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If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition
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If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 4:08 AM

Man what a country we would have. Instead we get outraged because we feel “disrespected” by someone taking a knee. Talk about snowflakes.

I can’t tell you how many times we I’ve sat in DV and wondered why we don’t have this type of dedication and enthusiasm about things that really matter- especially those who are from or live in SC. Shame on us. But nah. We drive back to pretty our homes to plan the next trip. Then we blame those kids who grow up in poor broken homes for their own failure.

All this nonsense over a black man peacefully protesting. Open your #### eyes. And heaven help us if something bad really happens.

Message was edited by: JeffersonStTiger

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 4:47 AM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Were any animals harmed in filming this?

Sep 5, 2018, 7:04 AM

Don’t want to upset PETA... ??

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 5:42 AM

If the players taking a knee were white and kneeling in opposition of abortions they would be seen as heroes by most that oppose them.

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 6:28 AM

Color has nothing to do with disrespecting our flag/country.If it’s that offensive to any one they have other choices as where to live and what flag to show respect to.

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 6:45 AM

I used to believe that, but I have come to believe that the paradoxical beauty of the flag is that it exists so that people can protest, even disrespectfully. It is part of free speech.

I heard an interview with the vet who advised him to kneel in order to respectfully protest. He was baffled by the public response.

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 7:54 AM [ in reply to Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition ]

Its a huge factor. Also, why would they go somewhere else when thy like it here and are free to protest?

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He is free to protest on the field as long as the NFL allows

Sep 5, 2018, 12:35 PM

it. Everyone else is free to disagree with his protest.

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
- H. L. Mencken

Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 8:05 AM [ in reply to Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition ]

I know I'm kicking a hornets nest here, but I wonder for many of the people saying they are upset because the flag is being disrespected, what their stance is on the Confederate flag? I don't see how you say taking a knee here is disrespect to the flag, our military, and the country, but supporting a flag of a side that literally fought a war against this country, cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and that was on a side that literally tried to leave this country isn't disrespectful?

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 6:34 AM

You are gonna get flack for that, but you are spot-on.

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 6:38 AM

Pretty sure this belongs on the P&R board...quit junking up the football board

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Wait, shouldn't Kaeperdiks be protesting those things?

Sep 5, 2018, 6:53 AM

HeII, I haven't seen him protest anything in 2 years. Everything must be ok.

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If she's a hollerer, she'll be a screamer.
If she's a screamer, she'll get you arrested.


Sep 5, 2018, 6:57 AM

ON THE FOOTBALL BOARDS!!!! Take it to the Politics and Religion Forum where it belongs. I'm sure you will find plenty of folks over there willing to argue with you over whatever political or societal issue that is a burr under your saddle.

As for those of us that come to the football board - we get enough of this political BS thrown in our faces on every other media platform and simply want to talk and read about football on an actual forum dedicated to that purpose. So again - please take this Nike, Kaepernick, social justice warrior, Trump hate, or any other political tripe to the P&R boards and leave us in peace on the football board.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgmilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

judging by this posy, or seems you feel disrespected

Sep 5, 2018, 7:12 AM

by some1 who feels disrespected.
talk abou a snowflake

the latest nonsense is from people like you who are offended by people peacefully protesting against nike.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

Wow snowflaking at 4am in August. Get over yourself!***

Sep 5, 2018, 7:12 AM

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Re: Wow snowflaking at 4am in August. Get over yourself!***

Sep 5, 2018, 7:32 AM

Um, September = Football Season

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Re: Wow snowflaking at 4am in August. Get over yourself!***

Sep 5, 2018, 7:40 AM [ in reply to Wow snowflaking at 4am in August. Get over yourself!*** ]

Not all Clemson fans are posting from the back woods part of SC. This internet thingy is an international communication device. For JeffSt, it's just now 4 am.

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Exactly, won't someone please think of the children?!?

Sep 5, 2018, 7:59 AM

But seriously I get your point and gave you a point for giving us a lot to think about. It's hard to come up with answers to all the worlds problems on a college football message board but it has to begin somewhere.

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 7:59 AM

I have nothing against protesting BUT it should be done on your own time and away from your workplace. Even at that one can be fired for placing the Company you work for in an unfavorable light. I do know that the Company I work for would have seriouus issues with a protest before the start of the workday. There is a time and place for it but at work is not it. As to your part on hungry kids, while it is sad it is not my responsibility to feed them, I did not make that life choice to bear them so that falls upon the ones that made that decision. Sounds cold, maybe but the thing is life sucks for most folks because they make poor life choices. No amount of donations,federal or state money will ever change that fact and there will always be hungry children as long as stupid folks are allowed to have kids.

