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Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN
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Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 15, 2012, 1:48 PM

may actually be, and this is a pretty strong word, having a "corrupting" effect on college football in terms of what they do and the influence they have on the SEC's standing in college football today? I've felt for a while now that they promote the league so much that, eventually, the cumulative effect of it would impact/skew rankings. I really feel that this has happened. What set me off today I guess is when I look at the BCS rankings. I just think there is an "ESPN effect" and I'm just a little tired of it and wanted to post about it and get if off my chest so to speak.

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 15, 2012, 1:48 PM

explain this espn effect.....

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Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it

Oct 15, 2012, 1:57 PM

eventually impacts public opinion and rankings to some extent. That's not to say the SEC hasn't been good but maybe there's an ESPN inflation factor there.

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Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it

Oct 15, 2012, 1:58 PM

So it's an "out of sight, out of mind" type of thing? Seems like the only way to change that would be to start winning and those wins need to come against quality opponents....

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Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it

Oct 15, 2012, 2:52 PM

It's not the wins that make a difference. Your point is countered by the losses incurred by the SEC teams not having the same impact as they do on the losses incurred by other conferences due to this altered perception.

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Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it

Oct 15, 2012, 7:40 PM

It's not perception. The SEC is more talented than other conferences, unless you think the NFL also has some sort of conspiracy to corrupt the perception of college football by drafting more SEC players than guys from other conferences.

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COLLEGE: A three-year starter at strong safety for Clemson, finished his career with 234 tackles and 11 interceptions.

Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it

Oct 15, 2012, 9:25 PM

you guys kill me, is espn affecting recruits why the #1 player in the country is coming to school here? espn dont play d or score points on o or coach anybodys team. why cant people understand that WINNING is the answer? go 7-0 and beat fsu and see what happens. our conference sucks! (2-13) in bcs bowl games, you really want espn to pimp that? come on guys be real and use some logic. people want to hear about and watch who wins. espn wants advertisers and ratings. you really think they want to talk about games that dont mean much?

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No offense, but you have to be some sort of dumb ### to say

Oct 16, 2012, 7:51 AM

ESPN doesn't pimp it's own product.

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Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it

Oct 16, 2012, 8:53 AM [ in reply to Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it ]

you obviously need to keep up with current news. The media has been relentless on the RN story and now he is wavering...

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Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it

Oct 16, 2012, 8:52 AM [ in reply to Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it ]

and you are warped...look up who has more players in the NFL...and dont choke when you report back...

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Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it

Oct 16, 2012, 6:55 PM

The SEC does...

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COLLEGE: A three-year starter at strong safety for Clemson, finished his career with 234 tackles and 11 interceptions.

Plus the "quality opponent" thing is a product of the SEC

Oct 16, 2012, 7:50 AM [ in reply to Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it ]

hype machine known as ESPN. Florida being ranked #2 is a prime example. They've done nothing to deserve that ranking, but they play in the SEC so they must be good. Then that type of exaggeratted nonsense perpetuates itself. It will affect the Florida / USuC game, for instance. The winner looks like a world-beater, and the loser won't suffer much in the rankings...as a result, at least in part, to the ESPN hype machine.

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Re: Plus the "quality opponent" thing is a product of the SEC

Oct 16, 2012, 6:56 PM

They beat LSU, who looks like every bit of a top 10 team. Are you serious?

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COLLEGE: A three-year starter at strong safety for Clemson, finished his career with 234 tackles and 11 interceptions.

Are you serious? LSU struggled against Auburn for crying out

Oct 16, 2012, 8:19 PM

loud. A win over LSU does not mean you're number 2 in the country.

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Re: Are you serious? LSU struggled against Auburn for crying out

Oct 16, 2012, 8:32 PM

We struggled with Wofford last year and were in the top 10. "struggling" on the road doesn't mean much in college football. What's the one Oregon game that's been close at halftime this year? On the road Washington State, who is probably the worst team on their schedule that people have heard of.

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COLLEGE: A three-year starter at strong safety for Clemson, finished his career with 234 tackles and 11 interceptions.

What are you even talking about? There is no reason to waste

Oct 16, 2012, 8:35 PM

one more second talking about last year or over-analyzing anyone else at any point in time. The point here and the point of the subject post is that the ESPN is irrefutably an SEC propaganda machine, and Florida being ranked as the 2nd best team in America is a prime example of that.

Just stop with the nonsense already.

