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Football Update: Time lapsed video of Clemson-Georgia in Death Valley
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Football Update: Time lapsed video of Clemson-Georgia in Death Valley

Sep 2, 2013, 1:16 PM

Time lapsed video of Clemson-Georgia in Death Valley

Read Update »

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Coolest part was halftime

Sep 2, 2013, 1:37 PM

With the different band formations.

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need to slow down some parts, like the hill...

Sep 2, 2013, 1:51 PM

and cut & clip it into video with the buses & some close-ups for a kickazz recruiting & pump-up masterpiece!

wish i was computer savvy...

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Pregame too! Love the new paw formation!***

Sep 2, 2013, 3:44 PM [ in reply to Coolest part was halftime ]

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This is how all SEC teams/fans

Sep 2, 2013, 2:03 PM

study game film and watch replays..

SEC speed?

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Re: That's nifty***

Sep 2, 2013, 2:07 PM

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Re: Football Update: Time lapsed video of Clemson-Georgia in Death Valley

Sep 2, 2013, 2:21 PM

That's pretty #### cool. I tried to watch the field and it was going so fast, but I still saw some plays. Gurley & Sammy back to back was cool. Halftime neat. On sides kick followed by crowd. Awesome!

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Re: Football Update: Time lapsed video of Clemson-Georgia in Death Valley

Sep 2, 2013, 2:41 PM

Whoa. That was incredible. We need more of these. Anyone know whose GoPro was set up in the center of the scoreboard just above the entrance to the hill about half an hour before kickoff? Can we get something similar from that?

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Those poor kids on the hill!!! Can you imagine the pain

Sep 2, 2013, 3:16 PM

after standing on that slant for so many hours??? I would be ready to cut my ankles off.

That's dedication!! Big ups to those students. I don't think there was a square foot of empty space on that hill Saturday night. Incredible

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With GameDay too

Sep 3, 2013, 12:48 PM

It was especially bad considering most of us on the Hill were standing at GameDay for four hours in the morning too. The Hill wasn't as bad as usual, though, since there was such an amazing game to distract us.

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Re: Football Update: Time lapsed video of Clemson-Georgia in Death Valley

Sep 2, 2013, 3:52 PM

Wow the students got there EARLY huh? That was like an hour before the game started haha

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Re: Football Update: Time lapsed video of Clemson-Georgia in Death Valley

Sep 2, 2013, 5:43 PM

I was on the hill and I got there 2 hours before kickoff. Standing on a slant isn't that bad, it's actually kinda comfy.

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Love this!***

Sep 2, 2013, 8:43 PM

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