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Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while
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Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 9:46 PM


This is more for y'all to have info if you want it. Not for me. And this is SOLEY what I can speak to in my hospital.

I wanted to follow up with something from yesterday that @runjumpcatch mentioned about my example of the young healthy looking 32 yo male admitted to our ICU with COVID... He suggested that example to be the exception. If this were the "first wave" so to speak, he'd be correct.
I intimated this to be different, but wanted to see the numbers.

So as I wrap up my shift, I looked at the pt list for ICU. We have 30 beds.
Today 10 beds are COVID pos and requiring either bipap or intubation. None of them are vaccinated.

Their ages/sex:

2 weeks ago we had 5 total HOSPITAL inpatients, including med surg, Tele, and ICU.

This morning we have 50.

As I sit here and scan the ED pt list and see people in the ED with COVID (doesn't mean they'll be admitted, but they are here for a reason!!), I see:


Half of the 91 people in the ED right now do not yet have a diagnosis next to their name.

This is just the raw data.

So, I thought I'd do a quick subjective look here in the ICU, ask their RNs if the pts were chronically ill.

2 of the 10 obviously obese.
6 have hypertension and/or diabetes, including the 2 obese.
The other 4 were seemingly young with no chronic illness, including the man I used in my original example who is still here.

OF COURSE I want people to get vax, for many reasons... but that in no way invalidates what's being presented here.

Like I started, I'm not going to change anyone's mind, and that's up to each of you.

I am your Tiger Brother, a dislocated-in-Cali good hearted Southern Man. I am not a politician. I am not an agenda driven news agency. I am not looking to rack up followers on some social media platform or argue anyone. There is nothing arguable in my post that I can see, nor is there any need for name calling or arguments anyhow.

Take the info, do as you will, and please be well.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier

Aug 1, 2021, 9:50 PM

lifestyles and subsidizing gyms instead of bars to gain more members and keep them from closing. That would be a good start.

Not once have I heard our government talking about the need for everyone to be healthier, engage in healthier activities and overall a healthier lifestyle. It’s actually not hard to do, we have just created the laziest culture of all time. Maybe it’s just Darwin at work.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier

Aug 1, 2021, 9:55 PM

All great ideas long term. But we still have to address the problem at hand.

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Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier

Aug 2, 2021, 1:44 AM

There really isn't a problem as far as covid-19, and the variants of the covid virus. Scientist worked there butts off day and night for a full year to squash the covid virus threat for just about anybody who will take the two shots of the vaccine.

Hospital records are showing that the vaccine is affective for 99% of the people who took it, and the hospital records are showing that the vaccine doesn't work for a 100% of the people who refuse to take the vaccine, and there are those that has refused the vaccine, they are still dying in hospitals around the world.

So what needs to be done is this, give the vaccine to those who want it, and don't worry for a second about those who are still refusing the vaccine.

Open the world back up as nothing has happen, not even the covid pandemic. Arrest anyone wearing a mask in a place of business. And just allow the covid virus to run it's chores. This will be a sure fire way to relieve the world of it's over population by about a billion people. It will most likely help to relieve the world with so many green house gasses that is destroying the ozone that is allowing global warming. And hopefully the rate of our Forrest will stop being cut down to make room for more and more people, and it may give our planet a slight chance to heal it's self before people repeat the very same mistakes!!!!

After the covid virus has played out, another killer virus will come along, and hopefully there will be a billion or more refusing to take that vaccine, and the world will again have a chance to heal it's self again from over population. A huge amount of human problems solved, and just maybe our wild life will be able to make a come back!!!!

But please stop trying to talk the people who don't won't the vaccine to get it. Leave them alone, please!!!! :) :) ;)

Message was edited by: allinallorangeallthetime52®

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier

Aug 3, 2021, 1:18 PM

Yes, but the downside is that real-estate prices will go down if there are a billion fewer people in the world.

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The ease with which

Aug 5, 2021, 9:18 PM [ in reply to Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier ]

Y'all would be willing to murder us is exactly why people don't trust the vaccine.

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Term limits***

Aug 2, 2021, 6:18 AM [ in reply to Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier ]

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Yeah, not once

Aug 1, 2021, 9:57 PM [ in reply to Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier ]

Warning labels all over cigarettes.
Many cities adding extra taxes to sodas.
The food pyramid.
Michelle Obama school lunch nutrition (which I’m sure you strongly supported).

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier

Aug 1, 2021, 10:04 PM [ in reply to Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier ]

See - you have hit on it- Darwin at work. I always of Darwin as a smart man.
Just start handing out the Darwin Awards and let it runs its course.
Problem solved.

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Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier

Aug 1, 2021, 10:08 PM [ in reply to Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier ]

"Not once have I heard our government talking about the need for everyone to be healthier, engage in healthier activities and overall a healthier lifestyle. "

We actually had a first lady who made that her focus for 8 years. A lot of snowflakes were offended, or at least pretended to be. Then immediately thereafter, we had a complete idiot as president who never exercised because he believes everybody has a limited amount of lifetime energy. He's conserving it for some godforsaken reason.

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Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier

Aug 1, 2021, 11:21 PM

Scoby said:

"Not once have I heard our government talking about the need for everyone to be healthier, engage in healthier activities and overall a healthier lifestyle. "

We actually had a first lady who made that her focus for 8 years. A lot of snowflakes were offended, or at least pretended to be. Then immediately thereafter, we had a complete idiot as president who never exercised because he believes everybody has a limited amount of lifetime energy. He's conserving it for some godforsaken reason.

You are a complete idiot!

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You definitely have me beat

Aug 2, 2021, 12:01 AM

Seriously, don't eat the poop sandwiches anymore. Even when your incontinent savior tell you to eat them, remember he is even dumber than you are. They may look like chocolate, but I can promise you they are actually filled with fecal matter.

Moron Trumpers. What can you do about them?

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i'm glad we have you around to fix everything!

Aug 2, 2021, 8:10 AM


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Well, I see OldFike now has a scok.

Aug 2, 2021, 12:31 PM [ in reply to You definitely have me beat ]

Not everyone who disagrees with you has a fixation on Trump like you.

Enjoy that Biden/Harris Burger as they destroy a once-proud country.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

She made school lunches uneatable, so the kids ate junk

Aug 2, 2021, 12:09 AM [ in reply to Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier ]

according to my teacher wife.

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Yeah, that's trash

Aug 2, 2021, 12:28 AM

Made-up garbage. Lying is a deadly sin, you know.

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Yes, it was trash ... because the kids wouldn't eat it.

