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Oculus Spirit [41867]
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110%er [3625]
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Re: This makes zero sense
Dec 22, 2022, 1:11 PM
I thought it didn't make sense to Trump supporters as well. I thought real classic Repubs believed in that thinking and not RINO's like Trump. I thought fiscal responsibility ended decades ago.
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All-Time Great [88685]
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It did***
Dec 22, 2022, 1:36 PM
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Valley Legend [12239]
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You take a good solid quote from Reagan and sully it
Dec 22, 2022, 1:14 PM
with your blind hatred. It will take both parties to reduce inflation and get back on solid economic footing. Take your ugliness and dirtiness and put them away for the holidays.
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Oculus Spirit [41867]
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Not a bit of hatred in me
Dec 22, 2022, 1:18 PM
old slac. My life is good, way better than most.
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Valley Legend [12239]
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Then stop acting like a foxnews brainwashed child
Dec 22, 2022, 1:49 PM
by blaming lefty/libbies for all your woes.
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Orange Blooded [4679]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: This makes zero sense
Dec 22, 2022, 1:38 PM
Dang I miss Reagan!!!!!!!
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Valley Legend [12239]
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In that we’ll agree. The man always did his best for the
Dec 22, 2022, 1:56 PM
country, respected policy makers right and left, and honestly wanted to help others.
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Orange Phenom [14665]
TigerPulse: 100%
True... but I'm old enough to remember the '80s and
Dec 22, 2022, 2:16 PM
how Reagan was constantly demonized and ridiculed by the left and most of the media at the time. Back in the day I even had a friend on the left tell me Reagan was the anti-Christ (Ronald - 6, Wilson - 6, Reagan - 6).
So I'm glad some of you on the left now see the greatness and wisdom of Ronaldus Maximus - may we all pray that America finds someone of his stature, ideology, and candor to serve as President again in the near future.
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Orange Blooded [4679]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: True... but I'm old enough to remember the '80s and
Dec 22, 2022, 2:20 PM
You would think that in a country of 350 million we could do better. I also hope we can find a Reagan.
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110%er [3625]
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Valley Legend [12239]
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Y’all gotta cut this “y’all on the left” shid out. For the
Dec 22, 2022, 2:55 PM
[ in reply to True... but I'm old enough to remember the '80s and ] |
last 30 years it’s been the mantra in conservative media to blame “the left”. You know who is left of people that consume that shid? Everyone who doesn’t consume that shid…so drop it from your vernacular if you want a better America. Hearing the divisiveness of someone like Rush, principally agreeing with some of his ideas, but viscerally disagreeing how it was delivered should have been recognized long ago for what it was…entertainment. Garbage entertainment at that.
Roger Ailes had a good reason to start Fox News, he realized its need when he worked for Nixon. Ailes was a savvy political communicator, but if he saw it today he’d phukkin puke.
If someone in the 80s told me Reagan was the antiChrist, I’d laugh at them for the idiots they were. So when Americans hear lefty this, ####### that, Dems are reason America sux…we are sadly disappointed that political entertainment has moved mainstream conservative ideology to the absurd extremes. And most of us aren’t even democrats.
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Orange Blooded [4679]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Y’all gotta cut this “y’all on the left” shid out. For the
Dec 22, 2022, 4:08 PM
There’s definitely a left now and a chunk of the democrat party is way left.
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Valley Legend [12239]
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Yeah, keep on thinkin in terms of us and them. That’ll help
Dec 23, 2022, 3:57 PM
Sure there are some left wing nuts…but the problem is pervasive amongst conservatives. The majority of conservative elected congressmen ARE election deniers. I have a grown a s s family member that won’t participate in family holiday gatherings because he thinks we’re Rinos and libtards. Neighbor has a grown son who is the same way. Educated phukkin people practicing trailer park garbage entertainment politics. The problem is the very definition of pervasive.
Look at the viewership of foxnews vs all other cable media, you’ll see the numbers. I don’t know anyone that leaves MSNBC on the TV all the time like people do with foxnews. Personally, I don’t want a whiny lesbian preaching at me every night. I’ll say it again, Roger Ailes would phukkin puke if he saw his product today.
The cottage industry of selling old white people and rednecks conservative entertainment dressed up as real politics is booming. If you’ll notice, there is not a counterpart to it on the left. People who don’t consume that crap are better for America.
America needs two functioning parties to succeed in our democracy. Right now, one of those parties has cancer and is in desperate need of treatment.
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Ultimate Clemson Legend [105264]
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It makes perfect sense.
Dec 22, 2022, 1:59 PM
But he's giving half the story.
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Clemson Icon [27167]
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Who are you borrowing the money from and who's printing it.
Dec 22, 2022, 4:02 PM
"Since 1913."
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