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Orange Elite [5247]
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Oculus Spirit [39717]
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Alvin Bragg and His Pathetic Organization Will Ruin What's
Apr 5, 2023, 4:24 PM
Left of NYC
Message was edited by: morbidtiger®
Orange Elite [5247]
TigerPulse: 100%
Ha...pretty sure you meant what's "far left of NYC."***
Apr 5, 2023, 4:33 PM
Ultimate Clemson Legend [99892]
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Yep and we're living in times that one political party seems to hate
Apr 5, 2023, 4:35 PM
the other party and it's voters so much that they will go to the end of the earth to destroy them and their flag bearer..
and while doing it they cherish & boast, in broad daylight now, getting rid of the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, changing voting rights given only to individual state legislatures by the Constitution but instead giving it to governors during Covid19 lock-downs, believing that a 2-tier justice system is right, promoting sexuality issues, jailing opponents, etc..
and this particular group of Left-wing DEMs would love to wipe out a handful of Amendments they don't like (Freedom of Speech, freedom of the Press, right to bear arms against a tyrannical government, etc).
Saying, it's worse than most Americans realize but they are sadly so undereducated, too party driven, too busy on Twitter, or taking drugs, or not working since on federal doles!
As historians say..every empire or great country has 4 stages from beginning to end and America has entered stage 4 with both feet running Wild!
One can look at weakened morals, ethics, meanness to others, one-parent families, GOD being shunned, over-emphasis on sports (sic), not working, crime, sexx without unions, the poor living on streets and little things like trash throw on our streets like a third-world country.
Wake up Americans or perish!
Orange Immortal [66910]
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Re: Yep and we're living in times that one political party seems to hate
Apr 5, 2023, 4:54 PM
Harrumph!!! Harrumph!!!
Standout [340]
TigerPulse: 74%
TigerNet Elite [70669]
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Truck-loads of harvested “mail-in” ballots delivered with scrawled
Apr 5, 2023, 5:24 PM
“verification” “signatures” that look nothing like the registration signatures shouldn’t really be referred to as “voting.”
Standout [340]
TigerPulse: 74%
just as the gender that currently holds 6 of 7 Supreme Court
Apr 6, 2023, 10:41 AM
seats in Wisconsin,
and 4 of 9 seats in the US Supreme Court,
can hardly be called a "Minority".
Letterman [186]
TigerPulse: 73%
Re: Yep and we're living in times that one political party seems to hate
Apr 5, 2023, 5:35 PM
[ in reply to Yep and we're living in times that one political party seems to hate ] |
Thou art correct sir,but for sure it goes both ways regardless of political stance.The fabric of our once great country has been torn to shreds.God forbid we should ever "go to war " again,we will perish.Nuclear arms would be our only chance and we would still destroy the earth.
Orange Immortal [62106]
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Re: "We can not and will not normalize serious criminal conduct."
Apr 5, 2023, 9:39 PM
Especially when billion airs believe they are above the law, and that laws weren't written for them as they were for the poor uneducated criminals!!!! But what do we know other than America was built from the backs and lives of common people by the check books and bank accounts of the rich that demanded the laws to be written to keep the common people from getting rich basically the same way the rich kept getting richer. But when the rich are caught breaking the laws they demanded to written, some see it to be wrong to call the rich a criminal. Only in the good ole US of A where the rich shouldn't be prosecuted the same as the common people.
But even when a select few of the rich are prosecuted, they are placed in necktie country club meant only for the rich that get slapped on the wrist for allowing themselves to be caught for committing 35-40 crimes that the poor common people would be given a life sentence in the harshest prisons in the state their crimes were committed in. Most poor common people that have to turn to crime to survive, they do it knowing they are under the 3 strike rule that will get them a life sentence, and the rich are sentenced under the unlimited strike rule where they are still sentence to the rich criminal necktie country club where they have named white collar criminals....
TigerNet Elite [70669]
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The Biden crime family aren’t billionaires. Yet. ***
Apr 5, 2023, 4:47 PM
Orange Immortal [66910]
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Re: The Biden crime family aren’t billionaires. Yet. ***
Apr 5, 2023, 4:57 PM
All they've done is slow them down. They may all die off before they get to the billionaire status. Only time will tell.
Valley Protector [1492]
TigerPulse: 92%
Re: "We can not and will not normalize serious criminal conduct."
Apr 5, 2023, 4:51 PM
[ in reply to Re: "We can not and will not normalize serious criminal conduct." ] |
By the world's standards all Americans are rich. Thank God you do not live in a dung hut in Africa. Their may by a 2 tiered justice system in America, but it favors the globalist over those that love the USA.
Orange Elite [5247]
TigerPulse: 100%
If Trump broke a law, Bragg should do a better job of outlining it in a document
Apr 5, 2023, 4:57 PM
[ in reply to Re: "We can not and will not normalize serious criminal conduct." ] |
Find the first legal analyst who thinks 34 felonies for one supposed crime is less than a joke. Find one legal analyst who gets past the fact that Trump is not charged at a federal level, yet Bragg can claim federal crimes?!
Not a Trump guy this election, but this is a thin case with a thinner veil of evidence.
Asst Coach [809]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: "We can not and will not normalize serious criminal conduct."
Apr 5, 2023, 4:58 PM
[ in reply to Re: "We can not and will not normalize serious criminal conduct." ] |
Sounds like you are trying to justify why you're not in the "well off" class. In other words-if someone is wealthy then they did not really earn it. Maybe you are not familiar with self achievement because you are just lacking in ability and know-how.
Clemson Icon [27542]
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Neither situations are exclusionary...***
Apr 5, 2023, 9:14 PM
Orange Elite [5247]
TigerPulse: 100%
Just curious, do you know all 34 indictments? He's being charged for being invoiced monthly
Apr 5, 2023, 5:13 PM
[ in reply to Re: "We can not and will not normalize serious criminal conduct." ] |
by his lawyer that has already pled to fraud and perjury. Not exactly what anyone would call a credible witness. Forget what Cohen has actually testified and what his lawyers have said on his behalf. As a skeptic, I think I know what $130,000 might be for. It's one thing to suspect, and it's another to prove it in a court of law.
Top TigerNet [31998]
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Crackers are SO brittle
Apr 5, 2023, 5:28 PM
Clemson Icon [27542]
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Cuckers are SO silver.***
Apr 5, 2023, 9:16 PM
Standout [340]
TigerPulse: 74%
LOL..... whatever you do, please don't bring up the "N" word
Apr 6, 2023, 10:49 AM
or any derivative being used solely by a caucasian person.
No, that surely won't get an immediate, and "BRITTLE" response.
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