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Clemson Icon [24058]
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TigerNet Champion [118356]
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I would love to see this,
Jul 25, 2019, 9:54 AM
but best of luck with that. trump and his team of lawyers will fight tooth and nail to prevent this from happening.
Clemson Icon [24058]
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The courts have acted quickly so far in these matters.
Jul 25, 2019, 9:56 AM
And they will on this one as well.
Orange Immortal [62601]
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I've known guys who've gone through bitter,
Jul 25, 2019, 10:24 AM
heart-wrenching, deeply personal divorces. It nearly destroyed them. Yet, they eventually put on their big-boy britches, learned to deal with it, and moved on.
You guys need help.
TigerNet Champion [118356]
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Re: I've known guys who've gone through bitter,
Jul 25, 2019, 2:49 PM
umm, not sure who needs the big boy britches or is bitter, seems the people who are thin skinned and overly defensive in supporting this man may want to invest in a few pairs.
Me personally, I am enjoying the show, that being the republican party parting ways with any sense of moral decency and ethical responsibility towards their elected duties. I see a bunch of cowards that are too afraid to stand up to this "man", and that will not play well in the long run.
I have also gained a tremendous amount of respect for the handful of principled conservatives on this forum who have spoken out against this presidency.
Orange Elite [5238]
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Re: I've known guys who've gone through bitter,
Jul 25, 2019, 3:58 PM
You're so full of shatt. Everything you expressed in that drivel applies explicitly to yourself. You're 180° out of phase with reality and don't care.
Message was edited by: orangecoloredglasses®
TigerNet Champion [118356]
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looks like some one needs some big boy pants.***
Jul 25, 2019, 4:03 PM
Orange Immortal [62601]
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Trump is your president, the fairly elected president
Jul 25, 2019, 4:07 PM
[ in reply to Re: I've known guys who've gone through bitter, ] |
of your country. If you can accept that reality, quit whining and moaning about it like a big vag, then I'll listen. As far as parting ways with any sense of moral decency, that's exactly what half of the country feels about the democrat party which has moved drastically to the left, which is why they voted for a guy like Trump. The fact that Americans are divided more than ever is not because of Trump, it is because Dems have moved so far to the wacky left, away from the center. Trump is the result.
TigerNet Champion [118356]
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Orange Immortal [62601]
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TigerNet Champion [118356]
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sorry, my tears just are not that delicious
Jul 25, 2019, 4:41 PM
and possibly I am realistic enough to know that this will never happen and it is time to move on. I said as much on at least three different threads in the past two days.
110%er [9174]
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You could not find
Jul 25, 2019, 7:55 PM
yourass nor your voting precinct with your two hands and a flashlight...
-Tesla, PhD
Heisman Winner [86737]
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You’re wrong. Both parties are somewhere between center
Jul 25, 2019, 4:41 PM
[ in reply to Trump is your president, the fairly elected president ] |
right and center left.
The far left wackos get most of the press but that’s all it is. Name one serious proposal by the House or Senate Dems that is far left wacky.
Green New Deal? Lulz. Free tuition on a national scale? Never happen. Wipe out student loan debt? Never happen. Reparations? Never happen.
Orange Immortal [62601]
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No, I'm right. Dems and those who lean left have
Jul 25, 2019, 5:19 PM
made much more drastic moves away from what was the center on important issues over the last couple of decades, the last decade in particular. At least in terms of fundamental socio-political values.
TigerNet Champion [118356]
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Re: No, I'm right. Dems and those who lean left have
Jul 25, 2019, 6:08 PM
Both parties have moved to the right in the last 40 years, Republicans so much that they are off the rails.
Heisman Winner [86737]
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Orange Immortal [62601]
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TigerNet Champion [118356]
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Re: Check the New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic,
Jul 25, 2019, 10:06 PM
Oh please, Nixon was more of a Progressive than Obama, he was the last of the New Deal presidents. And prior to 1970 you would be hard pressed to find a pro life republican. Now you have wacko birds permeating through your party.
and as far as the progressives, Sanders is not saying anything that MLK had not already said 50 years ago. The Reagan years were a radical transformation of this country and it pulled BOTH parties to the right.
Do I need to start posting photos of woodstock and the anti war protests from the 70s to show how much more radical the left was during the civil rights era?
Orange Immortal [62601]
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F@#% Nixon. Reagan? MLK? 1970?
Jul 25, 2019, 11:22 PM
You're a hoot!
