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Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson
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Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson

Oct 23, 2017, 10:24 AM

This removing the 'or' between them on the depth chart is their way of pushing back on the continued questions.

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Re: Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson

Oct 23, 2017, 10:26 AM

well the way it went last game I can see why. and it made it even worser when afterward they said they should have worked Johnson in

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I think we're all a bit lugubrious

Oct 23, 2017, 10:49 AM

when we're not able to work Johnson in

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Re: I think we're all a bit lugubrious

Oct 23, 2017, 11:03 AM

oh boy....here we go with the Johnson jokes. ;)

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I hate it when we're lugubrious

Oct 23, 2017, 12:32 PM [ in reply to I think we're all a bit lugubrious ]

it's unseemly.

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Re: Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson

Oct 23, 2017, 10:33 AM

The way ZC was throwing the ball last Friday, if he is our true backup.
We are in deep trouble if KB can't play this Sat.

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Re: Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson

Oct 23, 2017, 10:53 AM

Johnson was held out to keep contention down. They know he's the best. He can't win the job because that could/might put question marks in TL camp (we don't want that) because he has 3 more years eligibility.
On the other hand, I am an opinionated nutcase, and it is a possible (I did not say likely) that the coaches know more than I do.

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Re: Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson

Oct 23, 2017, 11:00 AM

I'm not buying that at all. If the coaches think Johnson can get the job done he will play. Trevor Lawrence has already signed financial aid agreements and made his intentions clear and it is well known that he is not afraid of a QB competition infront of him.

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I don’t blame them, if I had people questioning my decision

Oct 23, 2017, 10:47 AM

Who had no clue I’d be a little short. Everyone calling for Johnson to play has no idea if he can even run more than 5 or 6 base plays.

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I wouldn't read into that. The real test is what happens

Oct 23, 2017, 10:52 AM

Saturday. They probably don't want to telegraph to the opponent exactly what the plan is.

My guess is that ZC will get two possessions and then Hunter will get a shot unless ZC looks unbelievable in leading us to two touchdowns on his first two drives. That is assuming KB doesn't play.

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Re: Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson

Oct 23, 2017, 10:59 AM

Hunter Johnson ran some pretty vanilla plays against Wake Forest. So we don't even know if he has what it takes either. Zerrick Cooper made 2-3 really great throws last Friday that really jumped out. He had even more bad ones on deep balls that didn't connect and unfortunately that's all anyone remembers.

I think the throws and the command of the offense that Cooper shows in practice have clearly earned him the #2 spot or else the coaches would have demoted him much like they did with the running backs.

Despite what everyone loves to say about coaches rewarding seniority, they aren't going to sit on their butt and watch someone suck every drive just because he's been on campus longer. That will cost them games and nobody wants to lose football games. Everyone has to remember that that was Zerrick's first real game action that mattered. He was probably super amped up and was throwing the ball out of the stadium. If he needs to play for an extended period of time he will settle down. Deshaun and Tajh would come out of the gates fired up and air mail a few deep shots every so often too. I am not willing to sell on Cooper yet, especially if he is not the clear #2 in the coaches eyes.

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enjoy the game

Oct 23, 2017, 11:02 AM

It's Clemson football

Fans do not need to know why coaches make a certain decision.

If you are displeased or upset by that FACT, live with it. Or

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Re: enjoy the game

Oct 23, 2017, 11:10 AM

I understand that. I am trying to talk people off the ledge. Zerrick Cooper has clearly showed the coaches enough to be #2 on the depth chart and I'm trusting that. I saw promise in some of his throws, and I know nothing about football compared to the coaches, so they obviously see/saw something as well.

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our offense only really works when we have the QB running

Oct 23, 2017, 11:10 AM [ in reply to Re: Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson ]

or at least the threat to. None of our QB's are good enough to sit in the pocket all game. But thats pretty much ZC's game. Hunter at least can run.

Even KB can't be a threat in the pocket only. The threat of his legs is what opens up the passing game. HJ must have some issue that keeps him off the field over ZC. Who knows what it is. Might be defensive scheme recognition bc that takes a little bit of time to get all the disguises, etc. or ball security.

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"Or" was there for cuse depth chart but wasn't

Oct 23, 2017, 11:03 AM

for Wake.

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I honest think that Johson will give Clemson's offense more

Oct 23, 2017, 11:06 AM

weapons. To me, defenses will stack to stop the run knowing our passing game is a bit off. Johnson will give us a passing game to compliment the running game. Feel like Johnson should be our QB.

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Re: Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson

Oct 23, 2017, 11:09 AM

Fans didn't make it easy on them. I at least hope that they are working all three of them in during practice somehow in case KB can't go.

ZC may get to play, but he needs to take advantage of it and get rid of those ridiculously erratic misses.

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Re: Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson

Oct 23, 2017, 11:15 AM

Tim Bourret creates the depth chart Sunday night before the following game week. Most of the depth chart is based on snap count from the previous game. Has nothing to do with who will actually start or play Saturday

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More like T-net is being thin skinned.

Oct 23, 2017, 11:17 AM

Coaches, who know far,far more than the collective genius of T-net, and are vastly more qualified to make the decision, have said that ZC is better prepared, has better command of the offense, and is the #2 QB at this point, ahead of HJ. Period. There is not much more to say, no reason to give any explanation beyond that. T-net, which wants something better than they have seen out of ZC, are convinced that HJ is better. It's laughable, of course, and it's they who are thin-skinned when the obvious, perfectly reasonable explanation isn't enough.

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"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
- H. L. Mencken


Oct 23, 2017, 1:47 PM


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Oct 23, 2017, 2:17 PM


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ZC was also off in spring game. his good passes

Oct 23, 2017, 12:16 PM

were only 5yd. if he can't do it in a hame then Johnson neefs a chance. at least he made the most of his short opportunity

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Re: Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson

Oct 23, 2017, 12:42 PM

Football is and always will be about execution. If HJ can execute 6 passing plays better than ZC he should be the starter.

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Re: Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson

Oct 23, 2017, 12:42 PM

Football is and always will be about execution. If HJ can execute 6 passing plays better than ZC he should be the starter.

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Re: Coaching staff is being thin-skinned about Cooper vs Johnson

Oct 23, 2017, 12:42 PM

Football is and always will be about execution. If HJ can execute 6 passing plays better than ZC he should be the starter.

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