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Re: What are you even talking about? There is no reason to waste

Oct 16, 2012, 8:43 PM

You said that LSU is not worthy of being in the top 10 because they struggled on the road with Auburn. I countered by pointing out that if you removed every team from the top 10 that has struggled on the road against an inferior opponent, you would be left with Bama. My point about Clemson last year serves to demonstrate how teams can struggle even at home against crappy teams and still being in the top 10. The SEC is the best conference per the media, the coaches, the computers, the NFL, and most sane people in the world. Hard to believe ESPN got that many people in on their conspiracy.

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COLLEGE: A three-year starter at strong safety for Clemson, finished his career with 234 tackles and 11 interceptions.

Hey dork...

Oct 16, 2012, 8:45 PM

I'm literally laughing out loud at you right now.

If you really think Florida being ranked 2nd in the nation makes sense, and if you think ESPN is NOT an SEC propaganda machine, then you're just not very smart.

That's all. Carry on.

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See post above for what not having a valid argument looks

Oct 16, 2012, 8:47 PM


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COLLEGE: A three-year starter at strong safety for Clemson, finished his career with 234 tackles and 11 interceptions.

You're not all that bright huh?

Oct 17, 2012, 8:06 AM

Let's try this another way:

1) Do you think Florida is the #2 team in America?

2) Do you disagree that ESPN over-promotes the SEC?

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Re: You're not all that bright huh?

Oct 17, 2012, 1:16 PM

Florida has beaten aTm and Tenn on the road. They also beat LSU at home. Are you saying none of those three teams are in the top 30 or so college football teams?

Lets take a look at the other teams who I would presume you would have ranked #2.

Oregon - has played only 2 ranked teams, one of which, Arizona has lost their last 3 to ranked teams including Oregon. Are they putting up a lot of points? Yes. But they have also played Ark St, Tenn Tech, Fresno St and Wash St.

Kansas St - Has played only 1 ranked team, OU and won. Other than that, very lack luster resume.

Notre Dame - Beat a MSU team that was thought to be the best of the Big 10 and has since dropped 2 in conference. Beat Michigan who has only scored 2 tds on teams of any relevance so far this year. Blowing out Purdue and Illinois is not very credible. And this past weekend beat Stanford on a blown call.

Oregon St - Probably the best candidate for #2 if you do not think Florida is, by having beat Wiscy, BYU and UCLA.

WVU - See last weeks game against the Red Raiders of Lubbock.

Florida State - Lost to NC ST who only has 3 other wins on the year, two against FCS teams and the other, UConn.

So Stanley, I would say Florida is the number 2 team in the country right now.

As for your question about ESPN over-promoting the SEC, when Ohio State was rolling in the early 2000's it was a buckeye lovefest on the mothership. When Vince Young and Colt McCoy were curbstomping the rest of the Big12 and all of college football for that matter, ESPN might as well of changed their colors to burnt orange and white. It is all about who is winning and for the last several years, the SEC has had Alabama, LSU, Auburn (all-be-it purchased) Florida, Carolina and Arkansas all playing top notch football.

Does this give an unfair advantage? Yes I do believe it does as it gives more exposure for recruits and pumps money into the programs. However that will not be stopped by the NCAA so the only way to stop it, is to win. Something schools outside of the SEC have not done much of lately.

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Are you really using 51st ranked Tennessee as evidence

Oct 17, 2012, 8:38 PM

that Florida is the 2nd best team in America?

No need to go any further than that. Good effort though.

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Re: Are you really using 51st ranked Tennessee as evidence

Oct 17, 2012, 11:48 PM

That 51st ranked team ran NC State out of the GA Dome who beat FSU which walloped Clemson.

Since you didnt care to read the rest of my post, and are clearly such an expert on college football, please enlighten me on who your top 10 would be...

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Um, you don't really think your silly attempt at using a

Oct 18, 2012, 8:07 AM

transitive property changes the fact Tennessee is ranked 51st and not in the 30's like you suggested?

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Re: Um, you don't really think your silly attempt at using a

Oct 18, 2012, 1:19 PM

So take the UT win out of the equation, they have still beat LSU at aTm. As I have said, since you clearly no more about college football than I, enlighten me on who you think should be in the top 10...