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 8:07 AM

Yeah my main knock on them is not that I think for a second they hate America, but that they hurt the NFL possibly. Although the NFL allows them to take a knee, I think the players are being shortsighted and should look out for the business of the NFL and future generations of players in the NFL. Don't mess with a good thing. I think the league will do great this year with great ratings, but why play with fire?

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 8:10 AM [ in reply to Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition ]

I seriously don't get how so many make the "if I did that at work" argument. Being an NFL player is nothing like a normal job, hence how I've never been pulled out onto the middle of the work area with all my coworkers to listen to the National Anthem. I'm assuming most everyone here doesn't start off each of their work days that way, so it's really hard to say how your work would handle such a situation.

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 8:20 AM

I seriously don't get how so many make the "if I did that at work" argument. Being an NFL player is nothing like a normal job, hence how I've never been pulled out onto the middle of the work area with all my coworkers to listen to the National Anthem. I'm assuming most everyone here doesn't start off each of their work days that way, so it's really hard to say how your work would handle such a situation.

It does not need to be during a national anthem as if you offend/upset or otherwise turn off your customer during the workday there will be repercussions. People watch sports to get away from the problems of the world. As an aside they chose an issue which is a small blip on the statistical radar and one they can simply blame on the other guy. Change always originates from within.

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 10:29 AM [ in reply to Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition ]

Playing the National Anthem is part of being at their "job" as the NFL rule book clearly states. Either remove the rule or stop protesting at said job. See how simple that is if one looks to resolve the issue. Teams in the past were in the locker rooms during the Anthem, the NFL changed it and it is up to them to fix it. Till that occurs it is part of their job and it is up to the players to not diminish the perception of the NFL product.When it is written in to a codified book of rules for all NFL teams then it is part of your job. Your arguement on your job not requiring it is a strawman at best as it does not have a rule written specifying that you shall stand and show respect during the Anthem.

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Just throwing out a wild, off-the-wall guess here:

Sep 5, 2018, 8:26 AM [ in reply to Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition ]

you're anti-abortion.

Did I win?

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgbadge-ringofhonor-19b.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Just throwing out a wild, off-the-wall guess here:

Sep 5, 2018, 9:01 AM

19B® said:

you're anti-abortion.

Did I win?

I am not against abortion. I believe it is wrong but would not be in favor of making it against the law as it is a personal choice. A bad option but still a choice

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Your statement...wow.

Sep 5, 2018, 9:36 AM [ in reply to Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition ]

This country went through a period in the late 1800s and early 1900s when sterilization of blacks was popular among the elite. Search the historical archives before you comment. Hitler's programs to wipe the 'blight of human contamination from Germany,' was a copy of our sterilization process.

I am not comparing you to Hitler. I believe that when you made the statement about 'allowing stupid folks to have kids,' you failed to understand where such horrible rhetoric could lead. That's why I pointed you to the past to so that you might be able to see the building which became of such thinking as yours.

If we allow our emotions to dictate our words we may find ourselves subject to saying things taint our opinions.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgringofhonor-clemsontiger1988-110.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Your statement...wow.

Sep 5, 2018, 10:13 AM

Umm, since the 1960's we have poured trillions in to programs for poverty and yet today have more folks on said programs. It is not a lack of money but it boils down to a simple fact that people that should not be having kids are doing so at a rate that unsustainable. Just wow huh? When I say stupid it is not from a perspective of actual mental issues but a lack of thought on how they will afford the kids, today one hears well I cannot raise a family on fast food wages and the like. My point is if you are making fast food, Walmart wages maybe having kids is not the best idea in the world as kids are expensive to raise. Sadly we can spend all the dollars you want but guess what, after the dollars are gone the poverty and malnutrition remains. People run around scraming about human based climate change when all their solutions amount to a bandaid on a bullet wound , one must address the root cause if one believes in that sort of thing. There are far too many humans on the planet, having more kids each year. Till that is fixed all else is a money pit. That simple fact also applies to any area one is concerned with, be it food,housing,wages,water and energy. Ponder that for a bit and get back to me. World population has doubled since the early 1970's and is on pace to do it again sometime around 2040. My opinions are not tainted but based upon simple facts.

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 8:05 AM

We spend more than $43B annually to feed the hungry so why should we be pissed?

Try this, go into your your job and in front of your customer tell them abortion is murder or that cops are racist or ask them what they are doing about injustice and that silence is guilt. See how that works out for you my guess is you would not be employed very long under those circumstances.

