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TNET: Pigskin Prophet: All of the shenanigans are back in Columbia, along with a huge chicken
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TNET: Pigskin Prophet: All of the shenanigans are back in Columbia, along with a huge chicken

Sep 24, 2020, 1:01 PM

Pigskin Prophet: All of the shenanigans are back in Columbia, along with a huge chicken

Clemson won't play this Saturday, but there will still be football in the state of South Carolina. In Columbia, that means trying to polish the turd.
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Re: TNET: Pigskin Prophet: All of the shenanigans are back in Columbia, along with a huge chicken

Sep 24, 2020, 1:08 PM

I'm guessing Tenn will bring their old trash can back. They cant use the coot's dumpster because the flames from it would keep driving them back.....

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Ah man I completely forgot about the Doo Doo Ice!!

Sep 24, 2020, 1:15 PM

Good times!!

Can anyone dig that post up?

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Sep 24, 2020, 2:10 PM

Couldn't find the original FGF (I think) thread but found a C&P:

Credit to @ketigerfan for posting this back in the day!

Gameco­ck Tradition: DOO DOO ICE emoji_events [14]
Posted: Jul 26, 2007 4:44 PM
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Post #4498 I usually don't complain but today I have to for people's safety... Reply

The consession stand on the East Upper (North Side) sells the "crappiest" food and drink, I've ever eaten or drank anywhere. I was forced to partake of their cuisine yesterday and I'm truly worried for my health today and I am not feeling that good.

First of all, my daughter and I purchased two of the tiniest drinks they had and the only side item we got was nachos-and-cheese. The drinks were so syrupy they were almost undrinkable, chips were stale, and here comes the worst part - the ice stunk like toilet water. When my drink was finished and there was nothing left in the cup but ice, I started smelling something very undesirable. Everytime I lifting up my drink, I kept thinking the guy in front of me was "breaking wind" but after about 2 or 3 times doing this, I discovered that the stinking smell was coming from my cup of ice. The ice never looked clear and I don't want to even think about what was wrong with it.

I will NEVER/EVER buy anything from inside WB again unless it's bottled with a cap that hasn't been broken or food that's been sealed and not been opened.

I truly felt like I needed to get the "word" out about this.

November 24, 1984 - From the Gamecocks 16 yardline with only 3:07 left to play, Mike Hold delivers a stunning touchdown drive of fury and grace as the clock ticked down to 54 seconds for a 22-21 victory of Clemson.

Posted on 10/9 2:11 PM | IP: Logged

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Georgetown, SC
Post #10941 Re: I usually don't complain but today I have to for people's safety.. Reply

You need to contact the Ath. Dept, or maybe even the Board of Health. That kind of thing could sicken thousands. May be a lot of mold growing in the ice makers or something. If they aren't used much during the rest of the year, it could happen.

Posted on 10/9 2:19 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #4500 You don't know how close I come to taking the water from the melted... Reply

ice to a Health Department (DHEC) for a diagnosis.

November 24, 1984 - From the Gamecocks 16 yardline with only 3:07 left to play, Mike Hold delivers a stunning touchdown drive of fury and grace as the clock ticked down to 54 seconds for a 22-21 victory of Clemson.

Posted on 10/9 2:24 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #653 My friends said the same exact thing about their drink!!! Reply

They said they thought the guy in front of them was farting too! But it was the cup or the ice... Someone seriously needs to look into that, bc it seems like it wasn't an isolated problem. They got their drink from the north stands' under the student section.

Posted on 10/9 2:56 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #216 No, to be honest, I did fart. * Reply


Posted on 10/9 3:13 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #656 In the ICE??!! Reply

That's disgusting!

Posted on 10/9 3:18 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #427 Most ice at WB is probably contract outsourced... Reply

from a local ice plant(s)..??

Posted on 10/9 4:38 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #163 i only buy bottled drinks Reply

and thats only when severly dehydrated, seeing as the kind folks at the entrance let you bring anything you want in, i usually bring a few drinks in w/ me into the game

Posted on 10/9 4:59 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #4821 Note to self: Never drink a coke that smells like ####. Reply


"Every Fall the trees are filled with underwear. Every Spring the toilets explode. It's time for somebody to put their foot down. . . and that foot is me." - Vernon Wormer

Posted on 10/9 6:08 PM | IP: Logged
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Columbia SC
Post #7217 LOL******** Reply


Posted on 10/9 6:18 PM | IP: Logged

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Post #12217 In alot of cases the ice machine's drainage is hooked up to the Reply

sewage. When the sewage backs up, well you get sewage ice.