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Well that's good you can admit you messed that one up. In my

Oct 18, 2012, 1:36 PM

opinion, at a minimum Oregon, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Kansas St, WVA, FSU, and Ohio State would beat Florida if they lined up and played Florida on a neutral field tomorrow. Heck, throw Clemson in there too. We can all have our opinions on that - I think this board has clearly spoken about Florida's apparent over-ranking. I don't think Florida has proven to be the 2nd ranked team in America. LSU and TAMU don't make that so either. We can agree to disagree.

Can you at least admit ESPN overhypes the SEC?

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Re: Well that's good you can admit you messed that one up. In my

Oct 18, 2012, 4:00 PM

Oregon, Kansas State, Oklahoma and Ohio State maybe.

No way Notre Dame would move the ball on Florida. WVA? After that showing in Lubbock last week? Obviously you didnt watch the game or you would know what happens to WV when they play a team with a fast aggressive defense like Florida.

As I have said before, I think ESPN does not give proportionate coverage to each conference, however the SEC has a very large following and typically provides the best games and highlights. Does it unfairly effect recruiting and budgets? Yes. But again, like I said before, Ohio State benefited from this in the early 2000's, Texas during the Vince Young Colt McCoy era, USC during the "Hey were going to put 5 QB's in the NFL within 6 years era". When teams are winning, they get move coverage. It just so happens that there are several SEC teams that have been winning a lot lately.

If you dont like it, watch Fox Sports.

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Oct 18, 2012, 7:13 PM

Ask a thousand fans about the rankings, and you'll get a thousand different opinions. regardless, I think this board is a pretty good indication that most people think Florida at #2 is a joke.

I couldn't care less if ESPN pimps their own product. In any case, it's irrefutable that they do.

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Oct 19, 2012, 9:40 AM

I dont care about a Thousand fans, I am asking you who you think. Stop side stepping the question and answer it since you think you are so smart.

If Florida is not number 2 in the country, who do you feel should be and why?

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Re: You're not all that bright huh?

Oct 17, 2012, 8:48 PM [ in reply to You're not all that bright huh? ]

Hey, if ou can't got the distace without personal insults, i guess that's your prerogative. As to your questions,

1. No. I think they are a top 10 team, but as far as passing the eyeball test, it's probably Oregon or SUC. I can see how UF is number 2 though because they are undefeated, with 2 top 25 wins, one of which was a top 5 team.

2. Yes. I think they promote teams proportionate to their relativity on a national scale.

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COLLEGE: A three-year starter at strong safety for Clemson, finished his career with 234 tackles and 11 interceptions.

Please spare me the hypocrisy, but thanks for agreeing with

Oct 17, 2012, 8:51 PM

the only points I was making.

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Re: Please spare me the hypocrisy, but thanks for agreeing with

Oct 17, 2012, 8:54 PM

I believe i disagreed with both of your points, unless you're etch-a-sketching.

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COLLEGE: A three-year starter at strong safety for Clemson, finished his career with 234 tackles and 11 interceptions.

You should just change your handle to secsportsdummy...

Oct 18, 2012, 8:10 AM

..if you really believe Florida has proven to be #2 in the country.

And if you deny ESPN is a pimp for the SEC, then you're either lying or perpetually high.

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Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it

Oct 16, 2012, 8:51 AM [ in reply to Re: Constantly promoting/pimping a product to where it ]

No. you are wrong. case in point...last year Oklahoma State beat more quality opponents that Alabama but guess who played LSU in the NCG?? You are as biased as they are in your espn comfort zone. it will all crash down cause ppl are sick of it and guess what they spend money too.

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It reached that point about four or five years ago***

Oct 15, 2012, 1:49 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

Coincidentally around the time of that mammoth TV deal***

Oct 15, 2012, 1:50 PM

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: It reached that point about four or five years ago***

Oct 15, 2012, 1:50 PM [ in reply to It reached that point about four or five years ago*** ]

The reason they've dominated the past 5 or six years is because of an espn conspiracy? come on guys.....

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That's not what I said.***

Oct 15, 2012, 1:51 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

Re: It reached that point about four or five years ago***

Oct 15, 2012, 2:17 PM [ in reply to Re: It reached that point about four or five years ago*** ]

No one said anything about a conspiracy. But ESPN has a vested interest in seeing the SEC succeed.

As a media organization, that's dangerous in something as subjective as college football.

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Re: It reached that point about four or five years ago***

Oct 16, 2012, 8:55 AM [ in reply to Re: It reached that point about four or five years ago*** ]

yes. because of how they manipulate the polls. I mean really how many quality opponents has SCAR beaten this season? and they are top ten? really...

