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Recruit Update: AJC: Nkemdiche to Clemson — Did that really happen?
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Recruit Update: AJC: Nkemdiche to Clemson — Did that really happen?

Jun 20, 2012, 8:11 AM

AJC: Nkemdiche to Clemson — Did that really happen?

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This makes me very proud of my university.

Jun 20, 2012, 8:38 AM

His spiritual development being a priority says we can do everything we want as a team, and still be our best.

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Does the ADJ REALLY not get it?

Jun 20, 2012, 8:38 AM

They need to look at our recruiting record. Just b/c they slobber all over LSU and Bama, and for whatever reason, UGA, doesn't mean everybody else has too. I would have NEVER considered going to any of those schools when making my college decision FWIW and seeing a Clemson football game did encourage me to attend.

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yeah... it's not like we recruit the sisters of the poor

Jun 20, 2012, 1:30 PM

We've been in the top 15-20 in recruiting for years now, and we won the ACC last year. If they would pull the blinders off their eyes, they'd realize there are teams other than LSU, Bama and UGa.

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Anything is possible when God is involved

Jun 20, 2012, 8:40 AM

What an awesome program that allows these players to grow into Men of God.

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Re: Recruit Update: AJC: Nkemdiche to Clemson — Did that really happen?

Jun 20, 2012, 9:17 AM

And he is absolutely right!

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The person quoted there

Jun 20, 2012, 9:28 AM

was his coach Mickey Conn. That was left out in the OP

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Wow. Compare RN's HS coach to Drummond.

Jun 20, 2012, 9:50 AM

It sounds very much like Coach Conn has his players' best interests at heart and treats the process with dignity. I believe we see here the range of influences a kid can have on him, from Coach Conn's support of Robert Nkemdiche to John Drummond's self-glorification at the expense of Isaac McDonald.

Also, this speaks well of Dabo, and is par for the course by all accounts:

Will Robert take official visits to schools other than Clemson? “No, I think he’s done with that. He made it clear to Dabo that Clemson is where he wanted to go. Dabo gave him the opportunity to even take back the commitment if he still wasn’t sure and he wanted to take some more visits. Robert said ‘No, this is what I want to do.’ I think he’s pretty firm with Clemson.”

By many accounts, Dabo always does this, but still, to have a commitment from the #1 recruit in the country and say "Are you absolutely sure?" is admirable.

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Just thought this needed to be read twice.^^^^^^^^^

Jun 20, 2012, 9:59 AM

"Will Robert take official visits to schools other than Clemson? “No, I think he’s done with that. He made it clear to Dabo that Clemson is where he wanted to go. Dabo gave him the opportunity to even take back the commitment if he still wasn’t sure and he wanted to take some more visits. Robert said ‘No, this is what I want to do.’ I think he’s pretty firm with Clemson.”

By many accounts, Dabo always does this, but still, to have a commitment from the #1 recruit in the country and say "Are you absolutely sure?" is admirable."

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Oh yes

Jun 20, 2012, 9:57 AM


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Notice the mention of "no Chick-fil-A". Why do people think

Jun 20, 2012, 11:51 AM

Clemson has no Chick-fil-A?

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Herb Tyler says hello.***

Jun 20, 2012, 11:39 PM

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