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Anybody not agree with Robinson lawsuit?
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Anybody not agree with Robinson lawsuit?

Jul 23, 2013, 12:01 AM

I'm a 23 year old college student that has to constantly take semesters off trying to figure out how to pay for school. I am able/ have to work while in school... I would allow a video game to exploit me if I was getting a free education. He cries about not being able to work some jobs.... I would love to be paid a free education and limit my work possibilities.

I also think it's funny the guys that have the issue with the game are the players no one knows. Only Clemson fans know who Robinson is.

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Re: Anybody not agree with Robinson lawsuit?

Jul 23, 2013, 12:14 AM

Most football players are on full scholarship. They get money from them and there are grants or loans they can get while in school. They are getting a good education if they want it. Their meals and rooms are provided unless they choose to live off campus. No they shouldn't be paid for it. Should see it as an honor that they go threw as much trouble scouting them to design their likeness player on a video game. If they had to pay every player for all 124 teams in college football then how much will that fall back on the consumer?

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Re: Anybody not agree with Robinson lawsuit?

Jul 23, 2013, 12:39 AM

I don't think that is the point. It is not about cashing in on the success of a video game, bu for some players having enough money in their pockets to live comfortably. A good percentage of the players come from poverty, put in 12 hours a day between film study, practice, and their course work, but come from families that can not afford to properly feed and cloth them.

Not only is it unrealistic for these kids to get jobs to support their monthly expenses, but the NCAA does not allow it during the fall. I think the point is that they their parents should not have to pay out of pocket to come see them play, and they should not have to worry about money while they are in school.

Now I agree that they are getting a free education, but at the same time millions of dollars are being made and there is no excuse for a player coming from poverty to have to struggle when 80k people show up to watchj them play. it is only fair that their basic means be met an no more.

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Re: Anybody not agree with Robinson lawsuit?

Jul 23, 2013, 12:50 AM

I dont agree with it at all. All the guys on the list are no names. Robinson is the only one projected to start. Most of the guys want the money because they wont go pro. The kicker should be the most money hungry. Robinson shouldn't fight this at least he will get a shot at NFL. BTW all the other guys were rated below 73 on the game except for Robinson.

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What about the athletes...

Jul 23, 2013, 2:31 AM [ in reply to Re: Anybody not agree with Robinson lawsuit? ]

that aren't on full scholarship? The ones that spend $15,000 a year or so of their own (or their parents') money to go to school? Athletes know the rules when they sign up to play college sports. If they don't like them, then they can pay their own way through college. "Olympic sport" athletes work just as hard as football players without nearly as many benefits. Let's level the playing field among all sports before giving football players even more.

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Re: Anybody not agree with Robinson lawsuit?

Jul 23, 2013, 2:14 AM [ in reply to Re: Anybody not agree with Robinson lawsuit? ]

I want to say that they still get money for off-campus housing. At least that's what I heard. They get a monthly allowance and get to choose where they want to live with that money. Most of the guys live in Chimney because it's totally paid for and living in one of the most expensive complexes is no problem. I may be wrong though, just what I was told by a friend of a couple of the players.

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I don't agree with the timing, considering it has been a

Jul 23, 2013, 12:56 AM

very long time since Clemson has had a legitimate shot at a title run. The last thing this team needs is distractions. But really, it's just a shame that this issue is taking place during an upward spiral of Clemson football...can't place all the blame on Robinson. Other than that, I don't really see a problem with it.

I think for Robinson, it's more about the feeling of being owned by the NCAA. It doesn't sound like Robinson even owns his name, so that begs the question, what all are you signing away when you sign a LOI. For Robinson, this business adventure that he was pursuing, hypothetically, could have been a once in a lifetime opportunity. Perhaps he doesn't see a future in the NFL and would like to pursue his own business. Being 'owned' by the NCAA is limiting his potential as a successful business man...the very thing he may be receiving an education for.

On a side note, why is there no player profile for DR on Clemson football roster?

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Re: Anybody not agree with Robinson lawsuit?

Jul 23, 2013, 2:27 AM

I agree there should maybe be a small stipend. There are some people who attend Clemson for free because of their grades and they are still struggling to make ends meet just like the athletes do, but there are video games and all kinds of memorabilia that people make money off of. There are a ton of #10 jerseys in the stands every Saturday but because it doesn't say "Boyd" they don't have to pay Tajh a penny.

That being said, a small stipend of just a couple hundred dollars a month could be allowable. These guys shouldn't be able to just get several grand every month because of who they are. Who knows what it gets spent on? In my mind give them enough so that they can afford to go out to eat and buy things that they want and live a comfortable college life. But give them too much money and all of a sudden they will be like mini NFL players, blowing thousands on tattoos and shoes and lord knows what else.

I am also on both sides. As a rising junior at Clemson I am looking square in the face at $50,000 in student loan debt upon graduation. That is a sacrifice I am willing to make to get my degree and follow that career path that I want, but the players don't have to worry about that. They can major in whatever they want, take whatever classes, and either take advantage of a free education or screw off for 4-5 years as long as their GPAs stay at a level where they can stay eligible, many people don't care. I am jealous. I wish I had the talent to have a scholarship and get a degree for free, but I don't.

It is hard to be one-sided when you see both sides. Most of us that are not getting free school have to take a full course load but are able to work if we want to or need to. The players have to take 4-5 classes per semester, plus tutoring sessions, workouts, practice, games, and everything else. That gives them next to no time to have a job.

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I like Dabo's position

Jul 23, 2013, 2:50 AM

enhance the scholarships. No paying players.

