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TNET: Clemson University extends mask mandate requirement
Sep 3, 2021, 10:26 AM
Clemson University extends mask mandate requirement
Wearing masks combined with thorough testing is working in Tiger Town in the battle against COVID-19. Clemson University sent an email out to all students, faculty, and staff on Friday stating that Clemson will continue their mask mandate through October 8. The University continues to evaluate all p Read Update » |
Orange Blooded [2137]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Clemson University extends mask mandate requirement
Sep 3, 2021, 10:37 AM
Masks have continually been shown to ineffective in preventing clinical symptoms and consequences in randomized clinical trials. To ignore the proven science for a "model" undermines any institution's credibility. Testing and self quarantine work, masks merely cover up narratives and poor judgement.
Tiger Titan [48279]
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So you’re saying that your data is superior to Clemson University’s data?***
Sep 3, 2021, 10:44 AM
Freshman [-94]
TigerPulse: 68%
Do you think Clemson has data
Sep 3, 2021, 11:43 AM
That other schools don’t? Because other schools, including universities with medical schools, have very different policies than Clemson. They’re not requiring a mask and they’re not doing random testing. Some of them are not even requiring, mandating, vaccines.
But Clemson, which does not have a medical school, has better data?
And I can show you dozens of studies that all have varying degrees of efficacy for wearing a mask, but what they all have in common is testing a surgical mask or an N 95 mask. But very few people actually wear one of those types of mask. Most people are wearing something that does absolutely nothing. And when you go to the hospital they give you a one size fits all mask that is falling off the faces of most of the people wearing them.
Come on man use some common sense! Pull your head out your rear end! Apply a little critical thinking and observational skills.
Playmaker [350]
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110%er [6825]
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Re: TNET: Clemson University extends mask mandate requirement
Sep 3, 2021, 12:50 PM
^^^^^^^^ THIS! ^^^^^^^^
Masks (other than N-95's) don't protect the individual... They protect others by limiting the chance for spread...
Vaccinations reduce the number of vectors (reservoirs for rampant viral replication which statistically increases the odds for mutations). If everyone got vaccinated this virus would disappear. With the low percentage of vaccinated people in America, we will be dealing with this virus for years and years.
Another fact for you... you can be vaccinated and still have the virus in your nasal passages after exposure, which can spread to others. You just won't have the rampant replication of the virus because of your host defenses. Hence the recommendation for masks even for vaccinated people.
Unfortunately, masks have become a political hot button and there is much misinformation being propagated. Stick with peer-reviewed medical information from reputable medical journals.
Rival Killer [2836]
TigerPulse: 100%
Freshman [-94]
TigerPulse: 68%
Dude here’s your problem ….
Sep 3, 2021, 11:40 AM
Me and many others have repeatedly said a surgical mask or an N 95 mask, when properly fitted, and when worn correctly, have some efficacy. But that efficacy is limited.
But where you people are morons and missing the point is very few people are actually wearing a true surgical mask or an N 95 mask. The vast majority of people are wearing a mask that does absolutely nothing!
And even the people that do wear a surgical mask or an N 95 mask often don’t wear one that fits properly and they don’t wear it correctly. So even a lot of people wearing the right kind of mask are reducing its advocacy even further.
Here is a study that just came out of Canada. I love the headline. The headline makes it sound like masks are highly effective, but when you read the actual story you realize they’re not as effective as people want you to think.
Clemson Conqueror [12014]
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your skull is mighty thick
Sep 3, 2021, 11:47 AM
Tell me why surgeons wear surgical masks (instead of N95s)?
A lot of this may seem like common sense,” he said. “There is a reason, for instance, that medical practitioners wear N95 masks – they work much better. The novelty here is that we have provided solid numbers and rigorous analysis to support that assumption.”?
Orange Blooded [2587]
TigerPulse: 92%
Re: Dude here’s your problem ….
Sep 3, 2021, 11:48 AM
[ in reply to Dude here’s your problem …. ] |
Did you actually read this article? I'm not sure you did, or you're more dumb than I already thought you were.
110%er [6825]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Dude here’s your problem ….
Sep 3, 2021, 12:07 PM
[ in reply to Dude here’s your problem …. ] |
You do realize that many of the studies within the actual article as well as the studies reference in the article still show that non-sugical, non-N95 masks aka cloth mask are still effective at reducing transmission of RVI.