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 15, 2012, 1:51 PM

If we want them to stop talking about how good the SEC is, then we need to give them something to talk about the ACC with besides how weak we are.

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Oct 15, 2012, 2:30 PM

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 16, 2012, 8:56 AM [ in reply to Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN ]

3 good teams in the SEC. how does that compare???

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 16, 2012, 8:57 AM [ in reply to Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN ]

you are a pathetic coot troll with no guts

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Yup, and he also goes by cockstripe777. The guy

Oct 16, 2012, 8:36 PM

has some serious issues.

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You tell 'em, cocklover!***

Oct 16, 2012, 8:36 PM [ in reply to Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN ]

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 15, 2012, 1:53 PM

If the Tigers keep winning it will all work out.The Tigers have got a lot of love from ESPN over the years but right when you think Clemson is for real they pull a Clemson.

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 15, 2012, 3:26 PM

That's F'ed up that you would actually use that phrase on us. Perception is reality you idiot.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 16, 2012, 8:58 AM [ in reply to Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN ]

about like USuCk pulled a USuCk last week??

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If you want to get really drunk at your tailgate, take a swi

Oct 15, 2012, 1:54 PM

g every time you hear one of them say "SEC".

You'll run out of beer before the night games start.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: If you want to get really drunk at your tailgate, take a swi

Oct 15, 2012, 1:57 PM

Maybe they should talk about completely irrelevant teams -- my hope is that the Deleware Blue Hens will get some espn love sometime soon!

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Re: If you want to get really drunk at your tailgate, take a swi

Oct 16, 2012, 8:59 AM

biased idiot...one extreme to the other...

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I watch ESPN as much as anyone, I guess.

Oct 15, 2012, 1:55 PM

I don't understand accusations of bias toward one conference. Sure, they may talk a lot about the SEC, but think about the demographics. I'm quite sure many more fans of SEC teams are watching than any other conference. They have to appeal to their viewers. Same reason they talk about Big East and ACC basketball.

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Herbie is Ohio State alum and Corso is ex-FSU coach

Oct 15, 2012, 2:10 PM

So at least the Gameday crew has some non-sec cred.
Not to mention the guy who coined the phrase "most exciting 25 seconds in college football".

I think if we win then we'll get love.

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Absolutely. They talk about the winners.***

Oct 15, 2012, 2:19 PM

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They do and say what the paycheck signers tell them to***

Oct 16, 2012, 6:40 AM [ in reply to Herbie is Ohio State alum and Corso is ex-FSU coach ]

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I watch ESPN as much as anyone, I guess.

Oct 16, 2012, 9:00 AM [ in reply to I watch ESPN as much as anyone, I guess. ]

you obviously haven't been watching basketball shows. Its all SEC

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There is a reason why people pay millions for advertising

Oct 15, 2012, 1:56 PM

and marketing of their products. If people see something enough - they will start to believe it. And buy (into) it. So, now they've got the voters.

Even worse, any recruit who watches ESPN (i.e. all of them) will believe they are "settling" for less than they "deserve" if they play anywhere else.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: There is a reason why people pay millions for advertising

Oct 15, 2012, 2:09 PM

The conference winner has been in the national championship game for the last 6 years. They talk about them because they have the most games people want to watch. If it doesn't include Clemson and fsu with the ACC noone cars. Would you rather watch Georgia vs LSU or North Carolina vs Duke? Both are middle pack teams from each conference based on the standings and it's a landslide. Only fans of ACC schools watch their games and SEC games bring in a national audience because the football is very good.

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How long as ESPN been hyping them? About 8-9 years? And

Oct 15, 2012, 2:17 PM

they started winning Nat Champs a couple of years later? Hmmmmmm.

0.4 seconds after the horrible Alabama/LSU game ended last season, the ESPN guys were talking about a rematch. They spun it, they got it.

