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Riggs field conditions
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Riggs field conditions

Aug 18, 2022, 8:01 PM

Anyone know what’s going on with Riggs? Field looks terrible on TV…tons of sand over bare spots. Worst I’ve seen it look in years. Did we get a bad batch of seed or something?

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Re: Riggs field conditions

Aug 18, 2022, 8:07 PM

Riggs field is Bermudagrass, so there is no seed involved. I drove by there about a month ago and it looked brown, like it had been either stripped or the Bermuda killed so that it could be removed and re-sodded. I have no idea what was planned, but t this time of year it ought to be perfect.

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Re: Riggs field conditions

Aug 18, 2022, 8:18 PM

To your point, usually the grounds crew times it well - that’s why I am so surprised. Doesn’t look like new sod- way too patchy and inconsistent . I know they over seed with rye in the late fall- but huge portions of it look like Death Valley does after the season when the paint is mostly gone and the damage is more visible.

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Re: Riggs field conditions

Aug 18, 2022, 8:18 PM [ in reply to Re: Riggs field conditions ]

To your point, usually the grounds crew times it well - that’s why I am so surprised. Doesn’t look like new sod- way too patchy and inconsistent . I know they over seed with rye in the late fall- but huge portions of it look like Death Valley does after the season when the paint is mostly gone and the damage is more visible.

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There is actually a soil fungus...

Aug 19, 2022, 8:09 AM [ in reply to Re: Riggs field conditions ]

that is affecting Bermuda grass in upstate SC. It's called Brown Patch or Large Patch lawn disease. You can see it on a lot of Bermuda grass lawns right now.

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Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

At least they finally replaced steps from Holtzendorf ...

Aug 18, 2022, 8:24 PM

... down to the track/walking path around the field.

Those steps have been a broken mess since I was a student and that was a long time ago.

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Yes those steps could be quite treacherous....

Aug 19, 2022, 8:25 AM

right Rocky the Tiger®?

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Aspiring member of the TigerNet Sewer Dwellers

Do those narrow, chunked up things with 37lbs - mainly over

Aug 19, 2022, 10:24 AM

the top o’yo head !!!!

GREAT times - wouldn’t trade for nuthin’ ……


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Re: Riggs field conditions

Aug 19, 2022, 9:17 AM

It does look horrible.

I was told that the facilities guys wanted to redo the field starting in May but soccer camps/recruiting needed the field. So, they waited until end of July to work on it…hasn’t gone well. They knew there wasn’t enough time but proceeded anyway.

Right now it’s mostly green painted sand. Embarrassing.

If this ever happened to football, heads would roll…

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Re: Riggs field conditions

Aug 19, 2022, 7:22 PM

You are mostly correct. The fields were fraise mowed several weeks ago and have not had time to completely recover. You are correct that the soccer camps delayed what should have been done 6 weeks ago and there just wasn't time to get the field grown in. Fraise mowing is basically mowing the grass about 1" below the surface to remove all of the old thatch and expose rhizomes, basically giving them a fresh start. It is much more effective than verti-cutting and aerifying for thatch control, but the downside is that it just takes a lot longer to recover. I think they should be fine in a few weeks.

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Re: Riggs field conditions

Aug 19, 2022, 11:28 AM

After I posted I watched the game and it looked like the field, or about a third of it had been heavily topdressed with sand. I did not notice any seams in the sod like the field had been re-sodded, so I really don't know what is going on with it. They spray fungicides for funguses, so it is not any kind of disease and I doubt that they forgot to spray. Maybe someone form the maintenance staff could comment.

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It does look bad, but not as bad as the new football video board.

Aug 19, 2022, 7:31 PM

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