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tell your friends. Clemson Harlem Shake
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tell your friends. Clemson Harlem Shake

Feb 12, 2013, 10:39 PM


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WIsh they were doing it right.

Feb 12, 2013, 11:57 PM

Take time to get it approved and do it on the hill with a video board running in the background with that trippy tiger going on.

That said, If I didn't have a Thursday afternoon I'd probably still be there.

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yeah I agree

Feb 12, 2013, 11:59 PM

the guy who started it seems to be rushing it for some reason. He actually seems to not want approval.

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What really would've been nice was if this fad had happened

Feb 13, 2013, 12:09 AM

In the fall. Easy for a central spirit crew to get a one person dance on the hill then get people going crazy during the game

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Re: yeah I agree

Feb 13, 2013, 12:27 PM [ in reply to yeah I agree ]

Rushing? I organized on Monday for an event three days away. Plus, how many other videos have already come out in the past couple of days? If we waited any longer, we'd be the last ones to the party and the trend would be stale.

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I think it's a good idea

Feb 13, 2013, 12:29 PM

I just hope ours isn't cliche. Some of them have become stale already like most notably the Texas one. I think we have the ingredients to make in unique and great, I hope we can pull it off well.

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Re: I think it's a good idea

Feb 13, 2013, 12:33 PM

No other college, to my knowledge, has amassed nearly as many people as we're going to have. Plus, the way we're staging the video will have hundreds (if not thousands) of people spanning from the stage of the amphitheater to the bottom of the Carillon gardens. It's going to look so different from every other video out there.

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Okay, someone please educate me...

Feb 13, 2013, 7:04 AM

There has always been a dance called the Harlem shake...and this is not it. Is this just a spinoff flash mob style?

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I think thats what it is***

Feb 13, 2013, 10:14 AM

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W T F is this??******

Feb 13, 2013, 7:12 AM

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This is by FAR the funniest i've seen.

Feb 13, 2013, 10:21 AM

My friend in Boston works here...

Hubspot Harlem Shake.


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I like the norweigan army one

Feb 13, 2013, 12:02 PM


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Nevermind, youtube is always the easy answer. Dont know if anyone could

Feb 13, 2013, 11:18 AM

describe ### that was....I can't.

Message was edited by: TigerGrant8®

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I can see an epileptic seizure any day.***

Feb 13, 2013, 12:51 PM

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"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

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