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Front Page Story: David Hood: Where does Clemson go from here?
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Front Page Story: David Hood: Where does Clemson go from here?

Jan 5, 2012, 9:07 PM

David Hood: Where does Clemson go from here?

What is next for the Clemson program after the Orange Bowl beat down on Wednesday evening? Full Story »

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from a defensive players mouth...

Jan 5, 2012, 9:13 PM

the system is to complex..all year our defensive guys have looked like chickens with their heads cut off before the other team snaps the ball.

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Re: from a defensive players mouth...

Jan 5, 2012, 9:15 PM

this is what I have heard also!! players have to THINK, NOT PLAY

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yeah..when your guys are..

Jan 5, 2012, 9:17 PM

worried about where to line up.you have huge issues.

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we find someone who will teach tackling and angles

Jan 6, 2012, 6:03 PM [ in reply to Re: from a defensive players mouth... ]

and i mean tackling in practice, which goes back to Dabo. He has to have the final say so on how intense our practices are and our defense hasn't tackled well all year. I've wanted Steele gone since we play our first 2 games and I stick by it.

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I really wonder who that was.***

Jan 5, 2012, 10:13 PM [ in reply to from a defensive players mouth... ]

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: from a defensive players mouth...

Jan 6, 2012, 6:56 AM [ in reply to from a defensive players mouth... ]

That is exactly what a high school defensive coach at a large, successful SC school told me (he has been to a clinic put on by Steele and has studied it) - it is WAY too complicated. For example - there are 32 versions of cover 2 defense. This coach says the guys are thinking and not playing. He says we have the talent, they just are in paralysis by analysis. The "no tackling in practice" rule is a problem too - that is the source of us not finishing plays and tackles, not wrapping up. We need a new DC - no other way to look at it.

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Jan 6, 2012, 1:59 PM [ in reply to from a defensive players mouth... ]

Tell Dabo to patch things up,and NOW!


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Dooley must want fired if he wants Steele as his DC***

Jan 5, 2012, 9:18 PM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I think Dooley will be gone before the 2012 season is

Jan 5, 2012, 9:29 PM


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Re: I think Dooley will be gone before the 2012 season is

Feb 14, 2020, 9:38 AM

True Dooley is not the head coach Tennessee was looking for!

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Re: Front Page Story: David Hood: Where do we go from here?

Jan 5, 2012, 9:37 PM

Where do we go from here? The answer is simple. Defensively, Clemson needs new leadership just as the offense needed it after last year. Keven Steele is not the only guy recruiting and if other assistants leave then you deal with it but after last night I think the answer is simple. Get a new coordinator, actually play the younger players, and for the rest of us, keep the faith. Nobody expected last nights outcome, except Lou Holtz.....no comment there.

I am looking forward to better things in the future from this program and there is not a doubt in my mind that we will win a major bowl game (soon), beat South Carolina, and right the ship once again. People will forget this performance in two weeks, ESPN included and life will go on.

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Re: Front Page Story: David Hood: Where do we go from here?

Jan 5, 2012, 9:55 PM


Remember that 21 points were the offense's fault. Two fumbled and an INT led to 21 points that can't be blamed on Steele. Nonetheless, the defense was flatly bad this year.

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And that leaves 49 for the D to account for***

Jan 5, 2012, 10:00 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

We do Chicken right...it's not just for frying anymore!

Re: And that leaves 49 for the D to account for***

Jan 5, 2012, 10:18 PM

Yep! Take 40 of those away and we win. Point made.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

WVU's D only scored 7 points. WVU's O scored the other 63.

Jan 5, 2012, 11:56 PM [ in reply to Re: Front Page Story: David Hood: Where do we go from here? ]

Just because the offense gives up a turnover doesn't mean that the defense has to give up 7 points. Hold 'em to a field goal attempt. The one pick was at the Clemson 32 and the Tajh fumble was at the Clemson 18. But heck, our defense almost never stopped WVU no matter where they started.

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Wonder who said that? Ill bet it was a senior***

Jan 5, 2012, 9:39 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

We do Chicken right...it's not just for frying anymore!

