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Paw Master [16181]
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Should churches marry previously divorced people?
Aug 28, 2023, 11:03 AM
Should churches marry same sex couples?
What is the biblical difference in a church agreeing to marry a homosexual couple vs a church agreeing to marry a 2nd marriage where adultery was committed in the first marriage?
Ultimate Tiger [38998]
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Churches should be allowed to marry whomever they want.***
Aug 28, 2023, 11:04 AM
TigerNet HOFer [131379]
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Absolutely! There’s a church down near Aynor
Aug 28, 2023, 11:10 AM
That will marry humans with farm animals. The presiding minister wears a goat-skin hat and stands on pallets of bricks.
Tiger Titan [48673]
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now 'Try That in a Large Town'
Aug 28, 2023, 11:42 AM
Ultimate Clemson Legend [106105]
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Wow. Only a 3-day vacation? That was fast***
Aug 28, 2023, 1:38 PM
TigerNet HOFer [131379]
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Think a bribe was involved?***
Aug 28, 2023, 1:41 PM
Tiger Titan [48673]
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please don't appoint a special counsel***
Aug 28, 2023, 1:54 PM
Orange Phenom [14752]
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Heisman Winner [78575]
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Are people posting in the wrong place intentionally ?
Aug 28, 2023, 11:10 AM
Tiger Titan [48673]
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who knew there were so many board-nazi karens in here***
Aug 28, 2023, 11:18 AM
Heisman Winner [78575]
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Re: who knew there were so many board-nazi karens in here***
Aug 28, 2023, 11:23 AM
Tiger Titan [48673]
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careful, you can get a nasty-Graham for something like that
Aug 28, 2023, 11:26 AM
I won't be the person to RA you ....though perhaps Father-McGreener would
TigerNet Champion [115758]
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Bruh, I didn't RA you. I think it was you telling me to
Aug 28, 2023, 12:15 PM
fellate my female parental unit that got you a little vacation. I could be wrong though.
I did give you a TD and I would do it again, but I don't think I RA'd ya. Others might after I said I cannot because she is dead. I don't mind a little shidd talk, but others may have seen that as a line you crossed.
Tiger Titan [48673]
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I certainly apologize
Aug 28, 2023, 1:00 PM
for invoking your mother - though it was in response to an f-bomb that also is violative of the cumpmeist rules.
I still believe though that righteous indignation in here associated with a post that errantly winds up in the wrong sub-forum is bizarre and uniquely Karen-ish.
Ultimate Tiger [38998]
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between you and me...
Aug 28, 2023, 1:08 PM
I think we're more pretending to care than we actually care.
Tiger Titan [48673]
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it seems that Father G cares deeply about keeping
Aug 28, 2023, 1:16 PM
posts in their lane
Ultimate Tiger [37588]
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He’s not the only one***
Aug 28, 2023, 1:22 PM
Ultimate Tiger [38998]
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Tiger Titan [48673]
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if meist would code a stering wheel capable of a U-Turn that
Aug 28, 2023, 1:55 PM
would be nice.
Heisman Winner [78575]
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Tiger Titan [48673]
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what I care about is RA campaigns by Father G***
Aug 28, 2023, 2:24 PM
Ultimate Tiger [37588]
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Re: I certainly apologize
Aug 28, 2023, 1:35 PM
[ in reply to I certainly apologize ] |
Your inability to recognize and correctly use the feature to post political opinions in the politics forum doesn’t make the rest of us the A-holes in this situation.
Tiger Titan [48673]
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actually, it is your unjust opinion that you have
Aug 28, 2023, 1:49 PM
carte blanche permission to be an A-hole and violate rules of the forum when someone errantly posts in the wrong forum. I don't think the crumpmeist overlords would like that either. Indeed, the mens rea for the errant post is at worst mere negligence and for the other - responding as an A-hole - specific intent! In our system of justice, we most often criminalize the latter and consider the latter the more egregious offense. So it is YOU, my wine sipping miscreant, who is the real perp., willfully and intentionally and violative of the t-net rules without contrition.
Ultimate Tiger [37588]
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Whatever nerd***
Aug 28, 2023, 1:51 PM
Tiger Titan [48673]
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Yes to both questions, though, for those who
Aug 28, 2023, 11:17 AM
oppose divorced individuals, there is much more biblical authority in the Gospels including in Jesus' own words regarding divorce.