Dems moved significantly to the left over the last couple of decades, especially the last decade. Dems moved away from what was the center much more than Pubs. It's just the truth; any argument otherwise is laughable. That sharp turn left explains the divide in our country, and why a guy like Trump was even taken seriously. That was my point, and it had nothing to do with Nixon/Reagan/MLK/1970.
TigerNet Champion [118356]
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keep believing that, you are going to have to come to this conclusion
Jul 25, 2019, 11:41 PM
on your own.
And it has only been in the last 5 years that people like Warren and Sanders have risen in popularity, and both are asking for Tax and financial reforms that resemble policies that existed during the Eisenhower administration. You know, that 5 star General that ran as Republican, and who warned us against the Military industrial complex at a time when taxes on the wealthy exceeded 70%?
But why should I bother trying to convince people who thought Obama was a radical leftist? The lack of perspective is dumbfounding, but then again it has probably taken the last 2 decades to condition you into these irrational beliefs.
Orange Immortal [62601]
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What are you babbling about? Are you okay?***
Jul 26, 2019, 12:25 AM
TigerNet Champion [118356]
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I'll take that as a concession on your part***
Jul 26, 2019, 5:12 AM
Heisman Winner [86737]
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Orange Immortal [62601]
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Yet I still hold out hope for those who foolishly
Jul 25, 2019, 5:13 PM
voted for the most evil, corrupt, hateful beech of a candidate ever.
Tiger Titan [50919]
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Would expect Trump to claim Executive Privedlege on this.***
Jul 25, 2019, 10:26 AM
Clemson Icon [24058]
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I would expect the cover up and obstruction to continue.
Jul 25, 2019, 10:50 AM
That has certainly slowed down the process of getting the truth out to the American people. I'm not saying his testimony will definitely happen in August, just that it will happen sooner or later.
TigerNet HOFer [128683]
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You mean the truth that Barry
Jul 25, 2019, 11:14 AM
Was behind this from the beginning? ??
TigerNet HOFer [128683]
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We will never get there, of course, for same reason
Jul 25, 2019, 11:23 AM
Trump will not be indicted while in office and after. It will be interesting though how far up the food chain individuals are found to be corrupted/biased when the IG report is released.
Orange Phenom [14325]
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Good Grief...
Jul 25, 2019, 1:56 PM
[ in reply to I would expect the cover up and obstruction to continue. ] |
That has certainly slowed down the process of getting the truth out to the American people. I'm not saying his testimony will definitely happen in August, just that it will happen sooner or later.
So claiming executive privilege of conversations between the President and his legal council is now "obstruction" and a cover up? I guess you also aren't a fan of attorney-client privilege and think that congress should have access to everything a President or a private citizen discusses with their lawyer, Doctor or clergy. How very Marxist of you... I wouldn't hold my breath that McGahn will ever testify as I highly suspect this ridiculous challenge to executive privilege will ultimately be found in the President's favor in the Supreme Court (if it even gets that far). Just because you hate the man in the White House doesn't mean you throw away the Constitutional separation of powers that has been a staple of administrations (both Democrat and Republican) since the founding of the country.
If Trump had wanted to fire Mueller he had the constitutional right to do so as the Chief Executive. As a political matter, Trump firing Mueller would have been a bad move and ultimately Trump knew this (thus Mueller was never fired). Of course, those of you who now subscribe to guilty until proven innocent (see Judge Kavanaugh hearings), and Federal Prosecutors can exonerate people (see Mueller's report) are probably thinking Orwell's "thoughtcrime" is a valid application of law (see Democratic narrative of Trump "obstruction").
All this obstruction and cover-up talk is a bunch of unmitigated nonsense being spun by a failing Socialistic Democratic caucus to give hope to the mentally crippled TDS lunatics and never-Trumpers. It is a fantasy that the leftist MSM is all too happy to push - particularly CNN and MSNBC, as a hook to try and keep their faltering viewership from dropping further down the toilet. The sooner the TDS and never-Trump folks realize the gig is up, Trump is the legitimate President and will remain so until he is either voted out of office by the electorate in 2020 or departs after a 2nd term in 2024 the happier their life will be.
Clemson Icon [24058]
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Attorney-Client privilege does not exist for conversations
Jul 25, 2019, 2:39 PM
that involve the commission of a crime. So, that doesn't apply. You should know that.
They will claim unlimited executive privilege, but it will not hold up in court. 10 years ago, Bush tried the same thing with his attorney Harriet Myers and chief of staff to avoid complying with a Congressional subpoena. This is what the judge said:
“Congress’s power of inquiry is as broad as its power to legislate and lies at the very heart of Congress’s constitutional role,” wrote Bates, a Bush appointee. “Presidential autonomy, such as it is, cannot mean that the Executive’s actions are totally insulated from scrutiny by Congress. That would eviscerate the Congress’s oversight functions.”