Yea because he knows he

Jan 5, 2012, 9:49 PM

Can speak the truth

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Getting rid of Steele will not hurt recruiting!

Jan 5, 2012, 9:53 PM

Continuing to get beat by lesser opponents will hurt us more on the recruiting front! I really can't imagine after last night that there are a lot of recruits that are going to Clemson because he is the DC, especially when current players think his scheme is too complicated...which is evident when you watch the guys trying to get lined up correctly. We love our players and they played their hearts out all year, but the D coaches cost them at least 2, and maybe 3, wins this year.

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Re: Getting rid of Steele will not hurt recruiting!

Jan 5, 2012, 9:56 PM

Firing coaches always hurts recruiting to some extent in the IMMEDIATE short run.

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Re: Getting rid of Steele will not hurt recruiting!

Jan 5, 2012, 11:47 PM [ in reply to Getting rid of Steele will not hurt recruiting! ]

Heck the D Coordinator cost us a shot at playing for the National Championship. Not sure how it would had worked out with the computers. We were lucky we didn't lose the Maryland and Wake games.

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Getting rid of Steele will not hurt recruiting! AGREE B/C

Jan 6, 2012, 9:01 AM [ in reply to Getting rid of Steele will not hurt recruiting! ]

Steele doesn't even really recruit. He's assigned to the Miami Dade area of FL- and NOBODY on our roster is from that area. In fact, I can't remember the last one we signed from that area. If my memory is right, Rollins from 08 which was before Steele got here.

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Re: Front Page Story: David Hood: Where does Clemson go from here?

Feb 14, 2020, 10:47 AM

I am 61 years old and have watched the Tigers for over 50 years. This game has done permanent damage to me. I will never get over this one. It was great to make it to the Orange Bowl but I have never felt so much humiliation, embarrassment and disappointment. I'm afraid this will carry over through the winter, spring ball and next season. I have no idea where we go from here.

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Re: Front Page Story: David Hood: Where does Clemson go from here?

Jan 6, 2012, 10:24 AM

Slanker, I am 51, I have watched the Tigers for 40 years. We have very seldom been embarrassed, and never to this extent. This is not the Clemson that I grew up with and hasn't been for a while. I don't know what to do about it. A loss is one thing, this is quite another.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

if you are 61 and can't get over a football game

Jan 8, 2012, 9:28 AM [ in reply to Re: Front Page Story: David Hood: Where does Clemson go from here? ]

your problems may be a little deeper

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Re: Front Page Story: David Hood: Where does Clemson go from here?

Jan 5, 2012, 9:59 PM

Steele is an easy target because he has earned it. He is simply not a good DC but full of coach-speak and himself. Hobby would do a MUCH better job of the coaches on staff.
Pearman is marginal in my view; ST have been so average that they provide no meaningful advantage.
Quite honestly, Dabo proved he is not ready for this job although he can recruit and is a very positive role model. Batson needs to be shown the door as well. We get pushed around by mediocre teams and are in poor shape; heck guys are GAINING wieght during the season!

So, if I were AD for a Day, here's my plan:
1 - get rid of the entire staff and start over.

Since #1 won't happen, here's my realistic plan:
1 - get rid of Steele
2 - show Batson the door
3 - demote Pearman or find him a non-coaching position
4 - renegotiate the coach's compensation; not one of them deserves a raise this year
5 - send a letter to all supporters and tell them ticket prices are not increasing, anyone who spent money going to the OB will get a $250 credit for any future season ticket purchases.

I am not sure we will overcome this loss from a national perspective anytime soon. Let's show the world what WVU did in firing Stewart..... marginal is not good enough.

David: thanks for FINALLY stating the obvious, we are not a young team. Just make sure you share that with Dabo as I'm not sure he sees it.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgtbn_110.gif flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

David will be in the dog house with the coaching staff

Jan 5, 2012, 10:09 PM

for a while. Especially if Steele stays.

The way to overcome the national perception is beat the snot out of everyone for a few years. EVERYONE. Then they will just talk about it was growing pains

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

We do Chicken right...it's not just for frying anymore!

Those 21 points would have been

Jan 5, 2012, 10:01 PM

Scored anyway. WV called off the dogs somewhat. They could have hung 90 on us.

