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TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community
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TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 21, 2020, 12:01 PM

Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

The City of Clemson and Clemson University announced Sunday increased detection of COVID-19 throughout the Clemson community. In the last week alone, the State Read Update »

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It’s not the water...

Jun 21, 2020, 12:19 PM

It’s not social distancing and not wearing masks

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Re: It’s not the water...

Jun 21, 2020, 12:37 PM

They are talking about testing the wastewater for elevated levels of the virus, not tap water.

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 21, 2020, 12:23 PM

No kidding. When a governor or mayor disregards the health of his or her citizens to chase the almighty dollar, those citizens get sick. I still believe in miracles and unless a miracle happens, I hope Clemson will not chase the dollars and have any kind of full crowd at football games, if the NCAA and ACC allow football this summer and fall.

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Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business

Jun 21, 2020, 12:39 PM

With common sense precautions. Earn a living, enjoy friends and family, go to concerts and sporting events, eat at restaurants, go to funerals, weddings, protests, rallies, etc....

For those in high risk groups (which is very finite), avoid all the above and family members of these high risk folks need to take extra precautions when visiting with them.

We can’t sit and wait on a cure or vaccine for years. They have found and tested some treatments that are improving recovery rates.

When 90% have no ill effects from it, they should not be elected to suspend living for years waiting on a cure. Talk about cruel, THAT is cruel to force that on them.

Nature is a #####. Deal with it and move forward. Stop all the handwringing. If you think this one is bad, just wait til the next one. Better get busy living while you can.

Message was edited by: hufferbilly®

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Re: Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business

Jun 21, 2020, 1:44 PM

Agreed!!! BUT, how many folks are using COMMON SENSE?!?!?!?!?

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Re: Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business

Jun 21, 2020, 6:26 PM

Sense is not common...

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Re: Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business

Jun 21, 2020, 6:14 PM [ in reply to Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business ]

The same rationale they are using to keep us shut down for this virus can be applied to literally every other virus that's passable from one to person to another, which is most of them. This one doesn't even result in symptoms, much less death, for the vast majority of us, especially anyone under 60, as the average age of death is over 80. Should we stay shut down til everything else that disproportionately kills people over 80 ceases to exist as well? Of course not but the usual crowd is on their holier than thou high horse and anyone who disagrees is a science hating, money grubbing nazi. If you want to live under Corona arrest forever you know who to vote for in November.

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Re: Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business

Jun 21, 2020, 6:29 PM

Instead of passing out masks, bottles of vitamin D3 would do much better...

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Re: Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business

Jun 21, 2020, 7:46 PM [ in reply to Re: Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business ]

You could be somewhat misinformed bc covid-19 is killing all ages, especially long time smokers and smoker smoking a pack plus a day, diabetes, heart disease, and those that has had pneumonia more that once or double pneumonia, and the older, the higher the risk. But it is killing all ages without discrimination!!! ;)

Message was edited by: allinallorangeallthetime52®

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Re: Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business

Jun 21, 2020, 11:39 PM

Pay attention to the wording. There is a difference between dying WITH COVID19 and dying FROM COVID19. What you are referring to is folks who have other health issues and die with COVID19.

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All good, just wear a !(*#$!)@( mask and distance whenver...

Jun 22, 2020, 12:02 PM [ in reply to Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business ]


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There's no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people who ask questions.

Re: Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business

Jun 23, 2020, 5:52 PM [ in reply to Unless you are in high risk group, go about your business ]

hufferbilly®THANK YOU! Now, how do we get your message to the NCAA so they can start planning for football this fall?

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 21, 2020, 7:07 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community ]

Well, Germany has a Vaccine that they're about to, or, they have started testing it on humans. Get a Vaccine that works, and it will be business as usual. Well until the filth that's caused from gross over population in China grows another deadly virus that they will share with the world before letting the world know that they sharing it with everybody, as they did with the COVID-19 virus!!!

I don't have a clue how they would manage it, but, everybody coming into the U S, and their Passport shows they have been to China, they should be quarantined and checked for infectious disease, or go the h&11 back to where they came from!!!

