I remember when we lived in Houston years ago and Coach Tom Tellez at U of H was churning out Olympic track athletes with the likes of Carl Lewis leading the way. Back then, Olympic athletes, as well as NCAA athletes were deemed "Amateurs" and the powers that be seemed to fully believe and enforce the concept. However, I remember one year when the Santa Monica Track Club raided a bunch of Coach Tellez' prize sprinters, there was an article in the Houston Post re: Carl Lewis would not be "turning pro" because he would have to take a huge pay cut. WHAT....everyone thought to themselves? Come to find out that Carl and his sister had new sports cars and were raking in over a quarter million dollars a year, which in the early 80's was a lotsa money. Additionally, their family was mysteriously set up in a very successful travel agency business (with no prior experience) which made millions. It was apparent way back then, that the true meaning of the word "amateur" would soon pass from the Webster's Dictionary.