Here is the excerpt from their literarture survey:
"Recent observational studies and meta-analyses of mask effectiveness have estimated that mask usage reduces the risk of respiratory virus spread by 70% to 80%.22 Efficacy of home-made masks at preventing spread of influenza showed that surgical masks are three times more effective at blocking micro-organism transmission than home-made masks23–25 ...There is, however, evidence that communities in which masks were in widespread use exhibited significantly reduced community spread.24,25"
So if surgical masks are as high as 80% effective, and they are 3X better at blocking than home masks, we can work that out.Curious to tell how long they tracked transmissions and how many infection cycles.
Take 100 people that would be at risk for infection if unprotected. At 80% risk reduction that means 20% are infected vs unprotected. So 100 becomes 20. So what about "cloth" well, instead of 80%, it would be 40% effective. Wait, that is 1/2 of 80% but that would be a 3X less efficacy. Thus rather than infecting 100 people it infect 60 people.
That isn't insignificant.
In three infection cycles if, you could have 100 infecting 100 infecting 100. Or 1,000,000 infections With even a 40% efficacy, you would only have 216,000 infections. A near 85% drop in cases. Vs a80% efficacy, you have 8,000 cases.
Even if masks dropped infections by only 5%, then you would only have 860,000 infections vs 1 million. it is all about compounding impacts.
Recruit [61]
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Ultimate Tiger [33096]
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Dude here’s YOUR problem: I've read your other 6,317 posts
Sep 3, 2021, 3:59 PM
[ in reply to Dude here’s your problem …. ] |
on this subject - I'm so GLAD you keep posting about it because - until this post here, I didn't believe you . . . BUT YOU HAVE CHANGED MY MIND.
Ok - so you you didn't - at all. Give it up - you aren't going to change anyone's mind on an internet sports board.
Just like I'm not going to change your mind about pradelling on and on, post after post, with this post.
So why am I bothering ? I'm as big an idiot as you are.
Orange Blooded [2587]
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Covid bored --------->
Sep 3, 2021, 10:40 AM
Ultimate Clemson Legend [100439]
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I already RA'd the post***
Sep 3, 2021, 10:50 AM
Orange Elite [5125]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Clemson University extends mask mandate requirement
Sep 3, 2021, 12:38 PM
I assume TNet is working to get a statement from DRad about how this affects game day?
Orange Blooded [2273]
TigerPulse: 97%
Sep 3, 2021, 3:43 PM
......I am not anti-mask, I'm just anti-force against one's will. I would love to see the "models" Clemson has used bc there are current studies that show schools overseas who are not mandating mask have very little to no difference to schools here in this country that will suspend you, dox you and ruin a students ability to get an education if you don't where a mask. It's hard for me to agree with Clemson that mask are helping because you know, science and all. Usually when trying to hypothesis you have a control whether that control being masked or unmasked you can't come up with a scientific theory based on a one sided experiment. I suppose one reason Clemson believes it is working is because like health professionals a couple months ago stated that we would see a decrease after a month or 2. It's only natural. There are only so many subjects the virus can infect. My theory is there is a decrease bc of the number of people who've already had covid and have natural immunity which in Israel scientist are saying that natural immunity is like 27 times more potent than the vaccine. It's funny because you don't hear the national media talk about Israel bc they were the most vaccinated country in the world and the Delta variant still ran rampant through that country which made scientist think that the vaccine actually made people more susceptible to the Delta variant. Anyways I'm not here to argue about Covid anymore. I am Covid out. I haven't taken one measure to "protect" myself any more than any other year and I especially refuse to wear a mask. If a company or business insist then I take my business elsewhere, it's pretty simple. You know for some reason though people have this strange opinion that I have to take care of their health, well to the contrary I could care less about your health. It's your job to keep you and your family healthy and it's my job to keep mine. I will give just a little though and say if a pro-abortion advocate agrees that having an abortion is murder I''ll get the vaccine. Killing a baby is way more damaging than someone thinking your killing them for not wearing a mask. Just think of the lineage of people that killing that one baby would erase. Think of it this way, who would not be alive if your great great grandmother was aborted. Sorry don't know how I got off on abortion. Anyways Go Tigers!!!!
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