Aug 2, 2021, 12:32 PM

But, enjoy your unicorns and rainbows, OldFike.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

Re: She made school lunches uneatable, so the kids ate junk

Aug 2, 2021, 2:26 AM [ in reply to She made school lunches uneatable, so the kids ate junk ]

So true, they stopped eating the mandated lunches. They were horrible.

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Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier

Aug 3, 2021, 7:51 AM [ in reply to Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier ]

This post shows such a complete lack of understanding of the actual impacts of the Michelle O food program. Talk to anyone who works in public school and they will tell you what a disaster it was (of which impacts are still being felt). Like many ill conceived gov programs with good intentions, the unintended consequences far outweighed any benefits. basically kids weren't eating anything at school bc it was all disgusting and inedible and scarfing down unhealthy snacks as soon as they got home. Also, kids who previously had parents pack them healthy or semi-healthy lunches were unable to do so because it was 'unfair' for some to have home-made lunches while others didn't. As usual with these types of social programming experiments, the misery must be spread..

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It's not about the actual food itself; it's about the....

Aug 6, 2021, 12:55 PM [ in reply to Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier ]

..mindset of a person, unelected, unknown, not a scientist, not even a dietary tech, who, somewhere in her mind believes millions of Americans need her advice; that's what rubs me raw about ole Moochelle Obama. As my favorite history professor used to say, "I'm not really interested in Hitler's weapons, or Napoleon's military tactics, I'm more in interested in their minds; what drives a person to believe they're smarter than everyone else on the planet and that without them we couldn't even make it through the day?". Moochelle falls into that category.

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Re: Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier

Aug 2, 2021, 4:35 AM [ in reply to Let’s focus on getting people to have healthier ]

There is a lot of truth in saying its Darwin at work. Everyone who wants a vaccine has had a chance but some people choose not to get it for various reasons. They might be right or they might be wrong but we are probably going to find out in many cases over the next six months.

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 9:55 PM

My Wife and I are vaccinated - my oldest daughter will be before school starts back…

I’m a Clemson educated engineer and for me this was data/science driven decision…

That said - I blame the politicians on both sides of the aisle for politicizing this and so many issues..
So many of them weaponize any and everything they can for their own benefit not the betterment of the nation..
I’m talking about both parties …
It’s disgusting to be honest…

God help America with what passes for leadership these days..

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 10:23 PM

Great post, but I think it was 99% one side that politicized the pandemic, and it was Trump and his cult followers. They're the ones who ridiculed masks and said the pandemic was fake.

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 10:39 PM

owensdj said:

Great post, but I think it was 99% one side that politicized the pandemic, and it was Trump and his cult followers. They're the ones who ridiculed masks and said the pandemic was fake.

No, the Socialist Lefties politicized more than anybody. El Chapo Fauci should be jailed for his Criminal activity. Why isn’t anyone on TNet not upset with the Communist Chinese Regime for using a Virus as a WEAPON?

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 10:45 PM

Woof, might want to sit the next few plays out, champ.

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 1:26 AM [ in reply to Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while ]

I rarely post or even read posts on TigerNet because of people like you. Get help because you are not a stable human being.

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Yeah right.... because Trump and his supporters own 99%

Aug 1, 2021, 10:49 PM [ in reply to Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while ]

of the bullhorns (mainstream media, academia, entertainment industry, and big tech) to give them the ability to make this whole pandemic a one sided political argument. How about you show at least a sliver of intellectual honesty and study all the narratives that the Democratic Party and their MSM propaganda outlets and big tech started the moment this COVID-19 thing hit our shores. Everything from Trump is a racist for shutting down foreign travel to Trump will never get a viable vaccine with Biden and Harris saying they wouldn't take the vaccine if Trump told them too.

Good grief - you are certainly entitled to your opinion but not your own facts - regardless if you are an adherent of postmondernism. When it comes to COVID-19 - there has been enough whole of Government stupidity (both Political parties, White House, CDC, NIH, etc...) to go around and I guarantee you that a great deal more than your professed 1% of that politicization stupidity is coming from the Democrats...

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgtnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 12:16 AM [ in reply to Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while ]

Actually it was Fauci who said mask were of no use. Trump was fighting like hell for a vaccine as quick as possible. Now your obviously a liberal , so reasoning with someone like u will be tough . So I won’t try. However , every step Trump took he was criticized as being racist against foreigners because he tried to shut down incoming travel from countries that were not telling the truth about COVID and it’s origins or outbreak status. I mean you can actually look back if you don’t remember that occurring.

Trump was not wanting to shutdown the economy and I totally was in line with that. It’s like cutting off your arm because your finger is infected. And I’m curious as to your “cult” assessment. I’m sure the 8 years prior you failed to deem liberals as cult members, when as I recall, a National news station said in 08 on Election Day when Obama won” I feel a tingle running up my leg” . Now thats some sick cult like following there .

As a Trump supporter and a fan of government staying as far out of my life as possible, I do not understand nor want you anywhere around me. You represent exactly the opposite of what this country was founded on. You can’t take a crap without someone telling u how to wipe. I feel for you and hope you realize one day as a grown man that you don’t need a President or any elected official to tell you how to live. The best government is the one that does absolutely nothing and takes as little as possible from you. I’m sure u can’t understand that but hopefully one day u will. It’ll probably be too late then however

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You got hate in your heart, let it out.

Aug 2, 2021, 3:25 AM

Like seriously
Did bots take over tnet?

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: You got hate in your heart, let it out.

Aug 2, 2021, 11:14 AM

just some fuktards man. i’m surprised they can type with a ######## in their mouth

go tigers

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I for one am glad you are stopping. You are one of the most ignorant posters ever. You obviously think very highly of your own opinion, unlike the rest of us - RockHillTiger

Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 8:44 AM [ in reply to Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while ]

Indeed Fauci did. As did the WHO and every health agency. This is due to a decades old public health policy related to the spread of disease and a misunderstanding of how airborne viruses could be spread. Over the summer of 2020 some work was done to show how Covid was spread airborne and is the most airborne transmissible virus we have seen since Smallpox and they changed their tune. They evolved WITH THE EVIDENCE. I would post the detailed article for you all to read if you wish.

Secondly...if Trump was against shutting down the economy, they why did he? Y'all act like Fauci ran the government. FYI - he didn't. He's an advisor. Along with Pence's committee. They made recommendations which someone in executive leadership could act on or not.

Thirdly, lockdowns currently represent the best way to contain the spread of this deadly disease. And if y'all think America had lockdowns, then you know nothing. Ask people in London, Mumbai, Sydney what a proper shut down looks like. The American economy is larger today than in March 2020....so tell me again, why are lockdowns horrendous?