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Great story. I'd rather see guys get aggressive and make

Jan 5, 2012, 10:12 PM

Mistakes rather than worry about formations. I also feel that lateek should have been playing lb

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What better motivating tool than this for next season?

Jan 5, 2012, 10:24 PM

and to heck with recruit defectors.
Do you think that whoever takes the field for that first game (Auburn)won't be foaming at the mouth to make amends for this utter humiliation. We are not an untalented team. I hope Dabo won't let an hour go by that he doesn't remind his players to remember how they felt at the end of this game. Let it fester in their guts until they are rabid to bust some a$$.
Seriously----give me a better motivation than this. We have been served bitter oranges. Let's us make orangeaide in twentytwelve!
What are you going to do otherwise? Start pulling for the gamecocks?

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Re: What better motivating tool than this for next season?

Jan 5, 2012, 10:28 PM

Are you out of your mind. I would give up all sports before I would ever become a coot!!!

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Answer for where do we go from here

Jan 5, 2012, 11:03 PM

You take a few weeks off, and start getting ready for the next season! The first game is AUBURN in HOT-LANTA! Defense: The players are not pros. The are just kids (very big kids). IMHO, you play a fundamentally sound defense that relies on players using sound/fundamental techniques and keep "tricks" and "stunts" to the minimum.

Blitz is not a stunt, it is also fundamental. I agree, watched or was at every game this season. Many a time, saw the defense shuffling around, looking confused UP TO THE SNAP OF THE BALL.

No need to fire the the D. Coach.. I would just ask him to implement a more basic, easy to execute defense scheme. Trust his players athletic ability to get the job done, not on "tricks and gimmicks".

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Answer for where do we go from here

Jan 5, 2012, 11:39 PM

Kevin Steele cost us a shot at playing for the dad gum National Championship. He hasn't been able to stop Ga Tech. He couldn't stop a horrible Maryland team. We didn't deserve to beat Wake Forest. We barely beat Wofford and Troy. I hope Dabo fires him before he quits on his own and takes the Tenn job.

Forgive me. I'm just frustrated.

No improvement on defense all year. That comes down to coaching. We regressed. We stopped Va Tech. Only team we stopped all year pretty much.

Kevin Steele can't stop a spread or a running quarterback and somehow makes non running quarterbacks look like All Americans.

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Re: Answer for where do we go from here

Jan 6, 2012, 1:02 AM

What is Steele's salary, and what would it take to buy it out?

Dabo better hope things improve dramatically next year if he keeps Steele, because if they don't, he is ordering up a double order of tar and feathers.

To have a defensive scheme that is complicated and confusing is ludicrous.

As a matter of fact, I think if I had a back like Mike Bellamy, I would make at least a portion of the offense customized to his understanding,if necessary, as well. To keep a Tony Dorsett caliber back off the field is insane if he can be accomodated.

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Axe Barker, TDP, Dabo, Steele & Batson. Promote Chad.

Jan 6, 2012, 1:38 AM

Barker: Obviously could care less about athletic excellence.

Phillips: Gave Tommy Bowden an extension and $4M buyout a few months before firing the proven-mediocre, unemployable Bowden. Then because we owed Bowden so much money, he hired a bargain basement WR coach. How on earth could that guy pee away $4M and still have a job?

It'll take change at the top for Clemson to be great again, but the BOT loves Barker so let's get to the realistic changes needed...

Batson: Clemson's players (especially the OL & DL) have been getting pushed around by smaller, lower-rated guys for many years. Our players seem weak and overweight compared to good teams. The results stink. Batson needs to go. (Who retained Batson?)

Steele: With over 3 decades of experience, Steele really knows his stuff. The problem is that his players don't have three decades to learn it. I was on the fence about Steele until the Orange Bowl. No way Vic Koenning would have given up 63 points with Clemson's talent. In Vic's 4 years at Clemson, he never gave up more than 34 in regulation-- and that was with Spence as the OC. (Who foolishly fired Koenning and hired Steele?)

