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Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue
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Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 10:21 AM

The Booing Issue

The Booing Issue
I heard Dabo SwinneyDabo Swinney

Full Story »

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 10:39 AM

Like I said before...if you can't handle booing you shouldn't play at a D1 school or maybe even lower. Booing is a form of criticism...no different than the work place or any other place in society . Great players respond to criticism by stepping up their game....average players fold...Cole is an average player.

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 6:06 PM

Dabo needs to realize what most other high-level sports figures know...booing isn't personal. Like you said, it's a form of criticism. Fans can't exactly stand up in unison and yell specific points that they think a player or coach can improve upon. And in the heat of the moment during a game, booing or yelling at someone is what happens. If Stoudt or Dabo can't handle some booing, which I think is deserved, then they should quit their jobs at Clemson immediately.

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 6:18 PM [ in reply to Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue ]

You are a below average fan... boo the coaches, boo the AD, boo people who are getting paid way too much to fail. Stoudt has played well enough to be the back up for 4 years, boo the coaches that did not recruit good enough, boo them for not calling plays the team can execute successfully...
Do not boo a player that has worked his tail off for 4 years and might not perform up to your expectations... you do not know his injuries or the pain he is playing with... you do not know which player on the offense made the mistake... sometimes receivers run the wrong route and the interception results... sometime the QB is being bumped and grabbed as he throws... sometimes he does not see the defender... but in this case this is a young man that has devoted 4 years of his life to a team we love... we need more with his dedication not less. You are discouraging hard work and dedication. You only want great talent.. and I want great talent as well.... but if we encourage hard work and dedication we get players like Shuey and Shatley last year, like Grady Jarrett and Vic Beasley this year... these were not the most talented players at their positions we recruited but Jarrett and Beasley are among the best at their position this year because of their hard work and dedication and a coaching staff that was encouraging and critical of their mistakes.
Booing helps no one, not the team not the school not the player, it does not even help ... I do not give a #### if it makes you feel better for a few moments, you are ruining your karma! God Almighty does not like grumblers nor complainers, nor whiners. I would like for you to have good karma, I would like God Almighty to have a better opinion of you! I want you to cheer for every player who put on the uniform of the Clemson Tigers... if you cannot then stay home and give your tickets to someone that can... because that is the #1 job of a real Tiger Fan..to cheer on and encourage our Tigers. I want you to be a better fan!

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It wasn't expectations, it was outright lies....I'm not

Nov 19, 2014, 10:49 AM

going to boo, but I am tired of excuses and outright lies...I would think if CS REALLY gave us the best chance to win at FSU, he would have played more than 3 series...

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If you're going to Boo

Nov 19, 2014, 10:55 AM

don't boo Stoudt - boo Swinney and Morris. They are the ones that made the decision to name Stoudt the starter for those weeks. Cole was doing the best he could do - unfortunately we needed more. That's not on him - he gave his best effort and that ended up being an error prone effort - but what else can we ask of him.

I'm one that was calling for Watson from Day 1 - but that doesn't mean Stoudt deserves to be booed.

I can't be there - but I am hoping that Stoudt gets a rousing standing ovation.

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 11:01 AM

Booing Stout on Senior Day is unthinkable and ought to result in the wrath of every fan near the offending jerk

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I am in stunned disbelief at people booing our own players.***

Nov 19, 2014, 11:04 AM

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booing a play/situation/etc is one thing, we have a right

Nov 19, 2014, 11:06 AM

to show our frustration, but to boo a kid on SR day (pre-game) where his family is there to celebrate his accomplishment is wrong. What about the player that never developed, do we boo him too?

that said, once Stoudt is announced and he throws another pick 6, then it's fair game, but give him and his family the moment to enjoy.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Message removed by Author

Nov 19, 2014, 11:08 AM

Message removed by Author

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"Clemson has been historically better than Carolina. That's pretty obvious." - Classof09

"No one knew we were overhyped until the season started." - Classof09

Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 12:41 PM

Please reread the quote. From your post, the picture, the perception is that this was a comment based on color, which it is not. You are therefore guilty of your own accusations. Take a deep breath and reflect before you accuse.

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Message removed by Author

Nov 19, 2014, 12:43 PM

Message removed by Author

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Clemson has been historically better than Carolina. That's pretty obvious." - Classof09

"No one knew we were overhyped until the season started." - Classof09

Re: Would you care to compile %'s of our players based on race?

Nov 19, 2014, 2:24 PM

Anoynomuoss08 your are the problem!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Would you care to compile %'s of our players based on race?

