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All-Conference [448]
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Questions for COVID Gestapo
Sep 21, 2021, 10:23 AM
Are you going to stop with COVID? Why don't you keep the same energy for other health risk? MSM hasn't told you to care about it yet? Or do you simply not believe what you claim to believe?
Just look through some of these second hand smoke stats. Science has been super clear on smoking risk for decades, yet no mandates? Why?
23 million children exposed to second hand smoke annually
45,000 total deaths per year
430 deaths per year in children 18 months and YOUNGER... this is equal to the same number of 0-17 year olds who have died from covid in over 18 months!
7,500-15,000 hospitalizations in children- compared to 3,000 total for last 18 months from covid
Why no "non-smoker" passports? Mandates to force them to quit or lose their jobs? Is it about saving childrens lives or not? Second hand smoke is a bigger risk than COVID by a according to the statistics. How much are smokers responsible for the strain on health care? Effects of Secondhand Smoke Secondhand smoke causes more than 41,000 deaths per year and can cause or make worse a wide range of damaging health effects in children and adults.
Tiger Titan [49755]
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You can't catch cancer or heart disease from somebody else
Sep 21, 2021, 10:26 AM
All-Conference [448]
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Re: You can't catch cancer or heart disease from somebody else
Sep 21, 2021, 10:39 AM
Second hand smoke is a direct correlation between someone elses actions (choosing to smoke) effecting someone else's heath (15,000 children being hospitalized)
Tiger Titan [49755]
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Thanks for the apples and oranges comparison
Sep 21, 2021, 10:40 AM
what are the odds of contracting cancer from second had smoke after 1 encounter?
What are the chances of catching covid from one encounter?
All-Conference [448]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Thanks for the apples and oranges comparison
Sep 21, 2021, 10:43 AM
The apples to apples is the number of children dying, which you obviously don't care about since you are defending second hand smoker risk to the youth.
Tiger Titan [49755]
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Are you even sure what you are talking about?
Sep 21, 2021, 10:44 AM
your comparison is that covid is just as dangerous as second hand smoke
All-Conference [448]
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Re: Are you even sure what you are talking about?
Sep 21, 2021, 10:53 AM
COVID is much less dangerous to children, at least based on the number of hospitalizations and deaths, idk how else you want to measure "dangerous"
And at this point why do you care about any other age group? They can all get vaxed, if they choose not to thats a personal choice, could have severe consequences to their health, but so does eating a bunch of crap for decades with out working out, or smoking, or the excessive consumption of alcohol on a regular basis. But no one cares about those people.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103330]
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All-Conference [448]
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Re: And that's why it's banned in restaurants, bars, planes
Sep 21, 2021, 10:46 AM
And yet 23 million children are effected by it yearly
upwards of 15,000 of which end up in the hospital
and 430 18 months and younger unfortunately pass
clearly more should be done? No? Or you're okay with those number of deaths and hospitalization in children? If you're okay with that, then why all the up roar from COVID which is much lower??
Tiger Titan [50265]
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And that's why masks are only mandated in schools and
Sep 21, 2021, 10:50 AM
public or private gathering areas. No one is forcing anyone to wear a mask in their own home or car. Just like no one is prevented from smoking in their home or car.
You are making an argument that ironically supports the opposite position you seem to have taken. It's a little odd.
Tiger Titan [49755]
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So you're saying this isn't the gotcha the OP thinks it is
Sep 21, 2021, 10:54 AM
I agree
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103330]
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Tiger Titan [50265]
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but light up a smoke in a school and see how that goes over
Sep 21, 2021, 12:06 PM
not well.
It doesn't go well.
All-Conference [448]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: And that's why masks are only mandated in schools and
Sep 21, 2021, 11:33 AM
[ in reply to And that's why masks are only mandated in schools and ] |
The point was to be ironic. Someone choosing to not get vaxed is their choice. The counter argument to this is that it puts those who can't get vaxed at risk which at this point is children, which may be true but statistically there are several other things that puts this same group at much greater risk that people seem to be completely ok with. Things that are also completely out of their control similar to coming in contact with someone unvaxed (not that it's only unvaxed spreading, put that's how its being painted).
Death in car accidents is another example. Kids obviously can't drive, so someone elses actions directly lead to their death or debilitating injury, death at a much higher number than COVID, but it's a risk people have accepted. We could govern cars to go 10 mph and deaths from car wrecks would probably all but disappear. But no one is pushing for that, so is it about saving childrens lives, or not?