Finally, no one is telling you "how to live". No one is coming to taking your freedom away. No one is coming for your guns. Unfortunately, a large section of US society has decided that their individual freedoms and actions are paramount over someone else's - even if it means hurting that person.

And it's hidden behind a religion which promotes caring from your fellow brothers and sisters. It's hidden by a dogma which preaches mercy and serving others. #JesusWept.

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"...hidden behind a religion..."

Aug 5, 2021, 8:10 PM

I'm not sure how you know what my religion is, but since you raised the issue, what is your religion and what does it teach you? Just curious...

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You can thank him for the vaccine though

Aug 2, 2021, 7:01 AM [ in reply to Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while ]

He was ridiculed by the media when he said that he expected a vaccine within a year. But pharma and the government both pushed hard and made it happen even sooner. Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, etc. also get plenty of credit for that as well.

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: You can thank him for the vaccine though

Aug 3, 2021, 1:34 PM

Why thank Trump for the vaccine when he called the virus a hoax and then said it would soon suddenly disappear?

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Aug 5, 2021, 11:16 PM

Factcheck.org: "Trump did use the word ‘hoax’ but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself."

The Washington Post Fact Checker: "The context of the full quote shows Trump criticized Democratic talking points and media’s coverage of his response to the coronavirus, but does not call the virus itself a hoax."

Snopes: "Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus a hoax."

AP Fact Check: "The accusation is misleading. So is the selective video editing that made it appear Trump was calling the coronavirus a ‘new hoax.’"

---don't have a dog in this fight. But don't take what the "news shows" say as gospel. Those quotes took me all of 1 minute to find...Do your own research...

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and this take is 100% the reason why our world/country

Aug 2, 2021, 8:30 AM [ in reply to Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while ]

is so screwed up. WE are so polarized in this country and so selfish that EVERYone thinks they're are always right. WE are so self absorbed now that we cast aside actually finding common ground and the real answers..we instead lean heavily on to what we're told by the loud obnoxious voices found on social media and "news" pundits or political sleaze and bureaucrats. WE spent 4 years being told everyday to hate your country, hate your leadership, hate whatever our President says and now this is the result. A large percentage of citizens who are conditioned to take whatever they're told "from their chosen voice" as gospel and ridicule/penalize anyone who maybe has a different perspective. The truth usually is found in the middle. But we don't have time for that.

You guys (on both sides) have allowed your gospel tellers in the media to get you so over-hyped and foaming at the mouth about social and politic topics that you have no time for another perspective. You have already pre-judged the world before you have even met them.

Its almost like a new religion. You just believe regardless and you punish those that don't fall in line. Your faith is in your twitter feed.

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Re: and this take is 100% the reason why our world/country

Aug 2, 2021, 9:01 AM

Well, i don't disagree with a lot of the sentiment, but it's been longer than 4 years.

The Tea Party and Republican left has been preaching the messages you listed below since Obama's victory in 2009. The continual challenges on his birth certificate. The "socialism". Michelle being transgendered deep state, blood drinking operative. etc

But to your point, yes, everyone needs to stand down a bit and start listening instead of talking.

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I don't think it was a Republican who first said...

Aug 6, 2021, 1:12 PM

..that Mocchelle was a tranny, might need to check your info on that one? Are you a tranny?

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Re: and this take is 100% the reason why our world/country

Aug 2, 2021, 9:07 AM [ in reply to and this take is 100% the reason why our world/country ]

Agreed. And this is BOTH sides. Perhaps we should go back to not telling people what to do or how they should think?

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Actually the lowest % vaccinated are black and hispanic

Aug 2, 2021, 10:32 AM [ in reply to Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while ]

But whatever makes you feel better in delusion land.

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Re: Actually the lowest % vaccinated are black and hispanic

Aug 2, 2021, 10:38 AM

That's true ... 538 did a great piece on it and the reasons behind it. You can read it here


Though unsure what your post is referring to with "whatever makes you feel better in delusion land"

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 9:58 PM

Thank you soywaker for the information. I’m a Type 1 Diabetic and was vaccinated in March. God bless you and take care of yourself!

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 10:00 PM

Thanks for the info, I worked a charity golf event for SF this summer and the lady working the booth with me lost her nephew to covid in california last year. She said he was one of the first fatalities in the US for his age.

It definitely puts it in perspective, it may just be numbers and data to some, but for many it’s life changing.

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You like to say “be well” … Thanks.


Aug 1, 2021, 10:01 PM

I am well. I haven’t received the injections. I exercise regularly and make wise dietary choices.
I take a multivitamin daily, and will get the proper therapeutics if I happen to catch the virus.

Be well.

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I say be well and have since I was a 19yo Clemson student

Aug 1, 2021, 11:29 PM

I'm 42yo, from Chas. It was common for people to say, 'be good," to each other as slang. I liked be well better.
That was 4 yrs before I even considered applying to MUSC RN program.

Glad you are healthy and well, and genuinely hope that you're lifestyle choices will always be enough.

I am curious, what are the "proper therapeutics?" See, we don't seem to have that figured out other than once you get sick "enough," you can get authorized to be administered tocy and desmepressin.

My experience is that if you are getting those drugs, you're well on your way to intubation and death. No hyperbole or drama, that's what I see here in my hospital.

In the rest of the hospital, it's "supportive care," and hoping your body heals itself while we supplement you with the o2 and other things you may need. That mostly means, hurry up and wait, cuz we got nothin'.

If anyone else is hospital based and can speak to their practices and outcomes, I'd love to hear it.

Row on brother, be good ??

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Also, Row, it struck me that we are probably very similar

Aug 1, 2021, 11:57 PM

I know it was a little good spirited light poking between us, I hope not to have disrespected you ??

But it's interesting that the things you do and cite are the things that most physicians have recommended.. similar to most physicians recommending the vax. Sure, you'll find some... but go to your local hospital and ask. I'd be genuinely curious how many MDs you found that said the vax is a bad idea.

All love.. do your thing friend.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: I say be well and have since I was a 19yo Clemson student

Aug 2, 2021, 8:54 AM [ in reply to I say be well and have since I was a 19yo Clemson student ]

I spent the winter working as a Covid ICU travel RN. Went to TX and CA. Most hospitals’ protocol was proning, oxygen support as needed, convalescent plasma, remdesivir(anti-viral) dexamethasone(steroid), lasix(diuretic to try to keep them dry and prevent pneumonia) and lovenox(to help with clotting). By the time they get to ICU typically none of this has worked and it is a waiting game. Most do not make it at that point. Multi-organ failure is the typical cause of death. They die alone, intubated and sedated, unable to talk to family, and often got Covid from a family member or friend at an indoor event or gathering. We worked most often understaffed, given limited PPE, would run out of vents, etc. Many bedside nurses have left due to the stress, heartbreak and abuse. The vaccine gave me hope that we would not have to keep dealing with this but unfortunately that has turned out not to be the case. Politics should play absolutely no part in whatever medical decision you choose to make for yourself. I personally have had the vaccine and would welcome the opportunity for a booster. My kids have all had it as well. They are all in great health and in their 20s. No age or level of health gives you the same protection but your body, your choice. Hopefully it works out for you. Masking is not a muzzle. I have been wearing masks around patients my entire career. It is an easy first line of defense, not a political statement. If you are going somewhere it is required, then wear one or don’t go, your choice.