I guess it was halftime of the 2009 Clemson/SC game (SC was up 7-10 point) when Lou Holtz said, "An ACC offense can't hope to match the speed of an SEC defense." Completely ignoring the fact that ACC team had beaten that SEC team 5 of the previous 6 years.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Yep and A&M and Mizzou automatically got better the minute

Oct 15, 2012, 2:20 PM

they joined the SEC...just being in the SEC takes off .2 seconds from your 40 time and adds 50# to your bench.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Oct 15, 2012, 2:27 PM [ in reply to How long as ESPN been hyping them? About 8-9 years? And ]

Any information on how many of the media voters are ESPN employees or ESPN influenced? That might go a long way in looking into this alligation. Let's look at how they vote and see if it is different than the rest of the free world. I have always thought that this is fishy and it shows up when the top teams are all in the same league and the eventual winner has to be a SEC team. Let Oregon or K state lose and see what happens. I know that they don't play the top teams just like they claim the ACC doesn't, but a loss by Oregon to a PAC-12 team will hurt a lot more than a SEC vs. SEC loss. On the other hand, win out and we will show that world and ESPN will show the love to us.

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Explain the coaches' polls and computer rankings which also

Oct 16, 2012, 8:16 PM

seem to largely agree that the SEC teams are at the front of the pack. Do the Coaches also buy into the SEC hype machine? Or is it a machine that perpetuates itself based on the results?

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Re: Explain the coaches' polls and computer rankings which also

Oct 16, 2012, 8:21 PM

This guy gets it. Sometimes i can't even tell if folks on here are being serious with this zany conspiracy crap.

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COLLEGE: A three-year starter at strong safety for Clemson, finished his career with 234 tackles and 11 interceptions.

Re: How long as ESPN been hyping them? About 8-9 years? And

Oct 16, 2012, 10:07 PM [ in reply to How long as ESPN been hyping them? About 8-9 years? And ]

Just an FYI the Espinoza product is the acc. Our conference is their number one provider of content.espn has a bigger interest in the acc getting better more then failing.the issue is this the coots v/s Lu's was the number 1 watched game of the season. People watch the sec.Th e acc needs to win in and out of conference it needs us or flu to step up and others.
We have had one game so far this year at excited me as a fan. The fuss game and until we play another big game I am bored with this beat a crappy Boston coll bs. If you do not agree you are a fool. I want to play and win big games. I am so excited that the coots may come in and have a chance to help us get to a big time bowl. We beat their butts in the valley and we go possible CBS.

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It is way past that point***

Oct 15, 2012, 2:17 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

They sell their product and recruits buy it. It's getting

Oct 15, 2012, 2:21 PM

close to a monopoly in my opinion. The other conferences face an unfair playing field. Will continue to get worse!!

badge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Absolutely. No doubt the SEC has traditionally been the best

Oct 15, 2012, 2:23 PM

football conference; I'll give them that. On the other hand, SEC football is their "product" and ESPN hypes it every chance they get, and that definitely influences the perception and opinions of everyone from fans to players to pollsters to tv execs. That is not a good thing.

People who say "just win" are missing the point; the influence of ESPN creates an unlevel playing field in terms of exposure, which impacts $$$ and recruiting significantly, which makes winning more difficult for non-SEC teams.

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
- H. L. Mencken

Re:I, no longer, look at anything on their stations other

Oct 15, 2012, 2:27 PM

than the game. I refuse to listen to their commentary.

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Re:I, no longer, look at anything on their stations other

Oct 15, 2012, 2:41 PM

I didn't hear anyone on here last year complaining about media bias when Clemson was 8 an 0!Hell Clemson was ESPN's little darlin'.

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Auburn, FSU, VT back to back to back...

Oct 16, 2012, 8:21 PM

Please think a little harder next time, cockstripe.

Oh wait, I forgot you're already thinking at max capability.

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Re: Commentators repeatedly were talking about TAMU

Oct 15, 2012, 2:38 PM

having SEC speed. Good grief. One year in and already part of the hype.

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Old news....That's what I said last year about ESPN/ABC....

Oct 15, 2012, 2:38 PM

It is in their extreme best interest to promote the SEC (recruiting, rankings, and bowl tie-ins). ESPN/ABC stands to make a lot of money the better the SEC is.

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 15, 2012, 2:38 PM

A long time ago, ND was the near unanimous media darling. If they won a game, they where champs. If they won 2 games, some Irish player was a sure Heisman Contender. If the Irish lost, they were always looking ahead to a bigger team or unlucky. If two teams were undefeated ND won the national championship.

The Big Ten wore the mantle of 'most votes' in the top 20 for decades. Pretty much any and all big ten teams were hailed as the best. For many decades playing in the Big Ten was like playing in the SEC now.

