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Tigers on 60 mins
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Tigers on 60 mins

May 28, 2017, 7:22 PM

Good story on sixty minutes. Tigers getting some air time.

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Re: Tigers on 60 mins

May 28, 2017, 7:49 PM

they featchered(sp?) the LAST REMAINING SURVIVOR of the Battan(sp?) death march. He is a 1938 grad and was helped by 2 other grads that did not make it home! He came back to Clemson and taught English.He is now 98.He walked part of the way with some Army guys.When he started walking he had on a Tiger windbreaker and we could see that PAW good.Thats sure something; the last one!!

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Don't forget about the other 2 Clemson students...

May 28, 2017, 7:57 PM

that saved his life on that march, but who died at war. Henry and Otis

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Re: Tigers on 60 mins

May 28, 2017, 8:02 PM [ in reply to Re: Tigers on 60 mins ]

Did I understand it correctly that his next walk will be when he is 100? That would be cool if a bunch of clemson people went out there and walked with him. It showed a few with clemson stuff walking on tv.

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Exactly. If he is capable.*****

May 28, 2017, 8:04 PM

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Re: Tigers on 60 mins

May 28, 2017, 9:23 PM

Wow! So sorry I missed that. I would like to shake his hand. Better, yet, I'd like to give him a big hug as I do all WW2 vets. They are the ones who fought for OUR freedom. The wars since were to fight for some other country' freedom, as I personally know.

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Re: Tigers on 60 mins

May 28, 2017, 10:33 PM

Ben is a remarkable man. If any of you ever have the opportunity, have a chat with Ben. Talked with two of my close friends today. One was a POW for three years during the Korean War and the other a POW for five years during the Vietnam War.

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Re: Tigers on 60 mins

May 28, 2017, 10:40 PM

flatfoots --- If I ever have the opportunity to meet you in person, since I'm an old WW2 vet, I'm due a hug. However, I would much prefer your delegating the hugging to a beautiful young lady.

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Re: Tigers on 60 mins

May 29, 2017, 12:35 PM

Have a great day, Lion Joe. Thinking of you. From PDG Louis

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Re: Tigers on 60 mins

May 28, 2017, 10:42 PM [ in reply to Re: Tigers on 60 mins ]

But you no less served your country.

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Re: Tigers on 60 mins

May 29, 2017, 11:41 AM

It was my honor to have Dr. Skardon for "Public Speaking". As students we did not place as much value on that course. In retrospect, what we learned from Dr. Skardon served us well in our careers when it came our turn to make presentations or lead meetings. I don't think he ever mentioned events from WWII although we were heavily involved in Vietnam at the time.

We need more professors like him in our colleges today. Too many of today's teachers have never experienced life outside the cozy confines of academia.

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