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This is exactly what we are doing as well.

Aug 3, 2021, 1:08 PM

Love your post. Spot on.
The convalescent plasma has gone away, didn't seem to have any effect.

And while you say proning and WE know what that means, for folks that don't.
Proning an intubated patient requires starting heavy dose sedation; we used propofol 50mcg (our hospitals mas dose, precedex 1.4mcg, fentanyl 100mcg (pain/opiate) and even ketamine also in lots of patient. Once completely under, we add the paralytic vecuronium.
Once we establish adequate neuromuscular blockade, we prone you. 4-6 RNS and an RT manually flip your body on to your stomach for 16h/24h in attempt to recruit lung field, more alveoli.
Our pts would prone anywhere from 3-15 days.

Once proning was clearly no longer working or improving, most pts remiained on those meds to help control their breathing on the ventilator... and they would stay like this. Lifeless, no sense of spirit or humanity, no family, until they ultimately die.

Good post.

Dehumanizing to see all the lifeless and bodies lingering for weeks until they almost all ended in death.

Hope your coming out ok. The mental, spiritual, and emotional toll is costly.


2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: I say be well and have since I was a 19yo Clemson student

Aug 2, 2021, 9:20 AM [ in reply to I say be well and have since I was a 19yo Clemson student ]

soywaker® said:

I'm 42yo, from Chas. It was common for people to say, 'be good," to each other as slang. I liked be well better.
That was 4 yrs before I even considered applying to MUSC RN program.

Glad you are healthy and well, and genuinely hope that you're lifestyle choices will always be enough.

I am curious, what are the "proper therapeutics?" See, we don't seem to have that figured out other than once you get sick "enough," you can get authorized to be administered tocy and desmepressin.

My experience is that if you are getting those drugs, you're well on your way to intubation and death. No hyperbole or drama, that's what I see here in my hospital.

In the rest of the hospital, it's "supportive care," and hoping your body heals itself while we supplement you with the o2 and other things you may need. That mostly means, hurry up and wait, cuz we got nothin'.

If anyone else is hospital based and can speak to their practices and outcomes, I'd love to hear it.

Row on brother, be good ??

I’m an ICU nurse in Greenville. Our “treatment” is dexamethasone and actimera (an immuno-suppressant). Other than that, we put you on a ventilator when your breathing becomes bad enough. Then (almost invariably) you are paralyzed and sedated, then placed face down for 16 hours a day. We will probably put you on a heparin infusion because covid is coagulopathic.l and will cause DVTs and PEs. After a few days we will either start a feeding tube or TPN for nutrition. You will have a central line placed, probably in your neck. Your blood pressure will drop most likely and we will start you on vasopressors. This will keep your organs working but will sacrifice your fingers and toes if you stay on them long enough. If this is like the first round, 80% of you that get intubated will die. If you are my patient, I will be there holding your hand as you pass, or I will be breaking your ribs doing chest compressions depending on your NoK wishes. I’ll place you in a bag, zip you up and go on to take care of my next covid patient. Because there’s plenty to go around. It is not a pleasant way to die.

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This is 100% REAL DEAL

Aug 2, 2021, 10:02 AM

It sounds barbaric and is
And yes, this is what happens once we get you in ICU here as well.
Where are you working?
Be well my friend, keep your head high and your heart strong.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 10:06 PM

I agreed with Dabo and decided to get my vaccination.......”I trust my doctors advice”.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I'll listen to that man any day! All in with good reason.***

Aug 2, 2021, 12:28 AM

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 10:13 PM

Soy, All in with you as a former ICU nurse as well. No matter what the truth is, some people just won’t believe it, until itaffects them. Frustrating to be sure. Thank you for carrying on in the face of so much willful ignorance. Perhaps you did change some minds. I hope so. Thanks for posting.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 10:20 PM

Thank you for your facts Soy and be safe out there.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I don’t understand why people won’t at least

Aug 1, 2021, 10:33 PM

Make a risk based decision. If you’re 60 and worried about the possibility of long term unknown effects, your likelihood of “long term” goes way down period if you don’t get vaccinated. I get not giving it to kids while the risks to them remain lower than the flu but I just don’t get what older folks are thinking. And when it starts to infringe on everyone else it’s quite selfish.

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Re: I don’t understand why people won’t at least

Aug 1, 2021, 10:55 PM

I'm home now 7 days with Covid.I'm 55 years old and it's been a rough week. Was not planning on vaccinating, but after this I will get my shots as soon as I'm able.

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Re: I don’t understand why people won’t at least

Aug 1, 2021, 11:50 PM

Are medical professionals really telling you to get the jab AFTER having Covid?

I’m not anti-vax (I got mine in June), but the purpose of the vaccination is to lessen your risk. If you’ve already had the bug, your risk is greatly mitigated.

But don’t let me OR A POLITICIAN tell you what to do. Ask those medical people you’re spending so much time with. But I would love to hear the reasoning behind getting the jab now (unless it is only to fit someone’s vaccine membership card).

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Here's a little science

Aug 2, 2021, 12:48 AM

The reason the developers of the mRNA vaccine chose the spike protein as the antigen to use is that it should mutate the least while remaining infectious to humans. In other words, if it mutates too much, it won't be compatible with human ACE receptors anymore. In a natural infection, your immune system may respond to the spike protein. In that case, it is equivalent to the vaccine. But it may respond to other parts of the virus that might then mutate while the spike protein stays compatible with your ACE receptors.

The rule is that you have to wait for a time after a natural infection before getting vaccinated. It's one of the first questions you have to answer before getting the vaccine.

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Re: I don’t understand why people won’t at least

Aug 2, 2021, 11:21 AM [ in reply to I don’t understand why people won’t at least ]

Look at the data and let that guide your opinion. The “Baby Boomers” lead the way in vaccinations. They are 80-90% vaccinated. Those over 60 are not part of the problem.
On the other hand, those under the age of 40 are not yet at the 50% vaccination level.(age 16-40).

