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TNET: LOOK: Clemson Historic photo #116 'Dan's sandwich shop after a fire'
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TNET: LOOK: Clemson Historic photo #116 'Dan's sandwich shop after a fire'

Jul 26, 2020, 9:50 AM

LOOK: Clemson Historic photo #116 'Dan's sandwich shop after a fire'

TigerNet will be posting several historic Clemson photos during this difficult time with no Clemson sports. Long-time TigerNet member Mintaka® submitted many of Read Update »

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Cool story about what kind of person Dan was

Jul 26, 2020, 10:48 AM

My father-in-law (class of ‘54) couldn’t scrape enough money together to pay his tuition for his senior year. He went to Dan with this problem. Dan agreed to buy Pepsis, fried pies, and Nekot Nab crackers for him and sell them to him at cost.
My father-in-law would go door-to-door in the barracks selling these and would clear the bottles before inspection the next morning. He made enough money to stay in school and graduate.

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Jul 26, 2020, 11:45 AM

I don’t think Strawberry’s lasted very long. My wife was a waitress/bartender there when we were first married and I was finishing my senior year. It was a lot more fun when it was the Bookstore....but that was also before I was married....

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Wasn't it The Corporation as well for a while in the 80's?***

Jul 26, 2020, 12:24 PM

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Seems like that was one of the names, or we may be thinking

Jul 27, 2020, 9:33 AM

about the "club" out on 123, not Boll Winkles, but on the other end near BiLo.

The more I think about it, though, I think you're right. That was The Corporation. I remember being disappointed with the name change to Strawberry's, like there would be a lot of difference in the taste of beer or how buzzed I got.

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College Station was the club beside the railroad tracks down

Jul 28, 2020, 4:12 PM

the street from Bollwinkles. LOVED Bollwinkles!

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Re: Strawberry’s

Jul 26, 2020, 11:30 PM [ in reply to Strawberry’s ]

Strawberry's didn't last more than a year or two. I was working at TTT at the time. They hired this local named Dan (No relation to the original Dan) to manage it. Weirdo- he claimed to have been a Navy Seal among other things that were ridiculous. Also, he was purported to beat his girlfriend. I think her name was Ellen. Anyway, one night he decided to claim someone robbed him on the way to make the night deposit. On the street in Clemson in about 1985. Anyway a robbery didn't happen and I think he left town in ignominy. That was about the end of Strawberry's and then TD's opened if I remember correctly. Lester may have had it briefly between the two.

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Stop the woo hoo... Seriously- cut it out.

Re: TNET: LOOK: Clemson Historic photo #116 'Dan's sandwich shop after a fire'

Jul 26, 2020, 10:22 PM

That fire was in early September, 1963, several days before I started my freshman year. Dan got the sidewalk business going in a couple of weeks and had the shop back in full service in about 3 months.

Clemson students never had a better friend than Dan, and his burgers were the best I have ever eaten.

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Re: TNET: LOOK: Clemson Historic photo #116 'Dan's sandwich shop after a fire'

Jul 27, 2020, 8:42 AM

How I look back with great memories and fondness of Clemson - and now how much fun is it to say it's a great time to be a Tiger. But those of us who did Clemson in the 60s include Dan's in best memories. To this day, there are several friends who shrug their shoulders when they know I'm about to start another conversation about when I flipped burgers at Dan's.

The only thing better than Dan's was marrying my wife who absorbed the Clemson spirit and loved going to Dan's.

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Re: TNET: LOOK: Clemson Historic photo #116 'Dan's sandwich shop after a fire'

Jul 28, 2020, 2:33 PM

Rat season in 1966, the freshmen on the hall rotated Dan's duty, taking orders from the upperclassmen and staggering back with boxes full of burgers, cokes, fries, etc. Sometimes the accounting got to be a pain, figuring out how much change each guy was due, but there were ofen enough of 'em saying "keep it" to make a small profit on a run. One particular jerk tried to accuse me and my roommate of short-changing him one time. As far as we could tell, everything had come out right, but we offered to give him back what he thought he was due. He was more interested in giving us a hard time than a correct accounting, though, turned down the refund and kept on bugging us until we just walked away. Oh, well, that was one bad experience in what was generally a fun rat chore. Dan's burgers were unique - I loved 'em.

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