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103330]
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Umm.......hate to break it to you
Sep 21, 2021, 11:53 AM
But MVA deaths in SC are about 10% of covid deaths. In fact, covid deaths are substantially higher in SC, and nationally, than ALL ACCIDENTAL DEATHS for 2020. Take all accidental deaths (car wrecks, falling off scaffolding, electrocution, drowning, car wrecks, etc.), and there still were more covid deaths. Covid slipped into the #3 spot displacing accidents as the third leading cause of death in the US, and also in SC.
In light of that, what do we do? Mandate masks indoors? In schools? Anything else? Vaccine maybe? Nope. Nothing mandated in the face of the third leading cause of death. We sure do a lot, a whole lot, to mitigate accidents. Whole lot of freedom destroyed in the name of preventing accidents. OSHA doesn't even have a death pool that compares to covid. But they have thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of rules and regulations to minimize deaths from accidents.
Masks in schools are for saving adult lives. Parents lives. Teachers lives. Not the kids.
Heisman Winner [81033]
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Then why aren’t most European countries masking
Sep 21, 2021, 12:23 PM
Up in schools? Masks in schools are magic talismans to make people feel better, that’s it. If we were serious about mitigating the threat we’d be trying to pump as much fresh air into school facilities as possible. Solution to pollution is dilution. But we’re not, we’re back to making a bunch arbitrary rules that have no discernible impact on the spread of Covid.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103330]
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Most European countries locked down. Most several times.
Sep 21, 2021, 1:33 PM
For a long time. As such they had a lot invested in beating the virus. They sacrificed a lot more than we did in the US. As such, they were more motivated to take the vaccine, and they did. And now they're over it. Funny how that works.
Heisman Winner [81033]
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And all they really got out of it was a marginally higher
Sep 21, 2021, 2:16 PM
vaccination rate, marginally lower death rate per capita, and put a lot bigger strain on their economies. Their energy prices are up, and if you do any business with European companies you know production is way down. Take a look at some of the estimated long term GDP damage in the eurozone/UK compared to the US. Then when you start looking at the obesity rate and % of older people in the populations, the per capita death rates seem to come even more in line with one another.
What you are prescribing has been proven not to work, it's time to move on.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103330]
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The vaccines were moving on.
Sep 21, 2021, 5:01 PM
We will move on as well, just with more dead people and a renewed lack of faith in our leadership.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103330]
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We are #4.
Sep 21, 2021, 11:16 AM
[ in reply to Re: And that's why it's banned in restaurants, bars, planes ] |
Behind Brazil, Mexico, and India. 113,700 US kids missing a parent now.
I can write a very long list of what the government has done done to protect people from cigarette smoke, children too. I'm not sure I can write 2 things currently being done here in SC by the government to protect people from covid. Heck, you have to wear a seat belt in your car, by law. It doesn't impact others if you choose freely not to wear one. We have around 1,000 traffic fatalities a year in SC. From that we have mandated seatbelt use, we've also mandated airbags in cars, and many other safety features. With covid, well, 10,000 people die and we haven't mandated a single thing.
TigerNet Legend [146338]
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You might want to take a gander at the footnotes,
Sep 21, 2021, 11:08 AM
[ in reply to Re: You can't catch cancer or heart disease from somebody else ] |
particularly the ones concerning children for the point you're attempting to drive home here.
Footnote 7: California Environmental Protection Agency. Identification of Environmental Tobacco Smoke as a Toxic Air Contaminant. Executive Summary. June 2005.
All-In [28802]
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Re: Questions for COVID Gestapo
Sep 21, 2021, 10:40 AM
Just look through some of these second hand smoke stats. Science has been super clear on smoking risk for decades, yet no mandates? Why?
- do you still smoke inside at a restaurant? bar? anywhere?
Campus Hero [13645]
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Majority of aids patients are gay
Sep 21, 2021, 10:48 AM
$3.5 trillion says no ones going to have mandates around that...
All-In [28802]
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Wasn't it illegal not to disclose AIDS?
Sep 21, 2021, 2:01 PM
AIDS was never as widespread or as easy to spread as COVID, for one, but there were lots of laws having to do with it.
CU Medallion [19857]
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Re: Questions for COVID Gestapo
Sep 21, 2021, 2:52 PM
Let us take care of Covid and then we will implement some of your ideas. Good thoughts keep them coming.
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