military_techFreshman auto_awesome10 favoriteN/A%
place Iva, SC
work Manufacturing
brush Sports Talk Radio
accessibility_new Joined 2008-07-05
search Last Seen 2020-03-19 09:43:39.0
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Kool-Aid Jim, (I was given this nickname by Mickey Plyler and Roy Philpot) I am a part time producer with WCCP, and an avid fan of the station and its hosts. I got introduced to Clemson when I was 9 years old, and did not miss a home game from late 1977-1992. I ended up married into a big family in 1992 and I now (still married to the same woman) have 7 kids total. Unfortunatly I do not get to attend many games anymore as I have 2 kids in college, 3 in high school, and 2 in middle school. The family budget is not too great. I am however always pulling for the Tigers no matter where I am. I drink the Orange Kool-Aid so to speak, ~smile~.