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Thanks nice to see raw data

Aug 1, 2021, 11:05 PM

Tired of over prepared journalist crap

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgtnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 11:50 PM

I am sure you have changed some minds. You have earned my respect by providing well thought information clearly and calmly during one of the most stressful professional situations imaginable. By disregarding vaccination recommendations people are put the lives of health care workers at risk as well as other unsuspecting victims. God bless your efforts.

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How do unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated?

Aug 2, 2021, 10:38 AM

That is just idiotic.

badge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 1, 2021, 11:50 PM

I am sure you have changed some minds. You have earned my respect by providing well thought information clearly and calmly during one of the most stressful professional situations imaginable. By disregarding vaccination recommendations people are put the lives of health care workers at risk as well as other unsuspecting victims. God bless your efforts.

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 12:06 AM

soywaker® Thank you for the info. I t-mailed you.

Stay safe. Maybe we unknowingly will exchange a high five in Charlotte on a few weeks. GoTigers

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Haven't seen your tmail or the other thread today,

Aug 2, 2021, 12:35 AM

But I promise you
We are all Clemson family
And we are all good.
Love to meet ya anytime.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


This reminds me off

Aug 2, 2021, 12:20 AM
no.jpg(177.2 K)

We're vax'ed. I don't really care what you decide to do or not do. It's your personal choice as long as you can afford the cost.

I can now count 6 people that I knew in my community that have died because of it.

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There is no cost for the vaccine

Aug 2, 2021, 12:52 AM

The ACA mandates coverage for preventive care (that includes vaccines, birth control, assorted maintenance meds and that yearly "wellness visit" that suddenly became a thing with doctors). For uninsured persons, the relief act from last year (under he-who-soils-his-pants-daily) pays for it.

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 12:51 AM

See arranged. My demo is wee vaccinated : white shouthern. How do we get Black's to want to be vaccinated?

Unique what MSM would have you believe, the largest non-vaccinated group is not the undesirable red necks.

So, let's figure this out from a humanitarian concern. Not political. Not denominational (though more Christions than atheist might be vaccinated. Find those large groups who are not getting vaccinated and persuade them.

Next action would be to raise their Healthcare rates, and lower mine.

badge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 1:25 AM

Thank you for this info. People are more willing to listen when this is presented in a way not to point fingers or place blame. God bless and be safe!

badge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I took the vaccine happily. I actually had it last August

Aug 2, 2021, 3:00 AM

My Dr said after 6mos, then go ahead and take vaccine which I took in April.

But the politicians have caused this crazy ant-vaccine group. Kamala Harris before signed in was asked in interview if she was going take the vaccine. And her response was, "Not if Trump says it's good for me I am not going too!". So when leaders make stupid comments like that, then keep saying follow the science yet every week they changed their stance. It's no wonder there is a large facet of the population that are confused and don't know what to do, especially those that get all their news from social media which unfortunately is a large group nowadays.

Anyway, I believe you are doing your part by promoting the vaccine. But if someone don't want to take it, then so be it, let them deal with their own health. The govt shouldn't force this down person's throats, but they also should have a common message and quit flip flopping.

That said, I heard a stat that said that 91.8% of all Covid deaths were co-diseased persons. I had a 39yr old buddy die from Covid but he was obese, smoked, and had diabetes. He was a prime candidate for horrible outcome. Unfortunately it happened before the vaccine was available, I can't help but to believe that he would be alive today if he had the option of taking a vaccine. So those that are in that critical range, if they don't vaccine then they are very well playing roulette.

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Moochelle Obama = "all meat and no potatoes".

Aug 2, 2021, 6:04 AM

On has to just wonder, absolutely wonder, about the internal workings of some people's minds. I'd never heard of Moochelle Obama until the political rise of her husband, and beyond that, wondered what her claim to fame is/was. And at some point she must have been sitting around the house and just mused out loud; "...Barry, I've got it; of all the perceived wisdom I'm alleged to possess, real or imagined, I think I'm going to tell the American people WHAT TO EAT. Yeah, that's it. I mean those millions of unwashed slobs, they NEED ME..."

How, how in the hell, did I make it through life without Moochelle Obama???????????????

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Re: Moochelle Obama = "all meat and no potatoes".

Aug 2, 2021, 11:40 AM

are you drunk?

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Re: Moochelle Obama = "all meat and no potatoes".

Aug 2, 2021, 12:18 PM

Just 1 question, why are only 38% of the medical professionals vaccinated?

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Re: Moochelle Obama = "all meat and no potatoes".

Aug 2, 2021, 12:32 PM

Link ??? Some hospitals are requiring all employees to get the shot. So % may be going up.... or the unemployment line longer.

tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Moochelle Obama = "all meat and no potatoes".

Aug 2, 2021, 3:48 PM [ in reply to Re: Moochelle Obama = "all meat and no potatoes". ]

There may be a few places where only 38% are vaccinated, but as an average, you're way off. And most hospitals are going to require vaccinations shortly, if they have not already.


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Re: Moochelle Obama = "all meat and no potatoes".

Aug 3, 2021, 1:47 PM [ in reply to Re: Moochelle Obama = "all meat and no potatoes". ]

They count all hospital workers as "medical professionals," not just doctors and nurses.

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Had my last drink in 1989.....

Aug 2, 2021, 9:40 PM [ in reply to Re: Moochelle Obama = "all meat and no potatoes". ]

...how about you, did you barf on yourself every night?

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Soy - thanks for your work, dedication and the information.

Aug 2, 2021, 6:32 AM

Please be safe.

badge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Your on the ground perspective is invaluable

Aug 2, 2021, 6:40 AM

Thank you for everything you do tiger brother!

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 7:55 AM

Thanks for the input Dr Soywalker. I appreciate your knowledge, personal anecdotal evidence and wise insights.

I really hope all the covid deniers and the young healthy people who can possibly infect others do not kill yet another normal college football season.

My daughter is an OB/GYN/MFM physician and works at the largest hospital in Charlotte where she is the director of labor and delivery. Recently she and her associates have seen a dramatic increase in the number of expectant women with severe cases of Covid-19. I don't recall the number, but more than a few of her patients are in intensive care. The sick women are of course relatively young.

All of the adults in my family have been vaccinated for several months now and I for one am reasonable confident my wife and I, now in our 70s, would mostly likely survive a Covid illness. I suspect my 3 grandkids, all young and seemingly healthy would also survive a Covid illness.