Dabo: Dabo is soft, emotional, a mediocre gameday coach (with bad clock management), horribly iconsistent, and therefore prone to getting beat or struggling against inferior teams-- much like Bowden before him. Good recruiter. Nice guy. Friend of the players. Great cheerleader. Good on discipline & academics. Great salesman. And he's learning. But there's a reason that no big-time football school is trying to steal our affordably-priced, ACC-champion, Bobby Dodd award winning head coach (and nobody has hired Tommy Bowden). Once again we have a soft head coach that nobody else wants to hire.

Chad. Promote him. He gets it. He's tough. He knows how to coach, how to in-game-coach, how to earn respect, how to get the best out the players, how to keep the schemes simple enough for the kids to learn, etc. He's a real coach and he could run circles around Dabo.

Yeah... I know... you can't fire a head coach that won the ACC, so we're stuck with him. Hopefully Dabo will replace Steele and Batson, and let Morris and the new DC run the show with zero interference.

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I don't really get your blatant hatred for Dabo.

Jan 6, 2012, 2:22 AM

Last year he went out and got an OC that turned this team around in just ONE offseason. Next year the offense will be even better, that is if the OLine is solid (which is a big concern).

Batson: agree

Steele: agree

How many "big time" college football schools are trying to steal coaches? Ohio State wanted Meyer from the start of their selection. Penn State likes to hire within their family. Hell if your "there's a reason..." statement is valid why don't we fire Dabo and go after Saban, Miles, Stoops, etc.?

Chad: Yeah he gets it and he's tough but at the same time he has had his mistakes this year too.

Bottom line is everyone is at fault, some more than others, but the program is headed in the right direction even though we took a good many steps back last night.

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I don't hate him. I just don't think he's very good.

Jan 6, 2012, 3:54 AM

What would make you say I hate Dabo? I calmly, rationally listed Dabo's strengths and weaknesses in my previous post. You didn't disagree with my list. Dabo isn't bad. But he's not great. I want Clemson to be great. Clemson could be great if Clemson hired a great coach.

Would a great coach have led Clemson to that debacle in the Orange Bowl?

Do you think Dabo is a great coach or do you just not care if Clemson has a great coach?

Are you OK with having a coach that regularly loses to less talented teams (like NCSU & GT) and gets whupped by comparably talented teams like SCar & WVU, as Dabo has done for the last 3 years?

Great, affordable coaches are frequently head-hunted by ADs. Guys like Peterson, Patterson, Morris, & Malzahn are constantly getting recruited. Guys like Dabo & Tommy Bowden? Nobody wants to hire them, and yet the orange koolaid crowd acts like they're great coaches and people call me a hater if I say otherwise. Well obviously they're not great. And as a result, Clemson is not great. So here we are again... sort of a fringe Top 25-ish team. I went to Clemson when we were a GREAT team. I just want Clemson to be great again.

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Dabo will be fine, just need to finish getting good coaches

Jan 6, 2012, 9:16 AM

around him. The last piece is DC.

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Here since 2003, Dabo knew the coaches when he took over!

Jan 6, 2012, 11:28 AM

After 4 yrs, Dabo needs time to "finish" hiring good coaches? Dabo has been at Clemson since 2003. He already knew the entire coaching staff well when he took over in 2008! What did he do?

Dabo screwed up by firing one of the best DCs in the country, Koenning, because of petty personality issues. Koennng's Ds were superior to Steele's in every stat, total D, scoring D, 3rd down D, efficiency, etc... and that was with awful OC Spence putting Vic's D on the field way too much. Has anybody else hired Koenning as DC? Yes. K-state, Illinois, & UNC.

Dabo screwed up by hiring Napier as OC- a guy with zero experience who doesn't even run Dabo's preferred style of spread offense! Has anybody else hired Napier as OC? No.

Dabo screwed up by keeping Batson, Brad Scott, et al, though he did finally move Brad Scott out.

It cracks me up how our coach-fans place the blame anywhere but on Dabo. Dabo just needs more time to do on-the-job training. Bowden needed more time. One play away from a great season. It was all Aaron Kelly's fault. If only Ellington hadn't fumbled we could have beaten WVU. If we hadn't lost to Auburn, the 2010 season would have been completely different. Blame anybody but the head coach. Still a soft, inconsistent, fringe Top 25 team with a coach who needs more time to correct the staff that he's worked on since 2003.

