM [ in reply to Face it boys. We are done as a football power. ]

But we haven't been a football power for nearly two decades.

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Re: They are a big improvement over Maryland.***

Nov 28, 2012, 9:45 AM

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Re: They are a big improvement over Maryland.***

Nov 28, 2012, 11:09 AM

My point is, we need to leave the ACC. Recruits these days want to go to a good football conference. USC will continue to get the good recruits so we may as well get used to being beaten line a drum. Playing pushover teams doesn't help us, as we saw when we played USC. They had been through the wars while we were beating up weak teams. I dread to think what will happen if we play LSU in a bowl game. The only experience we have againt good teams was Fla St and USC, and we saw what happened.

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Re: Louisville To Be Added To ACC-Another Powerhouse

Nov 28, 2012, 11:40 AM

Louisville adds as much to the ACC as USuCk adds to the SEC

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Re: Louisville To Be Added To ACC-Another Powerhouse

Nov 28, 2012, 11:44 AM

Louisville adds a very powerful basketball program and pretty good football.

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