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I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out


Sep 27, 2024, 7:47 AM

on the coast. Now? Yall who do this are a special kind of crazy. Screw this.

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Re: I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out


Sep 27, 2024, 7:57 AM

It only takes one strong storm and you have a different perspective. Any storm Cat 1 or above, I’m gone somewhere else. I will come back afterwards to check on damage. Hugo cured me!!

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Re: I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out


Sep 27, 2024, 8:15 AM

MY brother used to live near Raleigh and he decided to ride Hugo out. Part way through he regretted that decision but was locked in. Every storm is different and the stay decision locks you in if something changes and get worse. It's you life decide wisely and protect it accodingly

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Re: I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out


Sep 27, 2024, 8:20 AM

Man. I live in Fayetteville and spent 10 days without power during Michael. We flooded out. I almost lost my home. That was a unique situation.

In Jacksonville NC I rode a few out. They weren’t horrible. But they weren’t Cat 4 either. Helen is a different beast

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We stayed. A little stressful last night.


Sep 27, 2024, 11:14 AM

Most businesses closed. Schools closed.
Half the traffic lights out. Highway 46 closed toward Savannah. Random power outages and internet outages.

Trees, big tree limbs and other loose stuff down and blown around. Can't see some streets for the line straw.

We got through it ok but the yard is going to take a week. It looks like a war zone.

We stayed through a bunch of tropical storms and a couple of Cat 1 hurricanes including the Bonnie/Charley doubleheader and Irma.

Evacuated for Matthew and Dorian.

Stayed for Helene. Sketchy but OK.
The water was t a big problem here due to almost no storm syrge.

I hope all my Upstate peeps are OK.

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Re: I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out


Sep 27, 2024, 9:29 AM [ in reply to Re: I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out ]

Where do you evacuate to from Raleigh?

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Re: I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out


Sep 27, 2024, 8:47 AM

Most of those folks who try and ride the storm out, they are poor elderly people and just poor people that just can't afford to go anywhere else!!!!!!!!!! The same kind of people who get caught in countries that are at war, like all those elderly folks in Ukraine, and most of those folks that Israel have been slaughtering... Poor Elderly and just poor people are the ones that will always have to suffer during dangerous weather and wars, and they are only guilty of being poor!!!!

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Re: I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out


Sep 27, 2024, 9:07 AM

You really should change the channel you get your "facts" from.

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Re: I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out


Sep 27, 2024, 9:11 AM

I was on Staten Island, NY when Sandy hit in 2012. 23 people who refused to evacuate were dragged out to the ocean when Sandy hit the south shore. I don’t really have respect for those who ride it out.

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Re: I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out


Sep 27, 2024, 9:13 AM

I get several people stayed because they were rightfully afraid their homes would be looted if they left.

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Re: I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out


Sep 27, 2024, 11:33 AM

I was stationed at Kessler AFB when Camille hit and she was a Cat4, nearing cat5. We were ordered to stay in place as we actually had no place to evacuate too at the time. Those storms will make you respect just how forceful Mother Nature can be. Glad I was on the 3rd floor so we didn’t get flooded. Pulled our bunk beds into the hallways to stay away from blowing glass if the windows broke. Those storms are nothing to mess with. Cat 1 I would stay, but anything worse I got the he77 out of dodge.

Message was edited by: Illnoistiger®

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Re: I used to have a strange respect for those who rode these out

Sep 27, 2024, 12:54 PM

Counter point: If you stay and there is damage to your property, you are there to mitigate it and possibly keep it from being a bigger problem. Also, in the event of major damage to roadways, you may not be allowed to return to your own property for an arbitrary amount of time, possibly leaving it vulnerable to looting, wildlife or further damage.
I've lived on the coast for around 15 years. The worst I've personally encountered was 4 days without power and many downed trees. Being home allowed me to keep a generator running and save all the food in my freezer and refrigerator. It allowed me to help neighbors make repairs to their houses and we all helped clear roads.

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