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Team Captain [457]
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Tiger Titan [50275]
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A couple of things. 1. no mention of unrealized capital gains so far
Sep 9, 2024, 1:15 PM
2. she missed the opportunity to say "rent is too #### high"
Top TigerNet [29122]
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How's the reparations thing coming along ? She should lead with that.
Sep 9, 2024, 1:17 PM
Message was edited by: clemchem®
Ultimate Tiger [35617]
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About dang time***
Sep 9, 2024, 1:17 PM
Tiger Titan [50919]
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You immediately get a pop up window wanting contributions/support.
Sep 9, 2024, 1:25 PM
Imagine that.
Orange Blooded [2426]
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That's one thing about politicians.
Sep 9, 2024, 1:29 PM
They ALWAYS want the $$$, no matter which side they're on.
Paw Warrior [4882]
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Tiger Titan [50275]
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Just read through it. IF she's able to do those things (which she won't), seems
Sep 9, 2024, 2:21 PM
pretty middle of the road.
Paw Master [16311]
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What about her senate tenure was "middle of the road"? I know who she is.***
Sep 9, 2024, 3:24 PM
Game Day Hero [4422]
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Re: Just read through it. IF she's able to do those things (which she won't), seems
Sep 9, 2024, 4:35 PM
[ in reply to Just read through it. IF she's able to do those things (which she won't), seems ] |
Middle of the road huh? Well ole Bernie Sanders does not think so. He let it slip that Kamala is saying what she needs to say to get elected. Translation, “she is telling lies to get elected”.
All-In [10763]
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Campaign Platform - Kamala forgets to say Just Frack It
Sep 9, 2024, 3:24 PM
Someone tell her that she forgot to include her ‘I support fracking’ aspect in her “Build an Opportunity Economy and Lower Costs for Families” subsection “Lower Energy Costs and Tackle the Climate Crisis” platform.
All-In [10763]
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Re: Harris/Walz campaign released their issues page
Sep 9, 2024, 3:30 PM
As for her “cap insulin costs” proposal, why did the Harris / Biden admin cancel the Trump admin's lowered insulin costs program back in 2021, only to propose bringing it back in Jan. 2025?
Kamala had a bone to pick with diabetics for 3.5 years? Glad she has stopped hating them.
Paw Warrior [4882]
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Re: Harris/Walz campaign released their issues page
Sep 9, 2024, 3:48 PM
All-In [10763]
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Birm be Wrong
Sep 9, 2024, 4:19 PM
Even TDS AP Fact Check admits that Trump admin had put forth a plan to lessen insulin prices for some people, with that plan going into effect in 2021.
The Biden / Harris administration repealed what the AP categorized as being “a narrow, Trump-era regulation that sought to lower the cost of insulin at federally funded health centers.” The regulation was never implemented (thanks to Joe Biden / Kamala quashing it) and (so-called by the TDS AP “experts” say its impact was expected to be limited.
Plowing through the BS is that Biden / Harris killed a Trump authored insulin cost amelioration program in 2021 (before it started). He kept the insulin savings away from patients until 2023.
So … yes, Harris and her bro saw to it that diabetics didn’t get a break in insulin costs until 2023. Had Trump remained in office, those patients would have had cost relief starting 2021.
Valley Protector [1417]
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All-In [10763]
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Re: Harris/Walz campaign released their issues page
Sep 9, 2024, 3:56 PM
Medicare Part D for 2025 is being lauded for capping out of pocket drug costs at $2000 per person. Sounds great as far as Medicare for Seniors, right?
Not so fast. No free lunch for you. C&P from AARP.
The caveat. “There was some concern that changes in the Medicare Part D benefit design that lower costs for beneficiaries, like the $2,000 cap, would lead to higher premiums for 2025,” says Tricia Neuman, executive director for KFF’s program on Medicare policy. The $2,000 cap doesn’t include premiums.