A little trivia for you. In the US more than 900 black babies are aborted per day. In the US, black civilians murder more than 9K other blacks per year. Cops shoot ~ 25 unarmed blacks per year and this stat does not account for the suspect putting up a fight or the cop getting charged for the shooting which means in the neighborhood of 10 blacks are shot unjustifiably per year. So racial injustice is the biggest issue NFL players want to protest during the anthem?

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 8:19 AM

I'm sorry, but these are other points that don't make any sense to me. I agree btw, that these cop shootings are a case by case situation. I've seen some get attention where my reaction has been that the cop didn't do anything wrong, or at least reacted in a way that many would have in the same situation. Then I've seen some where I'd be outraged as well if the victim was a loved one of mine.

However, the points about abortions and black on black crime is silly IMO. Are you trying to make a point that just because there are other problems in the world that they can't be upset over this one? Should we not try to cure cancer since more people die of heart disease? Should cops not respond to a 911 call they get on one side of town, because they haven't finished solving crime in a worse part of town yet? Should I not donate to a good cause because there are other issues worse than the one I'm helping out with? Should I always check before helping out with something to make sure it's the worst problem in the world first?

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 8:58 AM

I'm sorry, but these are other points that don't make any sense to me. I agree btw, that these cop shootings are a case by case situation. I've seen some get attention where my reaction has been that the cop didn't do anything wrong, or at least reacted in a way that many would have in the same situation. Then I've seen some where I'd be outraged as well if the victim was a loved one of mine.

However, the points about abortions and black on black crime is silly IMO. Are you trying to make a point that just because there are other problems in the world that they can't be upset over this one? Should we not try to cure cancer since more people die of heart disease? Should cops not respond to a 911 call they get on one side of town, because they haven't finished solving crime in a worse part of town yet? Should I not donate to a good cause because there are other issues worse than the one I'm helping out with? Should I always check before helping out with something to make sure it's the worst problem in the world first?

Just look at the numbers. They are essentially protesting a hangnail while ignoring a heart attack. Does not make sense. Typically when something does not make sense there are other factors at play. It could be the players are just pawns and someone with a bigger agenda is pulling the strings. Think Soros or Knight. Or it could be they picked an easy issue to protest as it is the fault of someone else so no one has to make personal change.

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Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition

Sep 5, 2018, 9:11 AM [ in reply to Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition ]

It's called perspective.

These guys protesting are accomplishing very little, because there is very little to accomplish. And please don't cite statistics about how many groups, how many hundreds of volunteers or paid social workers are now a part of the reach-out campaigns to prevent injustice by LEOs. Our culture measures effort and pretends it affects result. What is their goal--to reduce the previous poster's estimate of cop shootings from 10 per annum to 9?

I imagine the point is their are many problems that can be addressed, a better and more effective use of all that care, concern, compassion, passion, time and money.

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The original post suggetsts exactly that.

Sep 5, 2018, 12:51 PM [ in reply to Re: If only we got as pissed about domestic abuse or child malnutrition ]

That because there are other problems in the world, we shouldn't be upset about this one. Never mind that this is suddenly very topical, plastered all over every news outlet 24/7. Topics that make headlines and drive the news are and never have been based in order of most pressing, most serious, or most important.

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
- H. L. Mencken

Re: The original post suggetsts exactly that.

Sep 5, 2018, 1:11 PM

That because there are other problems in the world, we shouldn't be upset about this one. Never mind that this is suddenly very topical, plastered all over every news outlet 24/7. Topics that make headlines and drive the news are and never have been based in order of most pressing, most serious, or most important.

I am all out of outrage where the facts don’t match the national attention. As previously stated, there are about 10 unjustified homicides per year where an unarmed black is shot by police. Each year in the USA, 500k people are injured using a ladder with 300 Fatalities. Based on demographics about 75 of the fatalities would be black people. So a black person is 7.5 times more likely to die falling off a ladder than being shot by a cop. Unfortunately the news trucks never show up when uncle Charlie takes a header off a ladder while cleaning his gutters.

All of this is to say that we should continue working together on our relationship with the police but we need to admit this is not the burning topic as portrayed by the media, NFL or those who profit from race issues.

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You are correct.***

Sep 5, 2018, 1:53 PM

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
- H. L. Mencken

Speak for yourself.

Sep 5, 2018, 9:40 AM

Did you evolve into a human with the power to read minds? You sure claim to know what people are thinking and not thinking.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgringofhonor-clemsontiger1988-110.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I looked but I don't see any posts by you about domestic

Sep 5, 2018, 12:26 PM

abuse or child malnutrition. All I see is you pi$$ed off about people being pi$$ed off about a man who is very publicly being disrespectful to the symbols of American ideals. So, using your logic, I can assume you care more about that than domestic abuse or child malnutrition. It's nonsense.

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
- H. L. Mencken

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