Posted on 10/9 7:26 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #74 Re: In alot of cases the ice machine's drainage is hooked up to the Reply

Actually from what I hear most of hte ice comes from a large ice facility in georgetown, and something about the paper plants making all the water smell like sulfer..

Posted on 10/9 7:42 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #4505 Note to other: It didn't smell until there was nothing left but ice... Reply

...just like my original message said - READ ! Thanks, Kingdaddy, for the "smart ####" advice though.
This post was edited on 10/9 8:45 PM by upstatercock

November 24, 1984 - From the Gamecocks 16 yardline with only 3:07 left to play, Mike Hold delivers a stunning touchdown drive of fury and grace as the clock ticked down to 54 seconds for a 22-21 victory of Clemson.

Posted on 10/9 8:22 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #632 I hate to say it, but.... Reply

my girlfriend said she kept smelling something and she was drinking a fountain drink too. Then, my friend later quit drinking his drink because he said it stunk. This really may be a huge and potentially dangerous problem.

Go #####!

Posted on 10/9 8:36 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #2810 I had the smelly ice, too, and I'm on West Lower.Toilet ice all over.* Reply


Posted on 10/9 8:40 PM | IP: Logged
garnet blood

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Cockpit Veteran
Post #1151 Re: I usually don't complain but today I have to for people's safety... Reply

We were in the west club level about 12:15 with very few fans in the stands and we were smelling an odor(unrecognizable) however my wife did liken it to the smell of riverbanks zoo.(Amazing she didn't ask "did you?"

Posted on 10/9 9:32 PM | IP: Logged

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summerville, sc
Post #189 In our case, the source must have been an "###" plant. Reply


Posted on 10/9 10:59 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #19 Re: In our case, the source must have been an Reply

Im telling you my ice tasted like ####, I couldnt believe it I was so drunk but it felt like a cold turd in my mouth

Posted on 10/10 6:45 AM | IP: Logged
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Post #166 toilet ice, lol Reply

i am telling you just bring your own drinks in

Posted on 10/10 7:19 AM | IP: Logged
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Post #639 Re: toilet ice, lol Reply

Apparently the food and beverage equipement is not being cleaned properly or not at all. No excuse for this as it could make people sick and in worst cases even kill. Please call the health department and report it.

Posted on 10/10 7:24 AM | IP: Logged
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Post #505 Re: toilet ice, lol Reply

This thread just cracks me up. Thanks for a good laugh on Monday morning, folks.

Posted on 10/10 8:04 AM | IP: Logged

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Post #1537 Re: In our case, the source must have been an Reply

I wonder how one would know what a cold turd feels like in one's mouth, LOL.

Posted on 10/10 8:11 AM | IP: Logged
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Pit Master
Post #4624 This is incredibly funny. But yeah, I've noticed the turd ice myself. Reply

Only bottled drinks for me! This sounds like something that should happen at Clemson. How embarassing.

Posted on 10/10 8:58 AM | IP: Logged
Rooster Louie

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Spartanburg, SC
Post #6187 These kinds of events are where TRADITION's are formed**** Reply


Posted on 10/10 9:03 AM | IP: Logged
tsport 1234
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Post #4090 Re: I usually don't complain but today I have to for people's safety... Reply


I had the strange ice as well. I noticed something wasn't right at the time.

A friend of mine works for a company that does some work at Williams Brice.

He has told me for several years now that USC doesn't give a rip about the fans for what goes on behind the scenes there as far as maintenance, food, etc.

"Championships or not, the individual growth you get to see when opportunities are not wasted is the real reward of coaching and teaching" - Lander Tennis Coach Joe Cabri, 8 straight NCAA Div 2 Men's National Championships

Posted on 10/10 9:47 AM | IP: Logged

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If you ain't cheatin, you ain't trying!
Post #39906 do do in ice can kill you. (nm) Reply



Posted on 10/10 10:13 AM | IP: Logged
Memphis CUTigers
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Post #129 Re: toilet ice, lol Reply

gotta think you either missed this game or brought your own drinks in...don't think you'd be laughing if you had a funny taste in your mouth sunday morning....

Posted on 10/10 10:54 AM | IP: Logged

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Post #2 Re: toilet ice, lol Reply

My friends and I have noticed this for the past two years, pretty sure its the cups not the ice.

