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When Dabo
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When Dabo

Nov 28, 2022, 10:03 AM

Decides to resign as Clemson’s Head Coach, there will be two types on TNET. Those that are devastated and those that are elated. Which one will you be? I will be devastated not because of his coaching ability (which is second to none IMO) but because of his great character. We can all scratch our heads at why he has made the decisions he has made, but at the end of the day we don’t know what we don’t know. Be patient and enjoy the ride like you have since 2008 that is if you are the ones that will be devastated when he is no longer the Head Football Coach at Clemson University!

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Re: When Dabo

Nov 28, 2022, 10:04 AM

Yea. I don’t even want to think about that.

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I have seen ZERO....I mean ZERO tnetters that want Dabo gone

Nov 28, 2022, 10:06 AM

NOBODY is wanting or saying for Dabo to go.............they're simply wanting him to swallow some pride and evolve, change, and adapt to the new world of college football............the quote Larry williams tweeted over the weekend from Dabo in 2015 needs to be pinned to Dabo's desk.

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Re: I have seen ZERO....I mean ZERO tnetters that want Dabo gone

Nov 28, 2022, 10:13 AM

What if he doesn't as you say "simply swallow some pride and evolve, change, and adapt to the new world of college football"

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if he doesn't then what Dabo said in 2015 will come true.

Nov 28, 2022, 10:15 AM

and AT THAT POINT it may be time for Dabo to move on..............but we're not at that point yet.

contrary to what people believe NOBODY has a lifetime contract..........not even Saban.

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Re: if he doesn't then what Dabo said in 2015 will come true.

Nov 28, 2022, 10:22 AM

Then let the chips fall where they fall. Let him make his decisions not what the fans want. I for one will trust his decision over anybody else's.

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The chips WILL fall where they may

Nov 28, 2022, 10:30 AM

No one wants to see Dabo go. He’s great and has taken us to unimaginable success. Plus he is a super likable man of character.

But if he fails to "simply swallow some pride and evolve, change, and adapt to the new world of college football” I think we will decline to a place where this sentiment will change. It would take a long time, but it would eventually happen. This would also be true for Saban and would probably happen faster.

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Re: The chips WILL fall where they may

Nov 28, 2022, 10:36 AM

Dabo is going to be Dabo, same with Saban. They do what they think is best. If they start changing because of what others think then they will no longer be successful.

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Not really a response to your question…

Nov 28, 2022, 10:10 AM

But I love everything Dabo stands for and what he has and is accomplishing on and off the field. However, that image…that mission becomes tarnished when the appearance of pride keeps you from doing what is right. Sure Dabo built this…but what he has built is not his. When it becomes Dabo’s kingdom, it will crumble.

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