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TNET: Carlos Watkins provides breakfast for truck drivers
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TNET: Carlos Watkins provides breakfast for truck drivers

Apr 21, 2020, 5:55 PM

Carlos Watkins provides breakfast for truck drivers

Frontline workers including truck drivers have been essential during this coronavirus pandemic. Truck drivers make sure that the supply chain of products keeps Read Update »

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Re: TNET: Carlos Watkins provides breakfast for truck drivers

Apr 21, 2020, 5:57 PM

Outstanding big guy! Without trucks supply chain dies.

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Another TiGER Great Giving Back!

Apr 21, 2020, 6:21 PM

Thx Carlos!!

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Re: TNET: Carlos Watkins provides breakfast for truck drivers

Apr 22, 2020, 12:59 AM

I love that Clemson players that has made it in the NFL are giving back to the people that overwhelmingly deserves what those guys are doing that makes those people's lives just a little easier and thought of...

As a person that has spent some years over the road in an 18 wheeler, and I know how hectic and lonely that job can be, and really is. So if I would have been one of the lucky people who made it big financially, I think that I would hired one of the better mobile food coaches to pull into one of those weight stations that stay open 24/7 that truckers has to pull through to get their load-axle weighed checked along with their Bill of lading of their load by the D O T at those weigh stations, and serve those drivers a hot meal for free before they pulled out of one of those weight stations. One of those mobile food coach owners would most likely do that in the morning from about 5am to 2pm for a week for less than $150K!!! Just have one or more guys do that on NFL teams all around the country would be an awesome way to give back.

I know that if I were still out there on the road, I would have thought what a great way for those guys to pay it forward, and I would have been so appreciative to who ever done something like that for us truckers bc most 4 wheelers are usually disrespectful of truckers trying to make a living on the road for most of their lives bc they don't know anything different, and most of them are very good at their job especially when it comes to being safe out there on the road!!! Most Tractor Trailer wrecks you see out on the interstate, a disrespectful Assshole in a 4 wheeler caused it!!!

Message was edited by: allinallorangeallthetime52®

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