Today, the SEC is the darling of the national media and ESPN and CBS. So far this year, the SEC is 4-5 versus other BCS AQ conferences, but never mind, they get hailed as the best conference. The top ranked teams in the SEC are Bama, Florida, SC, MS, LSU and Georgia. Among all those teams, they have only two wins versus BCS teams out of conference (Bama over Michigan, LSU over Washington).

It really does help to have good PR. And someone has always had good PR. This is just the SECs good PR/hype time in the limelight.


2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Vandy lost to NW, UK lost to Louisville, Auburn lost

Oct 15, 2012, 3:03 PM

to Clemson, Arkansas lost to Rutgers, and Ole Miss lost to Texas. Those are arguably the 5 worst teams in the SEC and harldy indicative of anything.

I think the PAC 12 is as good as the SEC this year, but SEC the best more years than not.

Message was edited by: josephg®

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgringofhonor-jospehg.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Are they SEC members? Did they lose to other conferences?

Oct 15, 2012, 4:23 PM

End of story!!

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Only if you're a moron.***

Oct 15, 2012, 7:36 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgringofhonor-jospehg.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

In all fairness

Oct 15, 2012, 2:38 PM

hasn't SEC won 5 of last 6 national titles? They'll float in whatever direction the winds of NC's take them I guess - since that seems to be where most of the glory is.

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Re: In all fairness

Oct 15, 2012, 2:50 PM

The point is that the recruits are hearing ESPN's bull$h:++ & this will influence the recruit. Same kinda thing a few years back when a recruit would go to a certain school because of it's shoe deal (Nike vs Adidas, New Balance, Reebok, etc.).

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpgmilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Si vis pacem, para bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war)
USMC 1980-83
-Camp Lejeune
-Beirut, Lebanon
SC National Guard 1983-2018

By the time the BCS picks 2 teams to play

Oct 16, 2012, 6:48 AM [ in reply to In all fairness ]

in the NC game, the spin Dr's at ESPN/ABC have made sure that the SEC will have at least one team in the game. It starts early, and continues all season. When SCe lost last week to LSU, the dropped only 6 places in the polls. When we lost to FSU, we dropped more (maybe 9). When any SEC team loses to another SEC team, the perception is that they shouldn't drop because it was the SEC. At the end of the season, the SEC teams who lose do not "pay" in the polls like other schools. Just a fact.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do we have such a

Oct 15, 2012, 2:57 PM

Complex abt our conference affiliation? I mean, WE WON THE ACC. No matter what they say, the ACC is RELEVANT!
We need to beat USC to remain relevant, Nationally.

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After being enlightened I believe ESPN & SEC are a Couple***

Oct 15, 2012, 3:02 PM


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Oct 15, 2012, 3:05 PM [ in reply to Why do we have such a ]

The smell can't be covered up even when you try.

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if we meet southern cal in a bowl game, that is.

Oct 18, 2012, 3:54 AM [ in reply to Why do we have such a ]

we don't have them on our schedule as it stands. that is who you mean, isn't it?

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No. I do think UF is too high but South Carolina

Oct 15, 2012, 3:08 PM

and LSU are probably too low.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgringofhonor-jospehg.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Anybody see CNBC this AM?

Oct 15, 2012, 3:34 PM

Joe Kernan twice, in different segments with different guests, brought up the UF and SCAR game and asked the guests about the game. He even mentioned the game time and the fact it was on CBS (a competing network btw). Kernan is not an SEC alum, he went to MIT.

If ESPN has caused this kind of conversation nationally about the SEC product then they have done a mighty good job. ESPN is not to blame. The Big 10 and the PAC 12 both have lots of big money football programs with lots of fans, but each conference gets dominated by the SEC in the NC game.

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Re: Anybody see CNBC this AM?

Oct 15, 2012, 4:03 PM

This is from 2010 but it could explain what a lot are saying in this thread. They promote what's going to get ratings.