Dabo is NOT a great coach. I want Clemson to be great.

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Re: Here since 2003, Dabo knew the coaches when he took over!

Jan 6, 2012, 1:31 PM

Two divisions, one ACC championship and National Coach of the year. Fire him and we look worse than we did Wednesday. He hasn't been a head coach long, but he is obviously getting there.

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key being ACC, the rest is worse than TB. ACC sucks. Trust

Jan 8, 2012, 11:35 AM

me, usc and the acc all hope we keep Dabo.

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Re: key being ACC, the rest is worse than TB. ACC sucks. Trust

Jan 11, 2012, 6:38 PM

I never trust anyone who says "trust me". Wins 10, ACC Championship and National Coach of the Year and you want him fired? What coach in America would come to Clemson if you get fired with that Resume'?

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Without Brad Scott, there would not have been Sammy!***

Jan 6, 2012, 4:40 PM [ in reply to Here since 2003, Dabo knew the coaches when he took over! ]

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TDP basically controls the coaching hires, not Dabo.

Jan 6, 2012, 5:19 PM [ in reply to Here since 2003, Dabo knew the coaches when he took over! ]

Dabo got his wish with a number of coaching changes last year because of the public outcry after a 6-7 season. It may have been more difficult to justify changes this year after the better than expected results but after the defensive debacle in the OB game and the current public outcry, TDP may realize that he and Dabo have no alternative but to acquiesce.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Barker controls TDP and micro manages athletics esp

Jan 8, 2012, 11:37 AM

football. Barker got us into this mess by demanding TDP give into TB's demands. TDP was gonna let TB hang himself on his bluff. Arkansas had already moved on publicly from TB, who was never seriously considered.

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Point, bravo, keep on preaching the truth. What gets me is,

Jan 8, 2012, 11:33 AM [ in reply to Here since 2003, Dabo knew the coaches when he took over! ]

after everything we went through with TB, and how most of the pumpers finally saw the truth. You would think they'd be more cautious and take a step back and be a bit more critical of the next coaches resume and abilities. Instead, they got even more emotionally attached to an even less deserving guy and not only doubled down, but wen all in. It's completely irrational.

I'd love to see how they would react if their boss got fired and instead of getting promoted, or getting a well qualified new boss from outside the company, the CEO promotes a friend's son that just graduated from college. I'm sure they'd run home and pop open a bottle of champagne excited over the great new direction the company is headed.

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why is that taking 3 or 4 years? most good coaches are

Jan 8, 2012, 11:20 AM [ in reply to Dabo will be fine, just need to finish getting good coaches ]

taking programs to new heights within two or three years with the talent they inherited and staff they put in place when first hired. Name a coach that won a national title that retooled his coaching staff twice in his first 3 years?

Dabo has been in college coaching almost his entire adult life. if he were truly qualified to be a HC at this level why would he need to retool his staff over and over?

Dabo is looking exactly like TB. Just as predicted!

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Re: Dabo will be fine, just need to finish getting good coaches

Jan 8, 2012, 8:07 PM [ in reply to Dabo will be fine, just need to finish getting good coaches ]

Dabo will not be fine,as long as he is here we will continue to get punched in the mouth two or three times a year

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Point, great post. The reality is, Clemson fans are hung up

Jan 8, 2012, 11:03 AM [ in reply to I don't hate him. I just don't think he's very good. ]

on overtly religious coaches and guys that are good ole boys from the south. It's more important the coach be someone they are emotionally attached to than someone qualified, experienced, and proven.

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Re: Point, great post. The reality is, Clemson fans are hung up

Jan 8, 2012, 11:15 AM

notice blue cootie said "clemson fans". did not include himself in that group.

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PS ... and note he wrote "blatant hatred" when you didn't

Jan 8, 2012, 11:15 AM [ in reply to Point, great post. The reality is, Clemson fans are hung up ]

write anything negative or bad about Dabo as a peron, you simply pointed out the truth, yet that makes you a "hater"! In fact, you even wrote you thought he was a good coach. Just not great or a coach that Clemson deserves.