“The Inflation Reduction Act included a 6 percent cap on base Part D premiums, but the cap does not apply to the total premium that individual plans may charge,” she says. Part D plans will have to cover a larger share of the costs beyond the cap. Drug manufacturers and Medicare also contribute to the cost beyond the cap.
The 2025 Part D base premium is $36.78, but actual premiums vary depending on your location and plan.
“They [CMS officials] don’t want beneficiaries to have to end up paying more in premiums because they get a cap on their out-of-pocket expenses,” the Commonwealth Fund’s Jacobson says.“
What this means is that the cost for Medicare D premiums are going up, but no one knows how much they will increase as a result of the insurers not being able to charge a deductible for drugs after the $2000 / year deductible had been met.
Paw Warrior [4882]
TigerPulse: 75%
Re: Harris/Walz campaign released their issues page
Sep 9, 2024, 3:57 PM
Like I said the first time
All-In [10763]
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Birm be Wrong Again
Sep 9, 2024, 4:21 PM
Komrade Kamala thanks you for trying.
Valley Protector [1417]
TigerPulse: 93%
Re: Birm be Wrong Again
Sep 9, 2024, 4:50 PM
Komrade Kamala thanks you for trying.
He isn’t very smart
Paw Warrior [4882]
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All-In [10763]
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Re: Harris/Walz campaign released their issues page
Sep 9, 2024, 7:19 PM
There’s a reason that you don’t attempt to find sources that refute my C&P’s. I’ve provided citations. You’ve provided GIFs.
Gridiron Giant [15533]
TigerPulse: 100%
The entire Medicare Part D plan
Sep 9, 2024, 6:50 PM
[ in reply to Re: Harris/Walz campaign released their issues page ] |
is a gang bang. The premiums and prices for drugs wildly vacillate from year to year. I've changed plans each of the 3 years I've been enrolled.
Fortunately I'm not on a lot of stuff and it is not costly, but older folks who may not navigate the internet or may be off a notch or two end up on the same plan and can get reamed.
The federal government should be able to help the elderly by simplifying the process, but it is a mess.
There is no free lunch, so the average premium will rise and the prices for other drugs will rise if the feds cap more expensive meds, but it will benefit those who may need these meds to live. The feds should be honest about robbing Peter to pay Paul.
All-In [10763]
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Re: The entire Medicare Part D plan
Sep 9, 2024, 7:44 PM
My wife and, from no conscious effort but rather by word-of-mouth from my (now deceased) mother in law to her friends, have learned how to navigate much of Medicare programs.
Sticking to the Medicare part D programs, they typically move in a devolving towards outright socialization. Wealth is transferred from ‘minimally medicated’ beneficiaries to ‘heavily medicated’ beneficiaries. I do not know the specific algorithms by which Part D premiums change (I.e., increase) each year; I do not know how the providers determine the threshold of sales price vs profit margin that induces them to eliminate drugs -& / or- add new drugs to their formulary. I do know what constraints are upon them (including advance notice length of time) before they decide to exit the ‘part D’ market and wish their customers good luck in finding an alternative part D provider.
What I can reliably predict is, when changes are mandated upon Part D providers to stop requiring co-pays after a new (lower) out of pocket number is made as a cost savings to a Part D beneficiary, that the premium costs go up. A lot.
Although other algorithms apply as to the premium cost for each ‘category’ of Part D ‘customer,’ the premiums go up for everybody. The net benefit for ‘low pill’ guys like you is less than zero; your annual out-of-pocket cost doesn’t hit $2000 regardless, yet your premium cost goes up. The ‘high pill’ customer also pays abhigher premium, but gets more in no-copay-greater-than-$2000 benefits than they pay in higher premium costs.
Thus, wealth transfer is achieved. Healthy people are penalized and sick people are rewarded. Oftentimes, the sick people had (and sometimes still do) make unhealthy lifestyle decisions. They in effect get a financial reward for making bad decisions. That is a facet of a socialist society.
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