Most Watched College Football Games in 2010 season

Obviously not counting bowl games:

11/26 CBS Auburn vs. Alabama 7.3 12,520,000
12/4 CBS SEC Championship: Auburn vs. South Carolina 6.0 10,093,000
9/6 ESPN Boise State vs. Virginia Tech 6.3 9,888,000
12/4 ABC Big 12 Championship: Nebraska vs. Oklahoma 5.3 8,981,000
10/2 CBS Florida vs. Alabama 5.0 8,595,000
11/13 CBS Georgia vs. Auburn 5.0 8,262,000
9/25 CBS Alabama vs. Arkansas 5.2 8,138,000
11/26 ESPN Arizona vs. Oregon 4.5 7,787,000
10/9 CBS Alabama vs. South Carolina 4.8 7,662,000

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When did a Pac12 team get dominated?***

Oct 15, 2012, 4:11 PM [ in reply to Anybody see CNBC this AM? ]

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I watched most of the Texas A&M game and wish I had counted

Oct 15, 2012, 4:07 PM

the number of the times the announcer said something about their SEC defense or other SEC mention.

These are the same players they had when they were not in the SEC and their coach did not come the SEC.

Good grief!

Normally I would disagree such "feelings" but when ESPN is constantly saying crud like "SEC speed" and using for a team that just joined the SEC they have crossed the line.

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 15, 2012, 4:18 PM

without a doubt!! it is \having a huge effect now and it will only get worse

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 15, 2012, 4:22 PM

We should get rid of ESPN before it becomes too big

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 16, 2012, 9:01 AM

we should get rid of you coot

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Re: If you want to get really drunk at your tailgate, take a swi

Oct 15, 2012, 4:56 PM

What is this "night game" of which you speak?

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 15, 2012, 5:16 PM

Does ESPN have some effect? Of course it does. The point is that other teams outside of the SEC are going to have to start beating them in these big, primetime match-ups. Another problem is the number of fans. The ratings are going to be higher for a mediocre SEC team because their fans tune into the games. I hate it as much as the next guy, but it is a reality sadly. Teams like Clemson, FSU, VT, GT, Miami, UNC (any more please add them) need to step up. I feel like we are on the right path toward national relevance and we just need to stay the course. GO TIGERS AND BEAT THE HOKIES!!!

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Money corrupts everything. And there's a lot of money in

Oct 16, 2012, 6:56 PM


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Re: Money corrupts everything. And there's a lot of money in

Oct 16, 2012, 10:01 PM

you've got that right.college athletics are more about money and tv contracts now than true sporting competition.consider the semi-pro "student athletes"in a lot of the d-1 schools.one conference in particular comes to mind.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgmilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 16, 2012, 9:03 PM

How does the SEC usually fare when the play out of conference? Bowl Season?
Who in the ACC can beat Bama? Clemson or FSU on a good day.
LSU? Clemson or FSU on a good day
Georgia, Coots, Florida, Clemson or FSU.
There are five teams in the SEC that the ACC only has two schools that can compete with them.
Look at stadiums between the two conferences. Most of the ACC stadiums are high school stadiums compared to the SEC stadiums.

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Wonder how ESecPN is going to spin it when Oregon

Oct 17, 2012, 9:18 AM

beats the snot out of whoever they pick from the sec.

Unless they circumvent that situation with some hokey sec rematch , like they did last year .

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Re: Wonder how ESecPN is going to spin it when Oregon

Oct 17, 2012, 8:57 PM

I would bet on Bama to beat the ducks.

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Re: Wonder how ESecPN is going to spin it when Oregon

Oct 18, 2012, 2:21 AM [ in reply to Wonder how ESecPN is going to spin it when Oregon ]

you really think Okie State was better than Bama last year?

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Re: Wonder how ESecPN is going to spin it when Oregon

Oct 18, 2012, 9:25 PM

No one was better than Bama last year.

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In short: yes.***

Oct 17, 2012, 9:20 AM

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 18, 2012, 2:20 AM

the SEC has more BCS titles than every other conference combined. That's not ESPN hype, that's winning when it matters

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Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 18, 2012, 2:07 PM

Not gonna argue that point. The point is that ESPN is helping the SEC schools in recruiting. The more 5-star recruits the SEC gets, the more BCS titles. This man-crush that ESPN has is BS.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpgmilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Si vis pacem, para bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war)
USMC 1980-83
-Camp Lejeune
-Beirut, Lebanon
SC National Guard 1983-2018

ESPN > NCAA (and/or BCS)

Oct 18, 2012, 1:58 PM

television rules all - ESPN is paying for content and has a economic interest in that content.

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Oct 18, 2012, 11:43 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Does anyone else think that it's reached a point where ESPN

Oct 19, 2012, 1:00 PM

its gotten to the point where i never feel like i miss anything if i dont watch. Thats how bad it is at espn.

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