These folks are so emotionally wrapped up into Dabo they can't step back and see the truth. The realities that anyone objective or outside of Clemson can clearly see.

They can't separate the personal from the professional. It is as if they think saying a Tom Clancey novel sucked is saying "god I hate Tom Clancey, what a no talent tool". They have zero perspective or objectivity.

It's like when I visit my parents and my mom has a side dish I hate and I tease her, my family doesn't flip out because they know I love my mom and her cooking. Hating her making squash casserole doesn't change that!

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EXACTLY! I love Clemson. Pumpers love Dabo, Bowden, et al

Jan 8, 2012, 4:45 PM

It always amazes me that, whoever the Clemson head coach is, the self-proclaimed "true fans" fall in love with him. And if anyone points out the head coach's weaknesses, mistakes, or failures (even if you calmly support your opinion with historical facts, data, examples, etc.) they call you a hater and a coot, and they find the head coach completely blameless. It makes no sense.

It's an interesting psychological study because mostly, the same people who act like Dabo is the greatest coach since Bear Bryant are the ones who (right up until Bowden was fired) acted like Bowden was the greatest coach. Then ten seconds after the changing of the guard, they're convinced that Dabo is the greatest coach ever and there's no way Clemson could have hired anybody better than a zero-experience WR coach. They don't call TDP a hater for firing Bowden. They don't admit that they were wrong about Bowden. They just move on to adoring the next head coach. And they seem to at least partly measure their fandom by how hard they support the head coach. It's really amazing.

But I only see that mentality here on TigerNet. I make similar posts elsewhere (ShakinTheSouthland.com, ESPN.com, et al) and nobody ever childishly name-calls me. Usually I get positive comments and "likes" or "recommendations" and intelligent discussion. But if I make the same posts here, I can practically guarantee multiple, juvenile, name-calling responses. That's just the juvenile, pumper, coach-loving nature of the TigerNet readership. Just like the Daily Kos (and its readership) is politically far-left, TigerNet is pumper-oriented. If you post an intelligent conservative opinion on the Dail Kos, the liberals will name-call and flame you.

On the few rare occassions that TigerNet articles have hinted negativity about a coach, the coach was fired shortly thereafter. (I assume that the athletic department suggests and pre-approves such articles in order to prepare the fans.) So the fact that T-Net posted this article indicates that they might either fire Steele or strongly encourage him to take the UT job.

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Re: I don't really get your blatant hatred for Dabo.

Jan 7, 2012, 8:46 AM [ in reply to I don't really get your blatant hatred for Dabo. ]

Razz is a moron. I have read his diatribes for years in the Post & Courier. He must have had a miserable childhood.

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Re: I don't really get your blatant hatred for Dabo.

Jan 8, 2012, 10:59 AM [ in reply to I don't really get your blatant hatred for Dabo. ]

orange tinted glasses, put down the cup of kool aid, then read Dabo's resume. He has zero business being a head coach. None. Not at Newberry, and darn sure not at Clemson.

Dabo's career amounts to WR coach at Bama, then being fired from Bama and not even in coaching until coerced to Clemson as WR coach by good family friend TB.

As we all know, TB was a sage talent evaluator that had some of college footballs mot successful coaching staffs. NOT!

IF Dabo was this young passionate coaching savant with a promising career ahead of him and everyone knew he'd be a great head coach one day, why wasn't he hired away from Bama or Clemson as an OC or HC at another school? Why was he not even in coaching for a few years?

The reality is, no one thought Dabo was a great coach in waiting, not even a great WR coach. If they had Dabo would have been hired by another big program as WR coach after being fired at Bama. We also know another reality, TB didn't hire the best coaches he could find, he hired people he and his family were friends with, people he knew would be especially loyal to him.

I remember Dabo saying one time he had had offers to go to other schools, smaller programs, but wasn't willing to do that as a young family man. What? Unwilling to do what other successful coaches have done? Unwilling to work your way up, pay your dues? Forget football for a moment, look at what young basketball, even worse, baseball coaches are willing to endure that are dedicated and committed to being great coaches.