The president has the Constitutional Right to fire someone but he does not escape potential legal consequences but it would be a crime to exercise that Constitutional power in an illegal manner.
These are things you should know. The rest of your post was just a load of emotional partisan BS.
TigerNet HOFer [128683]
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| just assume a crime has occurred b/c
Jul 25, 2019, 3:50 PM
A conversation occurred? Dude, you are way out there ??
Clemson Icon [24058]
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Mueller's testimony and report detail numerous examples.
Jul 25, 2019, 4:16 PM
I would encourage you to watch it and read it.
TigerNet HOFer [128683]
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I listened to the entire hearings- both
Jul 25, 2019, 5:20 PM
It was a clown show.
Clemson Icon [24058]
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Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes et al. were definitely clownish
Jul 25, 2019, 6:01 PM
with not a single Trump acolyte addressing the facts of the report, but, of course that was expected.
McGahn will testify, much to your chagrin.
Orange Phenom [14325]
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Re: Attorney-Client privilege does not exist for conversations
Jul 25, 2019, 5:57 PM
[ in reply to Attorney-Client privilege does not exist for conversations ] |
that involve the commission of a crime. So, that doesn't apply. You should know that.
They will claim unlimited executive privilege, but it will not hold up in court. 10 years ago, Bush tried the same thing with his attorney Harriet Myers and chief of staff to avoid complying with a Congressional subpoena. This is what the judge said:
“Congress’s power of inquiry is as broad as its power to legislate and lies at the very heart of Congress’s constitutional role,” wrote Bates, a Bush appointee. “Presidential autonomy, such as it is, cannot mean that the Executive’s actions are totally insulated from scrutiny by Congress. That would eviscerate the Congress’s oversight functions.”
The president has the Constitutional Right to fire someone but he does not escape potential legal consequences but it would be a crime to exercise that Constitutional power in an illegal manner.
These are things you should know. The rest of your post was just a load of emotional partisan BS.
Trump has used executive privilege less than most Presidents. Never once pulled that card during the investigation by the Special Counsel. I think you will be hard pressed to find another President that did not claim executive privilege in response to a Special Prosecutor's inquiries.
Regarding the Bush-Harriet Miers executive privilege decision - you are comparing an apple to a football - totally different circumstances and conditions. In the Bush case, tangible actions had been taken by the Bush Administration (firing of US Attorneys). There is no such tangible action in this case. If Trump had fired Mueller then maybe there would be such tangible action for which the legislative branch could argue needed access. But that does not exist in this case. No action was taken and so any non-biased judge hearing this case is going to ask - "What is the legislative branch wanting to know that has not already been disclosed?" The Mueller report provides that Trump directed McGahn to fire Mueller but no action was ever taken - either by McGahn or Trump to that end. No tangible action. So what is it Congress is trying to prove happened? A conversation between Trump and McGahn about firing Mueller? Congress already has that testimony through the Mueller Report and my guess is that Congress will ultimately lose this argument in court whether it be at the circuit, appeals, or Supreme level. They will ultimately lose because there is no underlying action and certainly no crime or potential crime. Courts don't allow fishing expeditions for potential, yet non-articulated crimes, and that is what Congress is doing. But then again comrade - "thoughtcrime" may be what you are going for so keep pushing that narrative and see how it turns out.
Finally, it's a free country comrade Chuckston T-man - believe what you want to believe. Your belief is based on a lie that President Trump colluded with the Russians and is hiding something (even though you don't know what that something is). Just about any sane individual at this point can see this whole narrative is pure BS. By all means wallow in your Trump hate psychosis if it makes you feel good - but someday you will have to come out of it and the longer you wait to say the words: "Donald Trump was legitimately elected and is the lawful President of the USA" the longer your road to recovery will be...
Clemson Icon [24058]
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You just made one of the cases that is being made for
Jul 25, 2019, 6:03 PM
McGahn testifying. Perhaps you did not realize it.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [99922]
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Burrrrp, Pffftttttt...zzzzzz
Jul 25, 2019, 7:49 PM
110%er [6101]
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Re: Next up for public testimony - Don McGahn.
Jul 25, 2019, 8:56 PM
Can’t wait to see the erroneous details in the Mueller report that show the voicemail transcript of McGhans call to Flynn was intentionally altered to harm Trump.
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