WATCH: ESPN analyst ranks Clemson traditions among top-5 favorite in college football |
ESPN analyst Greg McElroy reviewed his favorite college football traditions he's experienced as an analyst or player, and Clemson's Hill and Rock tradition rated highly.
McElroy placed the Clemson pregame traditions at No. 3 on his list. "You do it for a night game and it's a really special experience," said the former Alabama QB and now ESPN college football analyst McElroy. "Why do they have to get on buses and drive halfway around the stadium? I don't know -- that drives me crazy, but that's a conversation for a different day. I love when they run down the field. I always get nervous I might add every time I do a game at Clemson. I'm always nervous wreck -- someone's going to fall because you go down the Hill and it's actually legit steep and guys are jumping and running and I would fall and twist an ankle and be out for the game. "That scares me to death, but either way, it's a great to enter the field and it's a great way to start the game." McElroy's complete top-5 has Chief Osceola's spear-plant at FSU at No. 5 and the Hawkeye Wave at Iowa at No. 4 and Auburn rolling Toomer's Corner at No. 2 and the Army-Navy march at No. 1.

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