I approach such issues through the lens of my Methodism and in particular the Wesley Quadrilateral - Scripture, Tradition, Reason, and Experience.
Jesus' discussion of divorce involved a practice of his day whereby Jewish men would essentially serially push off and abandon their current wife in favor of a new wife. So, I think blanket prohibition on remarriage after divorce is not warranted.
Even though homosexuality was well known in Jesus' time, he is completely silent as is most of the New Testament. Our understanding from a medical standpoint on the innate and immutable nature of homosexuality - that is our Reason and Experience - should inform on this as well. Couple that Reason and Experience with Scripture Genesis 1:27 (So God created man in His own image) and how do we not reach the conclusion that our tradition vis-à-vis homosexual marriage was misplaced?
Orange Blooded [3166]
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Not advocating for one or the other
Aug 28, 2023, 11:20 AM
Or defending one or the other... but I would imagine that the argument would go something like this:
Committing adultery, which causes the other spouse to rightfully and justifiably terminate the marriage covenant, is a one-time sin that the person can repent from and change their ways. The person who repents would receive forgiveness and agree to not continue to live in adultery and make a new covenant with God and their new spouse to live according to the "Christian/Biblical model" for marriage (which marriage in a church is a Christian custom by definition/origin).
Whereas, a homosexual person participating in a marriage ceremony/covenant in a church would 1) be making a covenant with God that would go directly against the very religion of the establishment in which they are ceremoniously participating. 2) Rather than repenting for a one time sin, they are committing to live in a lifetime of sin and NOT recognize it as such or repent from continuing it. I fully recognize that it's counter cultural to call homosexuality a sin nowadays... but I'm just saying that if you're asking why A CHURCH calls it that, it's because Christian churches SHOULD be using the word of God (the Bible) to identify right from wrong (sin), and the Bible calls homosexuality sin. That's their rules, whether we agree with them or not, and it's their church...
PS- Not a holier than thou Bible thumper, not judging anyone- I worry about my own house, we got plenty of our own splinters/logs in our eyes over here to take care of, and this is simply an explanation of the logic most church going people would probably offer.
Tiger Titan [48673]
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I've heard this argument but it is not a good one for the
Aug 28, 2023, 11:24 AM
divorce issue. Here is what Jesus had to say in Matthew: "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
So, the re-marriage by the immoral person who abandoned the other spouse IS THE very sin that the Church would be being asked to endorse by presiding over the marriage. Now, as I explained in my other post, I generally am good ok with the church remarrying certain people ... for the reasons explained.
Ultimate Tiger [38998]
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You're assuming homosexuality is a sin.
Aug 28, 2023, 12:19 PM
[ in reply to Not advocating for one or the other ] |
That is a big assumption, and, perhaps, erroneous. The compromise is churches get to decide, and make choices to marry based on the church's philosophy.
Orange Immortal [63667]
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It largely depends on what you and your church
Aug 28, 2023, 11:21 AM
believe about the bible. If it is the literal, inerrant word of God, then you do exactly as it says, no questions asked. If you and your church believe it is a mixture of historical fact and spiritual truths inspired by the creator, all influenced by and written and edited to reflect man's own biases and limitations, then you would interpret the bible a little differently.
Ultimately all churches and people decide this for themselves, as they should.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101203]
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I've asked a lot of question of God in my lifetime.
Aug 28, 2023, 4:29 PM
Understanding why is most important.
Orange Immortal [64060]
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According strictly to the Bible? No one likes the answers.***
Aug 28, 2023, 11:26 AM
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101203]
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God's hand on our reigns is a blessing, APM.
Aug 29, 2023, 7:23 AM
Psalms 139 is where David described God's micromanagement of our lives. Imo, it is the most profound exposition on the matter.
Orange Immortal [64060]
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Sure. And no church and no person other than arguably Jesus
Aug 29, 2023, 7:40 AM
has ever complied. David sure didn’t.
Top TigerNet [31080]
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Re: Sure. And no church and no person other than arguably Jesus
Sep 1, 2023, 2:09 PM
As faithful as he was, at times, David was pure evil.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101203]
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WE'RE all full on evil.
Sep 2, 2023, 3:45 PM
Paul got a deep, deep look into his heart. I've had a pretty good look in my heart and I'm worse than Paul. Of course, my sins hadn't been committed yet so his word is good considering that.
Anyway, I now wear the headdress of the chief of sinners.
Orange Elite [5120]
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No. Churches are buildings.
