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Worrying bout Coots now what with 5 wins...
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Worrying bout Coots now what with 5 wins...

Nov 6, 2016, 9:27 AM

with 6th most possible in next two games..and then coming into Death Valley loaded for TiGER Meat!

Hope Clemson is preparing for All-Out Warfare on these Roosters and not allow a scrimpy 5 point win suffice this year on way to our 2nd consecutive National Championship run.

Grinning here!

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Re: Worrying bout Coots now what with 5 wins...

Nov 6, 2016, 9:28 AM

If we play like we did yesterday they won't come within 30 points of us on their best day.

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Who else do they play between now and then?***

Nov 6, 2016, 9:30 AM

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@Florida & Western Carolina

Nov 6, 2016, 9:57 AM

They'll be 6-5, Darius will have his concert after all.

Other gems over on FGF this morning, if you go there:

1) Jake Bentley is the best QB in the SEC
2) Jake Bentley is a better QB than Deshaun
3) Jake Bentley will be a 1st round draft pick (they are already worried he won't stay 4 years)
4) Jake Bentley will be a better pro than Deshaun
5) Jake Bentley may or may not have cured cancer, the research is out there, they are still doing patient trials

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So, Coots DiD improve on bad 2015 season.

Nov 6, 2016, 10:18 AM

Good 4 them since we certainly need the instate competition they afford..and Wins for our 25 already ahead of them ledger. LoL

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yep, LBB, this'll likely be our, what, 8th straight loss

Nov 6, 2016, 9:33 AM

against USuCk

and living in their world has just about become intolerable.

one truly wonders what it feels like to play big-boy football

like they do in the SEC East.

{wring hands} what will we do...

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U on the Rum early Bill ?

Nov 6, 2016, 9:33 AM

Coots won't pose a problem at all.I know it was Cuse,but yesterday was proof of how this team is when they play their game. I'd also say that F I V E turnovers and still beating UofL was proof of what this team is.

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Re: Worrying bout Coots now what with 5 wins...

Nov 6, 2016, 9:37 AM

Bentley will be lucky to walk away from that game healthy. Not hoping he gets hurt or anything, but he is going to get hit A LOT

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A relative, a DIE HARD Coot fan told me yesterday

Nov 6, 2016, 10:26 AM

that there was no way Bentley could take the beating Francis from FSU took. Their Bentley will look like a Vega when Clemson's DL is finished.

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