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Re: I like Dabo's position - agree and

Jul 23, 2013, 5:47 AM

Dabo wisely did not put down Darius's position as it sounds logical to me, and he is very popular with many of his teammates. I hope he has a great year, but if not, it will be interesting to see how much playing time he gets?

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I agree with Robinson...

Jul 23, 2013, 7:19 AM

but disagree in the manner which he is going about trying to overturn the system. His argument is valid, I just wish there was an easier, less distracting way to go about making a change. I fear this will cost him his spot on the team. If that is the case, he will be free to start any business he chooses using his likeness to promote it all he wants.

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A different perspective

Jul 23, 2013, 7:56 AM


Clemson University Football

The Clemson University Football program is sanctioned by NCAA Division I-A and has a total of 113 male athletes. The men's Football team combined have 1 head coach(es), 9 assistant coach(es), and total revenues of $31,730,042, total expenses of $17,992,943 and profits of $13,737,100.

The roughly 80 scholarship football athletes generated $14MM per year in profit for the school. This is after expenses (i.e. scholarships housing, etc.) are removed. That equates to $175K profit per player. You as a general student generate the following revenue (not profit)

Nonresident Full Time (per year)
Tuition and fees* — $30,826
Room and board — $8,142 (approximate)
Books and supplies — $1,112 (approximate)
Total — $40,070

I used the non-resident tuition and board for comparison. Even at a 10% profit margin (well above average) you would generate $4K in revenue for the school as a general student.

Now lets look at your question again and see who's being treated fairly. You generate 4K for the school per year. A football player generates $175K, roughly 44 times more than a general student. Can you now maybe see why they expect some additional consideration. Especially when you look at anything promoting Clemson football and see nothing but uncompensated players on billboards, numbers on jerseys, (you bought that #2 jersey because 2 is your favorite number right), etc.

It's an unfair business model and players are beginning to realize this. I think, before too long, you will see a disassociation of college football and the student body. It will just become an NFL farm system with paid athletes at the elite levels.

I'm not saying I support this model, I'd prefer the more traditional student athlete model but to be honest that's been dead in football and basketball for a long time. However the amount of money flowing into university football programs on the backs of essentially unpaid students won't be ignored much longer. If you were generating $175K for Clemson per year you'd want your cut too I suspect.

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Re: A different perspective

Jul 23, 2013, 8:12 AM

Thats not quite accurate if you view the entire athletic department as an entity/company and not just a football department. The football and basketball players generate more of the revenue than the baseball and golf, but the football and basketball players are compensated more than the other sports in that they have full scholarships and the rest are partial.

If you (general you, not you specifically) want to just have football programs and no other sports then compensate. But if you want atheltic deparments then there is no financial way to support all athletes.

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Players know the rules when they sign up to play...

Jul 23, 2013, 10:33 AM [ in reply to A different perspective ]

You don't like them, don't play. Do schools really make any more selling the jersey for the long snapper? Not all positions are created equal, so are you going to give the "sexy" positions more than the grunts? Does anybody really care who the third string right guard is? What about the athletes in other sports that work just as hard as the football players but don't get the advantages that the football players get? Do they not matter?

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Re: Players know the rules when they sign up to play...

Jul 23, 2013, 11:57 AM

Did Robinson know he wouldn't be allowed to sell cell phones to try to make a little extra cash?

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They may know the rules

Jul 23, 2013, 12:26 PM [ in reply to Players know the rules when they sign up to play... ]

But it doesn't mean they have to like them. As more and more of these lawsuits over use of name and likeness come up the more likely it is that players gain an upper hand it leveraging their talent and potential revenue with the threat of a minor league or challenging the NFL age limitation.

I'm not suggesting I prefer paid college athletes, I'm only suggesting that if the NCAA doesn't act with some foresight then you are likely to end up with no elite athletes and last time I checked nobody is watching the Harvard / Yale game on a regular basis.

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Re: A different perspective

Jul 23, 2013, 11:42 AM [ in reply to A different perspective ]

Kinda see your point, but there is a real world aspect here. I just got a patent. It will make my company millions of dollars if the contracts pan out on it. I got a couple thousand as a thank you. But the company isnt going to pay me royalties. That was in the agreement when I signed to work for them.

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I guess that is my point

Jul 23, 2013, 12:19 PM

The players are starting to figure out the game and they don't like the rules and if they ever organize I think they could force the NCAA or NFL's hand. The age limitation on the NFL could still be challenged and if someone with enough financial backing finds a way to start a feeder league to the NFL outside of CFB, then we may end up with ivy league level college football.

Again, that's a worst case down the road scenario but one that has to be considered when making these decision about enhancing athlete compensation. Those on here who want to live by rules put in place 30 - 50 years ago are just putting their head in the sand. This is an issue that is going to come up more and more. The NCAA is dropping their affiliation with EA sports because there is too much liability from using player likenesses in the video game.

Personally its not the way I want things to go, but there has gotten to be too much money to ignore and someone is going to figure out how to get more for players (while of course taking a cut)

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I don't like the potential outcome

Jul 23, 2013, 8:18 AM

I think it is a quirky rule that the players don't "own" their name. But at the same time I can see the reason behind it.

Lets take Robinson out of it for these purposes.

If a 20 year old student at UGA named Aaron Murrary started a business and sold Amway products how far do you think he would get? And do you think that UGA fans would rush to support his business?

If a 20 year old at UGA named Aaron Murray who was also the starting QB started a business selling Amway and listed the fact that he is starting QB on the website and made sure his corporate colors were red and black how far do you think he would get? And don't you think that UGA fans would rush to support his business?

The lack of ownership rights to their names prevents back door channels for boosters to pay players.

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