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Big thank you to Will Vandevort for his article re: The Most Exciting 25 Seconds
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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Big thank you to Will Vandevort for his article re: The Most Exciting 25 Seconds


Sep 24, 2024, 10:06 AM

in College Football that was posted last night via The Clemson Insider. I would post the link, but it's a.) on a competitive website and b.) I'm too old to know how.

All great points that we have been mentioning here after both home games, and hopefully this gains some traction with someone at CU that will listen.

No need to reinvent the wheel. And there is no need to ditch the videos. Simply change the sequencing.

When the alma matter is finished, show the Wilkins video, followed by the video that ends with Frank telling players not giving 110% to keep their hands off the rock (scrap We Will Rock You). This should end about the time the buses hit the top of the hill, and the band can roll into the Orange Bowl March, cannon fire, and the fight song in rhythm.

This lends to a much better atmosphere (louder, more intimidating, more fun).

Above all ... Why would we do anything that would remotely resemble South Carolina athletics? If you watch the USC entrance, it's the band forming a tunnel while standing around and doing nothing (except some jumping up and down) while 2001 plays ... Only when its finished do they play their fight song.

Make the change back CU admin. You will see the difference.


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Why is Clemson messing with The Most Exciting 25 Seconds? Link inside


Sep 24, 2024, 10:34 AM

Here's the link:


I agree that Will V. makes great points...even if theclemsoninsider.com website is a mess of ads and pop-ups.

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I just watched the video, thanks for the link.


Sep 24, 2024, 11:33 AM

I'm no marketing guru, but how about this suggestion?

Dabo makes his appearance in the stadium. Frank Howard video plays as Dabo is firing up the crowd. Just as Howard finishes "...keep your filthy hands off my rock" Dabo puts both hands on the rock and charges down the hill. I think it could be timed to all happen in about 10 seconds or less.

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Re: Big thank you to Will Vandevort for his article re: The Most Exciting 25 Seconds


Sep 24, 2024, 10:47 AM

I was shocked this weekend, honestly I thought it was just me until others around me mentioned it just looked off. It was pretty bad.

I think we need to fire up the fax machines and let Neff know he needs to walk down the hall and tell the Ops people to put it back.

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Absolutely agree


Sep 24, 2024, 10:59 AM

And hopefully the school is open to feedback.

They at least got rid of the way-too-Gamecock-like 3rd down screeching from the App State game.

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While we're at it...


Sep 24, 2024, 11:04 AM

Let's quit playing music over the band after Touchdowns as well.

Tiger Band can't get through GO TIGERS! GO TIGERS! GO TIGERS! Fight! Like (heck) (darn-it)! AND WIN! without the music playing over it now. First year I can recall that we've done that.

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Oh... and teach the Student Section rhythm


Sep 24, 2024, 11:08 AM

They need to learn how to cue off of the band rather than rushing through Tiger Rag and the Alma Mater.

Love our student section overall, but that's been a really annoying trend the last few years. They'll get ahead of the band by two or three measures.

And no - I'm not a former Tiger Band member. I was in Central Spirit. I just respect the band, its traditions, and Clemson traditions in general. Our band has made a TON of progress over the last 20 years.

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My unexpert opinion.


Sep 24, 2024, 11:16 AM

First and foremost, I love the entrance. When TV shows the entrance from the time the team leaves the locker room
1. Throwing the all-n chip in the bucket.
2. Getting on the busses.
3. Following the busses around Death Valley, seeing Dabo standing in the bus up front.
4. Getting off the busses.
5. Massing around the rock.
6. Running down the hill.

I love it all. I've only seen it twice in person, and I loved it both times. I call it the most exciting 3 minutes in football. (Sorry, as a Nole, planting the spear may be the most exciting 25 seconds. But, planting the spear doesn't have the dramatic build up as Clemson has before running down the hill.)

The one thing I think that would make it better (and y'all may be saying the same thing) is to shorten the time the team stands at the top of the hill. Get the crowd into a frenzy. But, give Dabo about 10 seconds to fire the crowd up. When Dabo and the players walk into the stadium and Dabo rubs the rock, the crowd goes wild. They don't need to be revved up by Dabo more than a few seconds. Heck, 5 seconds might be long enough. Wave to the crowd, turn around and wave to the team, then run down the hill.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

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Re: My unexpert opinion.


Sep 24, 2024, 11:28 AM

And have the team run down together instead of the 2 at a time.

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Re: Big thank you to Will Vandevort for his article re: The Most Exciting 25 Seconds


Sep 24, 2024, 11:23 AM

I see your point. To me the biggest disappointment is still the obnoxious whoo hoo idiots keep doing during Tiger Rag which runs a great fight song

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If you are an IPTAY member you get a link each week to provide feedback


Sep 24, 2024, 11:35 AM

Many used this as a way to have Clemson dump the 3rd Down thing. Feel free to use your power to let Clemson hear.

We encourage you to provide feedback on your experience by using the following link or emailing fanfeedback@clemson.edu. Go Tigers!

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Re: If you are an IPTAY member you get a link each week to provide feedback

Sep 24, 2024, 12:42 PM

The world is filled with people who occupy positions that makes them feel like they need to "do something" to justify themselves.

Things are classic for a reason. Don't change them. Add something else to make your mark.

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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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