Aug 28, 2023, 11:26 AM
And the Bible is clear, humans are not to marry buildings. See e.g. Genesis 69:420.
Tiger Titan [48673]
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also no bathrooms in the churches
Aug 28, 2023, 11:28 AM
latrines need to be outside across the street
TigerNet Immortal [173455]
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What’s the difference?
Aug 28, 2023, 11:43 AM
I feel like I need to ask you what’s the similarity?
Tiger Titan [48673]
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in some faiths, marriage is a Sacrament***
Aug 28, 2023, 11:45 AM
TigerNet Immortal [173455]
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Understand completely,
Aug 28, 2023, 11:48 AM
But unless it’s a very niche Catholic question, there seems to be no discernible similarities between the two scenarios other than two individuals trying to get married. If a church objected to either one, the biblical basis for the objections wouldn’t be the same.
Heisman Winner [85662]
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Isn't that basically what the Tudors was all about?
Aug 28, 2023, 12:04 PM
I mean Henry the VIII married several bishes after he divorced his wife.
Tiger Titan [48673]
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I thought The Tudors was about seeing
Aug 28, 2023, 1:15 PM
Natalie Dormer (and others) naked having sex
Hall of Famer [8623]
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Natalie was why I watched****
Aug 28, 2023, 2:57 PM
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101203]
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There is none and churches and govenment have no business...
Aug 28, 2023, 4:28 PM
dictating laws governing marriage for marriage is between God, a man and a woman.
Tiger Titan [48673]
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can you clarify? what is your position on churches
Aug 28, 2023, 5:52 PM
either allowing or forbidding gay marriage
and churches either allowing or forbidding remarriage by divorced persons?
I ask because one reading of what you wrote is churches should stay out of marriage? if so, that is a uniquely strange position I've never heard before.
If you are saying the government should stay out, I agree.
Clemson Icon [25786]
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Re: can you clarify? what is your position on churches
Aug 28, 2023, 8:58 PM
It's a fun question to think through. Basically, yes, I would agree with you both. If it is not the govt's business who is sleeping with who, it is not their business which of them are married.
But in a situation where the govt does marry people, can the Church claim that responsibility? If Bill and Suze got married in Mayberry by the High Sheriff And Justice Of The Peace in his living room, and then move to Greenville and join Gospel Outreach of Light and Faith, and they say they are married, can GOLF tell them they are not married and tell them to get separate rooms? Point is, churches accept govt marriage as valid in the church as the ones they perform.
Another question about non govt marriage: If we Christians believe marriage originated with Adam (I do, pardon the pun), and was later appropriately overseen by rabbis and such, and if the cross then tore the veil in two, establishing the priesthood of the believers, by what authority does a church organization marry me and MissTulsa? If we got a few of fellow Christians to attest that such a vow was made, can man put that asunder? [As it so happened, we got married in a Greenville church - we were happy pagans then - because they agreed to let us use the building and the minister, for a fair fee. Was that a marriage "by the church"? Hardly.]
Decades later I married, quite illegally, my sister and her husband. It was to be, at their request, a church ceremony, with Ephesians 5 and "whatever God has joined together" and all that, but with me as officient. Me, without a speck of church authority; no ordination, no nothing, not even a sunday school teacher. I was hesitant because I would sign the license, and didnt want any blowback on them. Or me. But my sister, a lawyer, said, "It dont matter. When you send in the marriage license the next day, and the clerk records it, we're married. After that, nothing matters. Just do it." Same as if the GOLF guy sent it in. That's how civil it is: literally a rubber stamp.
Anyway, how could that be unrolled? The govt just saying "we're out of it"?
Ultimate Tiger [38998]
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The ideal scenario is that government process/recognizes
Aug 28, 2023, 9:23 PM
civil unions based on whatever standard is determined to be a marriage between two people.* This is the recognized civil relationship that guides the legal relationship between these people as it relates to taxes, power-of-attorney, etc.
That way marriage becomes strictly a private ceremony, dictated by whatever customs a person may follow. Individual churches can marry or not marry whomever they wish. People can get whatever officiant they want. The "marriage" ritual has no bearing whatsoever outside of a private relationship, so government no interest or need in interfering.
(*I say two people, not because I don't think government should not recognize polygamous civil unions, but only because I'm not sure how the legal rights would be balanced in such relationships. But if the courts/Congress can work through it, I have no qualms as government should be completely neutral on approving them save for allegations of sham unions, which IMO would be hard to prove anyways but still not a bad carve-out.)