Posted on 10/10 11:10 AM | IP: Logged
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Post #20 Re: toilet ice, lol Reply

Either way my ice tasted like nasty ####, im talking nasty I was so drunk though I couldnt believe it I thought it was my taste buds but it was like someone shat coke in my cup and the ice sopped it up

Posted on 10/10 11:17 AM | IP: Logged
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Post #297 Re: I usually don't complain but today I have to for people's safety... Reply

my food sucked too.......had to get a drink and now looking back.....it sucked too!! Sprite was brown colored.....or maybe that was the Beam??

Posted on 10/10 11:42 AM | IP: Logged
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Post #509 Re: toilet ice, lol Reply

I don't mean for my laughing to offend but you have to admit, it's just hilarious to think about it. I don't think anyone that's ever been to another sporting event than a Carolina football game will disagree that our stadium is an absolute rat hole. The bathrooms are totally rancid and disgusting. The concession areas and breezeways beneath the stadium are filthy. The walkways are all in need of major powerwashing. It's just not a nice place at all. Once inside the stadium, it's one of the best but judging everything together, the place should be condemned...

Posted on 10/10 11:45 AM | IP: Logged
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Post #2316 Re: toilet ice, lol Reply

Having close ties to DHEC, let me explain a few things. That "###" smell you got a whiff of is either sulfur (which public water is NOT supposed to have in it) or Sewage. I think there could be a possible cross connection between the potable water pipes and the wastewater pipes somewhere. With all of the addons tot he stadium over the years and the lack of codes when it was first built, it would not be entirely out of the realm of possibility. I am also not sure if the concession stands are permitted by the state. If not, they need to be. A dirty ice machine can be more of a hazard then the cross connection under the right circumstances. If the ice comes from a plant, find out which one. Don't complain to DHEC, complain to USDA or SC Dept. of Ag. (trust me on this one). I am almost certain DHEC stopped doing Ice Plant inspections several years ago and the feds took it over. Also, if you think that there is a cross connection, call the local EQC (Sister agency of DHEC) office and complain. They monitor the public water systems and take samples on a regular basis. They could go in and take a sample and run it for fecal coliform and that would solve the problem if there is one. If it is high, then either the water system has poop in it (HIGHLY unlikely) or there is a cross connection. The EQC number for Richland County is 803-935-7015. Just tell the person who answers what the nature of your complaint is and they will put you through to the right person. Good luck.

Posted on 10/10 12:02 PM | IP: Logged

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Spartanburg, SC
Post #5707 Re: In our case, the source must have been an Reply

Originally posted by tidalcock:
I wonder how one would know what a cold turd feels like in one's mouth, LOL.
A lot like a warm turd feels like, only colder.

Posted on 10/10 12:16 PM | IP: Logged
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Post #21 Re: toilet ice, lol Reply

I use matches but it didnt smell like sulfur buddy, it smelled like a nice pile of #### was in my cup

Posted on 10/10 12:20 PM | IP: Logged


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Myrtle Beach
Post #215 Did you drink the whole cup?*** Reply


Go #####!

Posted on 10/10 12:48 PM | IP: Logged

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Lexington, SC
Post #333 Re: toilet ice, lol Reply

Yup, my wife and I had "crappy ice" as well. We were sitting in Sect. 9 (West Lower). Glad others thought the ice smelled like crap, too. It really sucks that you have to pay $2.50 for a SMALL coke only to have your ice lased with fecal matter. Something should really be done about this!

Posted on 10/10 12:50 PM | IP: Logged

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Post #514 Re: toilet ice, lol Reply

I say a petition should be started!

"Sign below if you don't like feces in your drink"

Really though, guys, that's really disgusting. That's two places I won't be eating/drinking ever again. The other is Rockaways on Rosewood. A roach fell from the ceiling there and hit me in the head. Before I realized it was a roach, it had crawled onto my arm and then my leg. It was pretty rough. I'm not worked up by bugs but this one was actually ON ME!

Posted on 10/10 12:55 PM | IP: Logged

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Post #22 Re: Did you drink the whole cup?*** Reply

I told you I was drunk as ####, of course I drank the whole cup I ate the turd ice too. I am telling you people someone has #### in our ice

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Sep 24, 2020, 2:36 PM

OMG the comments had me ROTFL.

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Sep 24, 2020, 2:40 PM [ in reply to FOUND IT! ]

Have never read the source for "doo doo ice"!
Many, many thanks! And a big TU!

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Now THAT is funny as crap!

Sep 24, 2020, 2:54 PM [ in reply to FOUND IT! ]


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Sep 8, 2021, 3:46 PM

If they can’t throw it they will fix it where you can’t drink it!

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Re: Now THAT is funny as crap!

Sep 24, 2020, 9:37 PM [ in reply to Now THAT is funny as crap! ]


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