College football evolves. Think back over the last 100+ years. What began as a club sport has morphed through changes that find us Tigers facing adjust and adapt or blend into the pack. We’ve been there before, several times. We have proved somewhat resilient , from the Hiesman days through the Howard era, up to Danny Ford Days then through the rough to the present regime. We have historical heart and fight and three NCs. That’s much more than most so there’s our first asset. History. And along comes Dabo. A players coach like few before him. Took that history and crafted a culture based on winning in what he felt was the right way.A man of unashamed faith. Recruited toward his vision.Built a culture of winning. Got lucky with two millineum QBs.Won 2 championships. He is asset #2. Now here is semi-pro ball and the end of any pretense toward amateurism. It wasn’t enough. Players are free citizens of the United States. Of course they should profit from their labor. And with the public money comes all the chicanery. What used to be done in the back room is openly implemented. Rewards like an education are equaled out with wages of a sort. So asset 3 is financial reward. Liabilities. I’ll have to think on them and get back to you. But there is a way through, preserving what we have and growing the program. Unleash the great Tiger subconscious.