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 23, 2020, 6:47 AM

Most people will not take the vaccine, just like they don't take the flu shot. Hopefully enough will take the vaccine that "herd Immunization" will occur and protect those who don't take flu shots, C-19, shots, and don't want their babies/children to take any vaccinations.
I've taken the flu shot every years for 70 years, mandatory in schools and colleges at the time plus 27 years in the Army of shots of every kind including yellow fever, cholera, plague, anthrax, et al.

TAKE THE VACCINE: you are protecting yourself and those around you who do not take. Wear a mask, and carry a 6' stick.

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But, if it is the water...

Jun 21, 2020, 12:28 PM

Sounds like we need more social distancing and less social drinking...especially the water...lol.

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Re: But, if it is the water...

Jun 21, 2020, 12:40 PM


Message was edited by: Illnoistiger®

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Re: But, if it is the water...

Jun 21, 2020, 12:40 PM [ in reply to But, if it is the water... ]

Did the governor open up the state a little too early? Seems like he did just to get the tourists money. I have family in Clemson and other parts of the state and hopefully they can stay safe from all of this. As for me, I want be visiting anytime soon. If I could I wouldn't. With a torn quadricep tendon the trip is out of the question anyway. Just hope everyone stays safe and healthy.

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Are you or your immediate family in an “at risk” group?

Jun 21, 2020, 12:56 PM

If not and I were you, I would relax a little, take trips, get out and live a little. ??

It is not as bad as it is being made out to be if you are not in an”at risk” category.

I still wonder if this isn’t the millennials way of getting rid off all the social security and healthcare burden we boomers have foisted on them. ??

Message was edited by: hufferbilly®

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You drink

Jun 21, 2020, 1:37 PM [ in reply to But, if it is the water... ]

waste water? eewwww

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Re: But, if it is the water...

Jun 21, 2020, 7:36 PM [ in reply to But, if it is the water... ]

Well the only water I get is with the ice melt in my Diet Pepsi, and I will freeze 12, 16 oz bottle water and put the whole block of ice in my YETI cup that last anywhere to 20-24 hours bc it is solid block of ice!!! ??

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Never occurred to me that they would be testing wastewater for COVID-19

Jun 21, 2020, 12:40 PM


Stay well!

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Re: Never occurred to me that they would be testing wastewater for COVID-19

Jun 21, 2020, 12:43 PM

That is how they are predicting the spread. Read an article about that a few weeks ago ad they are tracking it through the poop.

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Re: Never occurred to me that they would be testing wastewater for COVID-19

Jun 21, 2020, 12:46 PM

Talk about a crappy job!!! Sorry...I couldn't resist <img border=">

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I checked it out and Google provided a number of articles

Jun 21, 2020, 1:00 PM [ in reply to Re: Never occurred to me that they would be testing wastewater for COVID-19 ]

Still really interesting.


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Re: Never occurred to me that they would be testing wastewater for COVID-19

Jun 21, 2020, 7:52 PM [ in reply to Re: Never occurred to me that they would be testing wastewater for COVID-19 ]

Heard that also, and it said to close your toilet lid before flushing bc those damp vapors can rise 3-4 feet out of the toilet during flushing, and the height that it can rise depends on how hard your toilet flushes!!!

Message was edited by: allinallorangeallthetime52®

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

The simplest Engineering Material Balance equation is:

Jun 21, 2020, 2:01 PM [ in reply to Never occurred to me that they would be testing wastewater for COVID-19 ]


And trust me, when you are talking about human beings, you don't want none of that accumulation. :(

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Doing our part to get to ‘herd immunity’! ??***

Jun 21, 2020, 1:02 PM

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yep the sewage water is a thing

Jun 21, 2020, 2:05 PM

italy detected it was there before the first cases were announced..this virus has been in the wild way longer than claimed..china lied people died


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also from michigan and stanford

Jun 21, 2020, 2:06 PM


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Re: also from michigan and stanford

Jun 22, 2020, 7:10 PM

Go check out FluNada. Some people I know have had COVID and said it knocked it out quick. It’s been around for a while and says 99% effective against flu and cold and on the the side of the box one of the cold viruses it says it effective against is coronavirus. Surprisingly( sarcasm) Amazon is one of the only places to get it anymore!