The reality is, Dabo was unwilling to do what other coaches do, which is move around, learn, work their way up from WR coach to QB coach or OC then HC, by gaining experience and paying their dues. You know, like Morris, Holgorsen, and Malzahn. Three men with much more success than Dabo, men with hot names in coaching circles, men dedicated to their profession and not afraid to work for it, earn it, pay their dues. And there is a reason that's how it's done, which is why the three men listed are winning and moving up, while we are stuck with Dabo. A man that got to be head coach at Clemson via luck and friendship, not based on merit.

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100% agree about Vic, still don't know why people thought

Jan 6, 2012, 9:16 AM [ in reply to Axe Barker, TDP, Dabo, Steele & Batson. Promote Chad. ]

he was so terrible. He pretty much saved Dabo's butt in 08. And yes, I know Bama ran over us but that Defense was on the field a LOT and we didn't come near 70 freakin points. Why Dabo why would you fire the only good cooridinator on your staff?! It's not like Steele recruits players for us.

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Re: Axe Barker, TDP, Dabo, Steele & Batson. Promote Chad.

Jan 7, 2012, 8:43 AM [ in reply to Axe Barker, TDP, Dabo, Steele & Batson. Promote Chad. ]

What's wrong razz, can't get your predictable hateful comments in the P&C? I think you are a coot in tiger stripes.

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I post my reasoning. You counter with juvenile insults.

Jan 7, 2012, 3:57 PM

And you call me "hateful". That is so hypocritcal it's funny.

Obviously you don't have any kind of intelligent counterpoints to my well reasoned, fact-backed, data-backed opinions, so you resort to childish name-calling. Please don't read my posts anymore. You're obviously not capable of having an intelligent, adult discussion.

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Welcome to my world.***

Jan 8, 2012, 11:40 AM

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I stopped reading at "could care less."

Jan 8, 2012, 11:35 AM [ in reply to Axe Barker, TDP, Dabo, Steele & Batson. Promote Chad. ]

Get the phrase right.

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There's something in these hills.

Re: Front Page Story: David Hood: Where does Clemson go from here?

Jan 6, 2012, 5:15 AM

I talked to a defensive coach from a local high school on Thursday, adn asked him why he thought our defense was so bad, and he said the same thing... too complicated. He said one of his former players brought the playbook by earlier this year, and that it was unbelievably thick. But he also said that Kevin Steele gets paid 200X more money than he does, so he didn't feel qualified to say that it should be changed. Just that it certainly didn't appear to be working.

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Re: Front Page Story: David Hood: Where does Clemson go from here?

Jan 6, 2012, 12:26 PM

I agree....Did you notice how many time the defense this year was out of gaps and just seemed to be "dazed and confused" about assignments before the snap this year. I was thinking this morning about the defense this year really only had 2 good games this year and the rest of this years games seemed to be non-existent. I feel that our defensive scheme is the only weak link in the chain. Even into next year ( If our BCS nightmare does not affect our recruiting) I feel like we have rock solid talent (especially if Ellington stays) across the board but something has to change with our defensive scheme.

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Re: Front Page Story: David Hood: Where does Clemson go from here?

Jan 6, 2012, 12:28 PM

As the red carpet was rolled out the EXIT door—a crowd of Clemson notables wonder why
It was for them…the trustees, Terry-Don and Dabo—as they kissed themselves goodbye !!!

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10 wins & an ACC title. Nice. But what does it really mean?

Jan 6, 2012, 3:25 PM

Clemson is STILL a soft, fringe-top 25 team that won a horribly weak conference.

It took Clemson 13 games to get that 10th win in the pathetic ACC. Clemson finished the regular season with a Bowden-esque 9-3 record, including two Bowden-esque losses to inferior teams. And Clemson received two butt whuppings by comparably talented teams (SCar & WVU)-- one of which was worse than anything during the Bowden years.

Who did Clemson beat that will FINISH in the AP Top 25? Clemson beat FSU (who was without their QB and several of their top players at the time) and who will finish in the bottom half othe Top 25. And Clemson beat a lower-half Top 25 VT who really just isn’t very good— as an upper-middle Michigan team proved. (And we lost to inferior teams like GT & NCSU, while getting raped by comparably talented teams like SCar & WVU.)