My daughter has been caring for expectant mothers with Covid-19 for well over a year now. She has always taken elaborate precautions to avoid becoming personally infected since she has a very young child and old parents. Despite being dressed out like she's headed into the operating room essentially every day at work with the addition of a face shield she tested positive for Covid in December of last year and became very ill. She turned out to be a Covid long hauler and had all sort of lingering and reasonably severe complications from her illness. She was cared for in a 'virtual hospital', was visited by EMT's daily, took oxygen to combat at home and was out of work for 10 or so weeks. She was plagued by racing heart beats from time to time for several months. She has received excellent on-going health care but still has lingering health issues. She had essentially no pre-existing conditions or comorbidities aside from having Celiac disease.

My daughter tells me to wear a mask whenever I am around any reasonably large number of people and to always wear a mask im indoor public places, avoid contact with others and to frequently use hand sanitizer. She tells me that the mask may help me not became a spreader who infects others who might get sick. She has told me that wearing a mask regularly will help keep me from touching my face with possibly contaminated hands. I've noticed that mask wearing has pretty much eliminated any tendancy I have had to touch my face, eyes, nose or mouth whether I have the mask on or not.

I conduct my life fairly normally now, going out to eat, meeting with friends, attending extended family events, normal shopping and going on vacation from time to time. The mask I wear is seen by some as a political statement, not a matter of health protection, but I don't care what others think. I am trying to stay health and perhaps even to keep others healthy.

If the new variant continues to spread across the country I believe college football might have another abnormal football season in 2021. That pisses me off.

Thanks again for your insights into this epidemic disease which has killed 600,000+ Americans.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 9:12 AM

I don't understand the hysteria ..... here is the "official" Covid tracker, not anecdotal information from California. See for yourself where you and your state stand.


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I said the same thing last year when only like 50 cases were

Aug 3, 2021, 7:02 AM

in South Carolina, and everything started shutting down. All of the shutdowns, cancelled vacations, no restaurants were ridiculous....until we were about overrun. The new strain is way more transmissible than the one last year.

Don't get me wrong...I am not going back in a shell (didn't ever really), and I will resist lockdown measures. But all of the worry is probably justified. Heck..the numbers in Florida per day have topped the per day count last year!. I never thought that would happen. The trends in the southern states where folks are indoors to escape the heat are unmistakeable...the curve is headed up steeply.

Dang it.

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 9:23 AM

Covid is fake. The vaccine is fake and is poison. Trump won the election in 2020, but it was rigged for the Dems.

Trump 2024

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Aug 2, 2021, 11:20 AM

badge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Gone...***

Aug 2, 2021, 8:01 PM

He will be in office this month. Its August.

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Flagged to DHS

Aug 2, 2021, 9:21 PM

It's up to all of us to stop the next Tim McVeigh

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Re: Flagged to DHS

Aug 2, 2021, 11:05 PM

You know Timothy McVeigh was a left-winger, right?

I only point that out because our national law enforcement and national media keep preaching that the only threats to America come from the right wing that they keep trying to alienate and marginalize.

You seemed to imply that you agree with that assessment, so I wanted to educate you on the history of American domestic terrorism a tiny bit.

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So why only right wingers consider him a hero?

Aug 2, 2021, 11:43 PM

And most every article links him to radical right wing survivalist group

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: So why only right wingers consider him a hero?

Aug 3, 2021, 12:21 PM

I doubt that's true, but I'll play along.

The ideological prism is more like a sphere than a straight line extending into infinity. The more extreme a person or group's ideology becomes, the closer they get to the group they consider their polar opposite--but they are really very close in terms of tactics. But their end goals are usually still opposite.

I'm sure the lines get blurry out there in the woods after 27 years. And history revisionism is always a factor. (E.g., a few weeks ago a SI reporter asked Mike Norvell about his relationship with Dabo since CLEMSON cancelled last year's football game. We all seem to remember that event totally differently than SI did.)

Historically left wingers in general are trying to bring down an existing government. Right wingers are trying to 'reform' an existing government. In the US, right wingers have rarely been a serious threat because they have always known that no new government could be based on better guidelines than we already have. And while they may be a threat to those currently in power, they aren't a threat to the government or country as a whole. OTOH, left wingers are usually associated with anarchy, or significantly reducing the power of government.

But I think it's safe to say that the right wingers who were made fools of on Jan 6 won't be that naive again.

Maybe you'll tell us which right wingers are glorifying Timothy McVeigh.

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Quick google search

Aug 3, 2021, 2:59 PM

You might not believe the sources though. I'll try to include some neutral sites. Most have McVeigh as an anti-government extremist with ties to the 'Patriot' movement

"Learn what motivated white right-wing terrorists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols to commit the Oklahoma City Bombing,"

"Both were former U.S. Army soldiers and were associated with the extreme right-wing and militant Patriot movement"

Don't know how biased this is:

These folks of course have a strong obviously biased opinion but include quotes:

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

The SPLC is just a squeaky clean centrist group?

Aug 5, 2021, 8:25 PM

..who knew?

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Guess you can’t read where I called them obviously biased

Aug 5, 2021, 11:43 PM

Also noticed you didn’t offer any defense or counterpoint.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

So why reference an "obviously biased" group?

Aug 6, 2021, 12:28 AM

How does that help your case?

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Only included because they captured real quotes

Aug 7, 2021, 10:46 PM

Of real people saying exactly what this thread is about.

Continue to nitpick instead of addressing the overall message.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

The SPLC has a very well known reputation....

Aug 8, 2021, 2:02 AM

They are a "little to the left of the ACLU". Their definition of hate is "anything someone says that we disagree with". As Sam Harris likes to say about people who like to toss around the word "hate", it's a conversation killer and a tactic used to silence the opposition. They've been sued multiple times after placing someone on their "hate group list". I don't think Stalin could do it any better, do you? Are you okay with making an enemies list? I'm not. Given that, why not just cite Pravda on US Foreign policy? What "overall message" are you talking about? Are you trying to say that along with TM millions of other Right Wingers are just waiting to blow up buildings?

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In the SPLC article that you reffed......

Aug 8, 2021, 2:13 AM [ in reply to Only included because they captured real quotes ]

..the author cites 6, yes 6, people who supported what Timothy Macveigh did; yes, 6. Wow. What am I supposed to glean from this? What If I were to say I could find 6 Jews who supported the Communist Party USA during and immediately after WWII, and then extrapolate from that the motives of millions of other Jews from those 6? But that seems to be what you're doing and apparently your can't admit it. What's next, finding 6 African-Americans that are criminals and then by that small sample insinuating that that millions of other blacks are....well.....you know.....inherently criminal....or just waiting for an opportunity...

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Ever heard of the JDL?