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Re: also from michigan and stanford

Jun 22, 2020, 7:10 PM [ in reply to also from michigan and stanford ]

Go check out FluNada. Some people I know have had COVID and said it knocked it out quick. It’s been around for a while and says 99% effective against flu and cold and on the the side of the box one of the cold viruses it says it effective against is coronavirus. Surprisingly( sarcasm) Amazon is one of the only places to get it anymore!

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Re: yep the sewage water is a thing

Jun 21, 2020, 6:36 PM [ in reply to yep the sewage water is a thing ]

MacArthur was right...

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Re: yep the sewage water is a thing

Jun 21, 2020, 8:00 PM [ in reply to yep the sewage water is a thing ]

The coots should be ok then, most of them chit outside in the B&W= bushes and the woods, or in billy brice!!! ??

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 21, 2020, 2:49 PM

We have awesome Clemson Face Masks made locally in my home, not on some foriegn assembly line. #shoplocalsc

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 21, 2020, 2:52 PM

This from some medical experts that we know at prisma is great news. ( Direct contacts for over a decade) It further proves that the majority of Americans are most likely carriers and are surviving just fine. Tbe percentage of positive tests is misleading to the "SHEEP". Yes the hopstilization has increased. But notice the hospitals are handling it fine. Slowing the curve was a great move and thus we are able to handle this "increase". Relax people, exercise good common sense and live your lives. DONT BE SHEEP!

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 21, 2020, 3:02 PM

I agree with this. That said, outside of Clemson, the Anmed System cases were stable through last week, roughly 18-22/week for the past 6 weeks or so, despite increase testing. certainly the young college population (there are still a bunch of them here) as well as the protest has contributed to this spread. However, now is the time to "spike" because covid patients are not competing with flu, pneumonia, GI bugs, etc for beds, vents, resources, etc. Would rather have it peak between June and September, than between Dec and March.

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Clemson University Class of 2007
UNC-CH SOM Class of 2011
Life's Journey is not to arrive at the Grave Safely in a Well Preserved Body. But Rather to Launch Airborne, Land Hard, Slide in Sideways, Totally Worn Out and Thrashed, Screaming "Holy Shit What a Ride!!!"

Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 23, 2020, 9:41 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community ]

The fallacy in calling people "sheep" is you actually are calling YOURSELF "sheep". Everyone is "sheep". Some believe (follow) one thing; others believe (follow) another. You call them "sheep" because they don't feel/believe the same thing you feel/believe. They chose a different source of information. And you? Did you personally conduct tests in every lab in every country, come to your own conclusions and then have your report peer reviewed? Oh...you didn't? So you're choosing to believe information that someone else provided you. That's fine too. But congrats - you're sheep too.

Now - to the point of masks - I think they're a good idea. The virus may not affect me as severely as some others. But I don't want to be the silent carrier who gives the virus to someone and it decimate their family. Wear masks to protect others - not yourself.

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 21, 2020, 4:05 PM

Increased testing is a factor as to increased positives. The numbers I watch are hospitalizations and deaths. Like Dirty Harry always said "a mans got to know his limitations" and that goes for ladies too. We are still figuring out how to live life with this bug but we'll get there.

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 21, 2020, 5:48 PM

Significant spread through intimate physical contact. They haven't solved this social distancing problem.

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 21, 2020, 9:19 PM

What happened to "hot temps kill the virus"?

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 22, 2020, 2:57 PM

It is very surprising to me that numbers are going up in hot weather. Indoor spread shouldn't be changing the numbers. Intimate physical conduct might change a little with "opening up" policy.
What do you think about false positives and faulty testing? Remember the drug positive tests of banned substances last year. That was a mystery event, in my opinion. I hope tests are scrutinized closely before they can throw the season into disarray.

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 22, 2020, 10:54 AM

Does going on about your business include infecting your parents and grandparents?

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Re: TNET: Clemson announces increased detection of COVID-19 in community

Jun 22, 2020, 11:15 AM

It's about NOT Social Distancing (as in stupidly marching in a protest rally). Cannot believe our football team was that stupid.

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