Are you good if you win the ACC? Apparently not. The ACC champ got a record-setting ###### by a Big East team that probably could have scored 90-100 points if they hadn’t shown mercy. WVU finished 5-2 in Big East play in a three-way tie. The ACC Coastal champ got beat by the runner up (not champion) of the Legends division of the Big Ten. The ACC went 2-6 in bowl games this year. The ACC is 2-13 in BCS bowls. This season NO ACC team beat a non-conference opponent that will finish in the Top 25, but the ACC lost MANY non-con games to Top 25 (or lesser) teams.

So we're ACC champs but we’ll be lucky to finish in the Top 25. Better offense and worse defense than the previous several years. But still the same kind of fringe Top 25 team as we've been for the last two decades. We were just fortunate to play an injury-decimated FSU and a weak ACC schedule, so we actually won the ACC for a change. But that ACC title will be enough to insulate Barker, TDP, & Dabo, for years to come, so it's hard to imagine things changing much.

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Re: 10 wins & an ACC title. Nice. But what does it really mean?

Jan 6, 2012, 3:27 PM

after Wed night the ACC champ means NOTHING!! just more ridicule!!

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You're insane!

Jan 6, 2012, 4:44 PM [ in reply to 10 wins & an ACC title. Nice. But what does it really mean? ]

Meechegan had 180+/-, VT had 370+/-. You apparently need to pull your head out of your ####!

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What does that have to do with anything that I wrote?***

Jan 7, 2012, 6:47 PM

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you clearly need to look at the season and quality of play

Jan 8, 2012, 11:47 AM [ in reply to You're insane! ]

objectively and not think 10 wins today is the same as 10 wins in the 80s or think winning the acc without putting the quality of the season and acc into context.

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Very Refreshing, accurate article***

Jan 6, 2012, 4:00 PM

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FORWARD and quit looking back!! Tiger fans need to

Jan 6, 2012, 6:24 PM

focus on 10 wins, a division title, conference title and BCS berth! Yes, the OB was a disaster, but s%#t happens!! We are a very young talented team with a bright future and this blip on the radar will also pass!! Get over it, get behing your team and GO TIGERS!!!!!

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Re: FORWARD and quit looking back!! Tiger fans need to

Jan 7, 2012, 1:52 PM

We'll recover just like the Lakers after getting crushed in the 2008 finals. 2 years later they beat the Celtics in an epic game 7. In 2013 we'll win a BCS bowl!


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Righttttt because when your wife gets caught cheating on you

Jan 8, 2012, 11:54 AM [ in reply to FORWARD and quit looking back!! Tiger fans need to ]

she'll say "hey I keep a clean house, gave you great kids, and cook you dinner. Move on, let's watch a movie." Naturally you'll say sure honey, we should only judge our marriage and children by the good things done and ignore everything else.

Or maybe when your annual job evaluation comes up and you don't get a raise because you screwed up and cost the company millions in losses you'll probably say, "yea but that was 6 months ago, I've been kosher since then."

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Re: FORWARD and quit looking back!! Tiger fans need to

Jan 8, 2012, 8:25 PM [ in reply to FORWARD and quit looking back!! Tiger fans need to ]

Ten wins but four tail kickings,ACC the worst conference in D1 college football.OB We got punched in the mouth.Yea, a great season

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Kevin Steele cannot coach - worst hire in Clemson history.

Jan 7, 2012, 2:36 PM


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Re: Kevin Steele cannot coach - worst hire in Clemson history.

Jan 7, 2012, 3:05 PM

2nd worst ext to going after promoting a WR coach that excels in recruiting and not coaching.

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Re: Kevin Steele cannot coach - worst hire in Clemson history.

Jan 8, 2012, 9:18 AM [ in reply to Kevin Steele cannot coach - worst hire in Clemson history. ]

The Wikipedia on Kevin Steele isn't bad. Looks like a super star defensive coordinator, but a bad HC. Let's make him a DC...


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Dabo is the worst hire, by far. And Dabo hired Steele.***

Jan 8, 2012, 11:56 AM [ in reply to Kevin Steele cannot coach - worst hire in Clemson history. ]

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