Aug 8, 2021, 2:26 AM

I'm old enough to remember when this group was around:

"...The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is a Jewish religious-political organization in the United States, whose stated goal is to "protect Jews from antisemitism by whatever means necessary".[1] It is classified as "a right wing terrorist group" by the FBI since 2001,[2] and has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[3] According to the FBI, the JDL has been involved in plotting and executing acts of terrorism within the United States.[2][4] Most terrorism watch groups classify the group as inactive.[5]

Founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane in New York City in 1968, the JDL's self-described purpose was to protect Jews from local manifestations of antisemitism.[1][6] Its criticism of the Soviet Union increased support for the group, transforming it from a "vigilante club" into an organization with a stated membership numbering over 15,000 at one point.[7] The group took to bombing Arab and Soviet properties in the United States,[8] and targeting various alleged "enemies of the Jewish people", ranging from Arab-American political activists to neo-Nazis, for assassination.[9] A number of JDL members have been linked to violent, and sometimes deadly, attacks in the United States and in other countries, including the murder of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee regional director Alex Odeh in 1985, the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in 1994, and a plot to assassinate Congressman Darrell Issa in 2001.[10] Several JDL members and leaders died violent deaths, including Kahane himself, who was assassinated by an Arab-American gunman.[11] .."

But surely, you wouldn't associate this group with Jews in general would you? Maybe you would...

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According to TigerDave2:

Aug 8, 2021, 2:46 AM

Premise #1: Timothy MacVeigh was a Right Winger.

Premise #2: Timothy MacVeigh was violent.

Conclusion: Therefore all Right Wingers are violent.

A simple, concise statement of what you believe and how you arrived at it?

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Thread started with someone claiming McVeigh was a left winger

Aug 8, 2021, 1:44 PM

They provided no evidence.

I provide quotes of folks on the far right that like him more. Didn’t say everybody was. Go back to school cause you argue worse than a teenage girl.

You’re really upset about this for some reason. You should seek out therapy to figure out why. Good luck to you.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

You're imtent on stereotyping *millions* of US citizens....

Aug 8, 2021, 6:43 PM

...millions who make you "upset" for some reason. You argue like someone who fell asleep in 1950 and just woke up. It's you that needs therapy and a basic course in logic. But thanks for playing.

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Take your meds

Aug 8, 2021, 7:56 PM

And stop putting words in my mouth. Work on your reading comprehension.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

You're probably the expert at "taking meds" and ...

Aug 9, 2021, 6:29 PM

"putting things in your mouth" so I'll leave that up to you....

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You cited a sample size of ****6 people**** to support...

Aug 9, 2021, 6:34 PM

...your assertion; *6*. If I can find 6 Muslims who supported 911 would it then be okay with you to extrapolate that all Muslims are terrorists????? You seem to be the type of fellow who employs a type of Taxi Cab Fallacy and double standard; prejudice and stereotypes are perfectly valid when applied to the right group.

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You are clearly sick***

Aug 3, 2021, 8:13 AM [ in reply to Re: Flagged to DHS ]

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You poor dumb #######***

Aug 3, 2021, 8:14 AM [ in reply to Re: Flagged to DHS ]

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McVeigh Was NOT a Left-Winger

Aug 3, 2021, 1:28 PM [ in reply to Re: Flagged to DHS ]

"I know in my heart that I am right in my struggle, Steve. I have come to peace with myself, my God and my cause. Blood will flow in the streets, Steve. Good vs. Evil. Free Men vs. Socialist Wannabe Slaves. Pray it is not your blood, my friend." - Timothy McVeigh.

Not the "Socialist Wannabe Slaves" part.

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 9:51 AM

Thanks Soy. As someone who works in oxygen supply and works with most of the Upstate hospitals I'm glad to see information like this put out. I don't have a political party and lean conservative but the misinformation about the vaccine is disheartening. Hospital cases with unvaccinated are absolutely picking up, especially in Spartanburg county. We've had case workers from area hospitals coming to us terrified that we'll run out of oxygen equipment.

The fact is, even though many weren't heavily affected by the virus the hospital systems in the Upstate were VERY close to falling apart earlier this year. We were the last company that had oxygen and were down to our last little bit when the surge finally slowed down in February. The amount of lives that would have been lost had the surge lasted another week or two would of been horrifying as there wouldn't of been enough equipment available to keep them alive outside of the hospital. The vaccine, like it or not, saved countless lives. And yes, I don't fully trust them but those are the facts. Luckily, I don't think we'll see surges like last winter's again.

If you don't want the vaccine or don't trust it that's your choice to make. If you're younger and healthier it may not affect you much BUT if you have underlying health problems/are overweight or 40 the risk is definitely higher. Every one of our COVID patients on oxygen is unvaccinated and most tell me they should of received the vaccine.

Stay safe folks.

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I Looked At SC DHEC Numbers...

Aug 2, 2021, 10:07 AM

for the number of people who were hospitalized for the Flu in the first week of January 2020 verses the first week of January 2021 . If my memory is correct the January 2020 number was 258 people were hospitalized and the number for January 2021 was 1.

The PCR test is BS . Every company that made the PCR test said on their websites in January of 2020 that the test was for research only,not for diagnostic use. Dr. Kary Mullis who invented the test and won the Nobel prize for it state that same line of reasoning. Plus he said Dr. Farce knows nothing and he would tell him that to his face. Even Dr Farce has said that the test using 35 cycles or more was BS. Why are they no longer testing vaccinated folks with the PCR test but are testing the unvaccinated folks ? Why were they testing vaccinated folks at 28 cycles and testing unvaccinated folks at 35 cycles or more ?

Why does Dr. Robert Malone inventor of the mRNA vaccine warn against its use ? Why does the Former Vice President of Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon warn against the vaccine ?

How many people who are perfectly healthy have died from Covid from March 2020 to March 2021 according to the CDC ? 754 is that number .

Who knew that the flu would disappear from America in 2020.

Protect the really old and sick folks and let the rest of America get back to normal .

Dr Chris Martenson goes through the CDC's report covering March 2020 to March 2021 .


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Re: I Looked At SC DHEC Numbers...

Aug 2, 2021, 4:03 PM

Number 1 - Dr Robert Malone did not invent the mRNA vaccines. At best, he invented the "platform" for mRNA vaccines to be delivered. But Dr. Malone has largely not been involved in mRNA research since the early 2000s. This is confirmed by an easy to do scholarly check on his work.

Dr. Kariko and Dr Weissman invented the process for mRNA vaccines to work through what is called "mRNA non-immunogenic" You can find the patent at the link below.

Number 2 - Dr Robert Malone has taken the Moderna Vaccine.

Number 3 - Dr. Michael Yeadon left Pfizer in 2011.

