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TNET: Transfer target picks another ACC school
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TNET: Transfer target picks another ACC school

Apr 26, 2019, 9:18 PM

Transfer target picks another ACC school

Charleston Southern transfer Christian Keeling moved up his decision timeline by more than a week and picked North Carolina over Clemson on Friday. Keeling (6-4 Read Update »

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Steve Smith ain’t gonna like this***

Apr 26, 2019, 9:20 PM

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Re: TNET: Transfer target picks another ACC school

Apr 26, 2019, 9:25 PM

He must think he will not get much PT at Clemson. I can think of no other good reason to pick them over us.

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Re: TNET: Transfer target picks another ACC school

Apr 27, 2019, 1:05 AM

Really? I can think of 59

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Re: TNET: Transfer target picks another ACC school

Apr 26, 2019, 9:27 PM

Maybe this Steve Smith crap made him make up his mind early.

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Re: TNET: Transfer target picks another ACC school

Apr 27, 2019, 1:06 AM

No doubt it did. He moves it up just like that and picks unc.

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Keep bringing them in BB !! I'm half kidding

Apr 26, 2019, 9:33 PM

However as I realize this sport is so broken at the collegiate level it will probably never be the game it was meant to be.
But on the other hand Coach you have to bring in some of them and either 1) be able to coach up what you got 2) motivate them and make them work twice as hard to make up for lack of skills 3) design plays and game plans that out Coach the opponent 4) work the refs to gain that advantage or 5) work harder recruiting forming relationships with coaches, reps, parents and organizations to turn heads before others get their attention even if it's from overseas

Then there is one more!!!!!! Keep the ones we have from transferring! Be smart and work three times harder than the next guy and EARN that million dollar salary your bringing in.

Just my opinion but that's the only way I see you ever knocking it down at this level!! You need to work harder!

Go Tigers!

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Pass CBB the EASY button....

Apr 26, 2019, 10:10 PM

Cause otherwise you will be disappointed. I didn't think we had much of a chance with this kid in his final if unc wanted him. Just more of the same.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Transfer target picks another ACC school

Apr 26, 2019, 10:10 PM

the story of our life and program in hoops. Always missing out. Close but not cigar

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BB keeping us competitive. Hey, we finished 2nd for this

Apr 26, 2019, 11:04 PM

Recruit. What do you expect with our history?

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My question is UNC lacking talent to want

Apr 27, 2019, 1:34 AM

Someone who played 3 season at Charleston Southern

UNC is an elitist school in BB

CS doesn’t really attract players that UNC usually recruit

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Re: My question is UNC lacking talent to want

Apr 27, 2019, 2:18 PM

Heels lose 4 of their starting 5 and their '6th starter' Nas Little

losing their top 5 scorers

will be a 'rebuild' year no doubt

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Re: My question is UNC lacking talent to want

Apr 27, 2019, 3:59 PM

They also have a top 3 recruiting class coming in including the number 3 player, the top rated PG prospect. No they will reload.
I can’t blame the kid for wanting to play for a contender rather than best a pretender fighting to get out of the ACC cellar.

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Today isn’t your best day on TigerNet.

Apr 27, 2019, 6:28 PM

Since when are we a pretender fighting to get out of the ACC cellar?!?

You must have forgotten that we tied for #3 in the ACC and were in the Sweet 16 a year ago, and finished .500
and tied for 8th in the ACC this past year.

We haven’t been in the ACC cellar in many years, but I realize you can’t admit that. It would compromise your false argument that we are an awful team under Brownell and that he should be fired.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: UNC lacking talent

Apr 27, 2019, 9:08 PM [ in reply to Re: My question is UNC lacking talent to want ]

UNC has so many transfers and also high school recruits still lining up to try to play for them. Keeling probably realized someone else might get his place if he didn't move forward fast enough.

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Re: TNET: Transfer target picks another ACC school

Apr 27, 2019, 2:19 AM

Judge has an answer to this. Judge seems to always have an answer even if it means throwing another Clemson athletic program under the bus.

Judge Keller, please tell us how it really is. Guessing women’s basketball and Golf must be free game too in your attempt to protect and draw equivalency of any transgressions of any Clemson program.

Don’t let facts get in the way Judge. You never do. Just keep plowing forward with any notion that protects this staff, and don’t let unproven facts about the university you purportedly support get I the way either. Just plow ahead. Show us all how it’s done Judge. You’ll win hearts and minds.

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Re: TNET: Transfer target picks another ACC school

Apr 27, 2019, 2:48 AM

ddraines® said:

Judge has an answer to this. Judge seems to always have an answer even if it means throwing another Clemson athletic program under the bus.

Judge Keller, please tell us how it really is. Guessing women’s basketball and Golf must be free game too in your attempt to protect and draw equivalency of any transgressions of any Clemson program.

Don’t let facts get in the way Judge. You never do. Just keep plowing forward with any notion that protects this staff, and don’t let unproven facts about the university you purportedly support get I the way either. Just plow ahead. Show us all how it’s done Judge. You’ll win hearts and minds.

Weird that you attacked the judge personally instead of disputing his facts. Seems your dispute is more emotional than rational. You want something to change and the easy lever is the coach even though the coach is not like the problem and there is a good chance the move will have a negative result. Emotionally you will have hope even if irrational so you are ready to move forward

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You shouldn't post when you've been drinking.***

Apr 27, 2019, 2:16 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Transfer target picks another ACC school ]

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

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