Clemson Icon [25786]
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Re: The ideal scenario is that government process/recognizes
Aug 28, 2023, 11:11 PM
That's an interesting way of looking at it. If I understand your point, the idea is that both would have equal legal standing, and if a church wants to confer additional standards or status it can do that without changing the legal status. Different names, same legal status. One might say it is a semantical difference only, but I would argue not.
I could argue that once we've crossed that bridge, there is then no need for the govt version - what would be the reason - but if people want it, fine.
Don't know what to think about polygamy being legal in the civil union. I think there are some pragmatic issues involved, like taking care of innocents like children. Regardless, people can live with who they like anyway, so I dont know.
Govt cannot do what a culture wont do for itself. We are who we choose to be.
Ultimate Tiger [38998]
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Only the civil union would have legal standing.
Aug 29, 2023, 7:08 AM
If you wanted the legal rights associated with marriage, you would have to get a civil union. The ceremonial/ritual part would have no legal merit or standing.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101203]
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lol the government has accommodations for such conditions.
Aug 29, 2023, 7:19 AM
It's called common law marriage. Government recognized rights were never my concern and neither are they now.
Ultimate Tiger [38998]
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They would be your concern if you were gay only a few years
Aug 29, 2023, 7:45 AM
ago. They would also be your concern if government started dictating to churches who it can/can't marry. The idea, or as I said, the ideal, would be to get government out of the "marriage" business altogether, where the only function it served was to process requests for the legal binding of two people in a government-recognized "civil union," and leave the marriage ceremony to the private sector.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101203]
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If two men love one another they can live in adultry like...
Aug 29, 2023, 7:50 PM
the rest of us. I don't care what the government says about things between me and God. Government is no threat to me. I remain way inside the law other than packing a little heat now and then without a permit.
Ultimate Tiger [38998]
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Government has no place to deny them a civil
Aug 29, 2023, 8:21 PM
Union. What a church does is another matter, but government cannot deny them the same rights and privileges under the law.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101203]
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I agree. I'm a stanch believe that the government should...
Aug 30, 2023, 12:13 AM
never involve itself in matters pertaining to God. While it is every man's civic duty to vote his conscience politics should not be part of a Christian life. If people want to vote against anyone supporting gay rights and abortion they should do so.
Likewise those who support those causes should vote for what they think is best for the nation.
Anyone looking for equity will find it on judgement day for we will all be judged by the same standard. You're never going to get it in this world. Cause, humans.
Clemson Icon [25786]
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Re: They would be your concern if you were gay only a few years
Sep 1, 2023, 11:40 AM
[ in reply to They would be your concern if you were gay only a few years ] |
That too was semantics, I think. Nobody said they couldnt live together, have the same relational contracts, etc. They wanted social holy water sprinkled on their relationship. For that reason it was equally nonsensical for conservatives to care what the govt did in that regard. Seemed to be a needless teapot tempest.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101203]
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I'm narrow minded.
Aug 29, 2023, 6:43 AM
[ in reply to can you clarify? what is your position on churches ] |
My mind is about the width of a KJB. I'm not getting dragged into politics about it. There are no new testament provisions for divorce so in my second marriage I was living in adultery.
I believe God wants us to admit and confess sin, not try to cover them up or justify them. We are a sinful people in a sinful world. We are all exactly who Jesus died for.
Luke 19:
10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
I can't say what's right and what's wrong for others. For me, Paul told Timothy a preacher and deacon should be the husband of one wife. Jesus instructs us to obey all law of the land and I suspect that the only limit to obeying the law is when it conflicts with God's instructions. I've never experienced God wanting me to do something which breaks federal, state or local laws.
If God told me to join in fellowship with a church which had gay couples as members I would obey. I would not visit a church which had a gay pastor if that man was married to another man or had a male lover. Exactly the same, I would not visit a church which had a pastor who was divorced and remarried. If anyone thinks I should they might want to talk to God about Him changing my mind.
Though I fail daily and miserably I intend to obey God.
Dynasty Maker [3289]
TigerPulse: 77%
Re: Should churches marry previously divorced people?
Aug 29, 2023, 7:56 AM
Debates like these make me glad I don’t attend church anymore.
National Champion [7118]
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Re: Should churches marry previously divorced people?
Oct 18, 2023, 8:29 AM
Only if both being married were the victim of spousal sexual immorality
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