So you are taking the words of gentleman who did some work more than 10-20 years ago and have not been intimately involved in the science since then.



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Shocking news this AM that healthy athletic teenager

Aug 2, 2021, 10:48 AM

contracted Covid at Camp this weekend. His Father, our beloved minister, has some symptoms this AM, so getting tested. Symptoms are slight as whole family is vaccinated. As a retired clinical pathologist (ASCP) Who hated the flu shot, and never took it again after first one made me sick. However, I did a lot of research into these vaccinations, and was very impressed with the methodology and results. Facts: vaccinated people have less than one in 3 chances of contracting delta variant and 1 in ten have less chance of being seriously ill after contracting it. Get smart, get vaccinated.

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it really is too bad there’s not a vaccine for all the...

Aug 2, 2021, 11:14 AM


maybe as healthcare professionals, we should just keep our solutions to ourselves? help our families and friends only?

let the minions treat themselves for disease and illness. after over a year battling on their behalf - they deserve nothing.

thanks for trying man.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I for one am glad you are stopping. You are one of the most ignorant posters ever. You obviously think very highly of your own opinion, unlike the rest of us - RockHillTiger

I agree.....starting with yourself...and how does changing..

Aug 2, 2021, 9:50 PM

....a bedpan every night make you a health care professional..LOL..????

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Re: I agree.....starting with yourself...and how does changing..

Aug 3, 2021, 9:08 AM

i’m the director.

but, I can pee on you, if you’re into it.
and smack you around a little bit. hit me up.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I for one am glad you are stopping. You are one of the most ignorant posters ever. You obviously think very highly of your own opinion, unlike the rest of us - RockHillTiger

Theclash: others here have said you drink from other's...

Aug 5, 2021, 7:49 PM

...bedpans; I'll ask your wife and she what she says...that okay with you???

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 11:32 AM

This is your most useful post. No emotional appeal, just numbers and reported conditions. Is it applicable across the country? Absolutely not. Is it indicative of your area? Absolutely. Can human beings take your information and make their own decisions based on these facts? Well let’s hope that will always be the case.

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Aug 2, 2021, 3:21 PM

Was a genius. Read his compendium if you dare.

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Serious question

Aug 2, 2021, 4:02 PM

You say the ones admitted are unvaxed. Are there any that have been admitted that previously had COVID-19? What has been your experience with those people? I have read that reinfection is not as prevalent even with delta and that our immune systems are very complex, but will kick back into action when needed to.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

Took our young kids to the doc today.

Aug 2, 2021, 4:03 PM

Both have respiratory viruses, but no COVID.

Anyway, Doc said that when they admit patients, they are unvaccinated. And they say not getting it only hurts the person without the vaccine, but he said they’ve started pushing out procedures like stents and cancer screenings because resources are tied up with more COVID cases.

I’m fairly conservative and I’m not one to tell people they need to put anything in their body against their will. I just wish a lot of unvaccinated would really weigh the value of the stand they are taking or the risk they perceive they are avoiding.

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 11:21 PM

Question for you. CDC states the pcr test cannot distinguish between influenza and COVID. They say that there is NOT a test for the delta variant yet. If the doctors cannot isolate COVID, how can the delta variant be diagnosed? How did the total death count from 2019 and 2019 not increase in 2020? Why did flu cases basically disappear in 2020? This is why a lot of people do not trust what is coming out of the government’s mouth.

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Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 11:37 PM

The CDC did not state that the tests cannot distinguish between Covid and the Flu.

The scientific community, has developed a test which can test for Covid, Influenza A and Influenza B, in one test rather than two tests. Thus the CDC asked for the current emergency approved Covid testing system be phased out so the health community use the one test which will lower strain on laboratories testing.

Second, you are correct. The PCR test CANNOT determine what strain of Covid you have. The specific strain is discovered through Genetic Sequencing and is only done on a sample of PCR tests provided since it is more intensive and expensive to run. So when you see reports of strains being "83%" of cases, it's because in the samples provided for genetic sequencing, this is the percentage and so it is largely expected that you have the Delta strain over another one.

I don't know what you're asking about death counts but the US had 500,000 more deaths in 2020 than 2019, though officially 345K are listed as Covid. Influenza and Pneumonia were actually slightly up in 2020.

I know the natural state is to distrust the government and the CDC and whatnot. I get it. However, there are hundreds of other institutions which are doing research and are non-political. The are scientists who just want to do empirical research and work. Like Jama. So if you don't want to trust the CDC fine, but you have to trust someone. And hopefully it's a group with extensive scientific experience and credentials and not a random one who've only been around the last year.....

Scientific America, Nature, Jama, New Scientist, etc. are all good ones


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People think we can’t test for flu and covid separately?

Aug 2, 2021, 11:47 PM [ in reply to Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while ]

Like doctors don’t know how to distinguish between the two? Really?

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Speaking to Cali. We had a mask mandate and were closed

Aug 3, 2021, 2:14 PM [ in reply to Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while ]

until June.

Makes perfect sense to me that as people aren't gathering, most are wearing masks, most are staying home (even for work), people are way more thoughtful about hand sanitizer and hand washing, and people are much more aware of touching their face, nose, and eyes will all lead to a dramatic reduction in flu cases.

Also, while not always the case as some fly can present this way, COVID pneumonia has an ARDS presentation of xray, most flu cases have more lobe specific or lobular pneumonia presentation.

We have separate swabs for flu, a viral panel, and COVID.

I'm not super well educated on PCR tests, so I'll stop there.

Listen to healthcare workers my friend. We aren't the news. We all have different religious and political backgrounds and affiliations. If you want the real, speak to 5-10 people who have actively worked in the hospital before and during COVID.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 2, 2021, 11:37 PM

Thanks for update, very convincing or should be. All I know is as you state > 99% of admissions and COVID deaths are In unvaccinated people.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Likely my last little COVID tidbit here for a while

Aug 3, 2021, 7:30 AM

Hi soy,
I am a stats teacher and appreciate data. I have the JJ shot. I know I have about a 1 in 3 chance of still getting covid.
My question for you is: if I get the delta variant my vax would most likely keep me out of the hospital and my body should build immunity to the new variant. Is this a correct assessment? If so, i believe this to be a great advantage in my own immunity path.


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The trends we are seeing are that vax folks are NOT

Aug 3, 2021, 2:27 PM

being admitted to the hospital.
Yes, vax folks are swabbing positive, but with no symptoms or flu like symptoms at the worst.
The unvax folks that are coming in are coming in sicker and quicker than our "first wave."

I cannot speak to the why's of increased or natural immunity. No idea.

Good luck and take care!


2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


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