Nov 19, 2014, 2:30 PM

"your are the problem"???

What does that even mean?

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Clemson has been historically better than Carolina. That's pretty obvious." - Classof09

"No one knew we were overhyped until the season started." - Classof09

Re: Would you care to compile %'s of our players based on race?

Nov 19, 2014, 6:14 PM

It means you are trying to stir up something that is not there DA! You are the one that sounds racist!!

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I cannot imagine booing one of our own, regardless of

Nov 19, 2014, 11:11 AM

any mistake he has made on the field. So he isn't as good as you want him to be. He is doing the best he can for our team, and to boo him in that endeavor is just lowlife coot behavior.

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 11:21 AM

I think you are spot on in what you said about Cole being the backup /starter. Part of the frustration is indeed that the fans saw Watson and we're calling for him while we were told basically to shut up. Then you put him in after, in a lot of people's minds, it's too late and we do gangbusters. Then Watson gets hurt, Stout plays even more poorly and we're given a litany of excuses... He's injured, he doesn't fit the system, Nick has no thumbs and can't grip the ball. Any way you slice it, the fans have a legit reason to be annoyed at the handling of the situation by Dabo. He can come out and take shots at the fans if he likes, but he also needs to acknowledge that he has played a direct role in the fan's frustration.
He's done this before, after the ACC tile win... And that didn't end too well for him(70-33 in the next game.) Shut up and coach, coach.

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 2:27 PM

tiger 6 no one lied to you about anything. Dabo coached a team a ball team and made coaching decisions. No One lied!!!!

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 2:30 PM

"Cole gives us the best chance to win" seems to strain credulity.

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 6:20 PM [ in reply to Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue ]

Calling someone a liar is a strong statement. You should think long and hard before you go there. It is not something you should shoot from the hip!

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 12:07 PM

It has been years since I have posted on Tigernet, but this issue is worth commenting on.

I have to admit, I've been a part of the chorus of boos that have rained down in Death Valley this season after some of our offense's failings this year. Unfortunatley, there is no way as fans to focus our frustrations on coaches vs players in those situations. My boos are directed at CM who despite an excessive salary, is unable to make necessary changes to his offense to adjust. A man who has never once taken ownership of his failures but rather likes to make excuses. As a fan, I do not fault college kids, but rather the professional who is unable to plan, coach, and utilize the talent around him. I hope our athletes understand that there are many fans with similar mind sets who do not boo them.

That being said, when Cole stands at the top of the hill Saturday, I will be standing and cheering him as I do for any other senior who has given so much to our program.

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 12:14 PM

ClemsonJ: and i'll be right there will you. Terrific post and these coaches really need to start producing and stop the darn prevaricating!

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Boo anybody - make it Morris - Morris set Stoudt up to fail

Nov 19, 2014, 12:22 PM

by publicly announcing Cole's "20 plays" - GT D had them downpat!

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Y'all are all missing the point

Nov 19, 2014, 12:57 PM

Who cares if you give a bunch of money to watch a game being played?! Sure you have the right to boo because most anyone can do most anything they want regardless of the circumstance as long as it's in moderation and legal. BUT, that doesn't mean it's right. Get some perspective. Yes the coaches make a lot of money and yes I will never see that kind of income in my lifetime, but IT'S A GAME! A game we all played in the back yard. I am very serious and emotional about Clemson Football (just ask my family)and other Clemson sports, but I don't allow it cause me to make poor judgements like booing a kid who is an 18-22 year college student that plays football. Why? because it's not the right thing to do. Booing isn't about having the capability or the need to, it's about making good decisions. Sure the coaches don't always make good decisions. Neither do the players and neither do most of you. But when someone boos the refs or coaches or a play, these kids don't know the difference. They just hear folks booing after being unsuccessful at trying to accomplishing their immediate goals. You want people to do that to you? Booing in of itself is embarrassing. If it were your kid or even grandmother out there playing, would you boo them? You can be disappointed, get upset and yell if you like without throwing boos and obscenities everywhere. Remember, this is a kids game that we can enjoy and be disappointed, but don't let it get you too high or even too low that you boo. Booing takes the fun out of the game. Learn how to embrace it without taking it too seriously. I'll be there Saturday enjoying the day with my 5 year old who knows that booing isn't a good idea. Instead he just likes to go to enjoy the scene and Clemson Football. Why can't you? Flame away

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Just because you CAN do something

Nov 19, 2014, 1:04 PM

doesn't mean you SHOULD do it.

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Let's show some class on Saturday

Nov 19, 2014, 1:10 PM

We all know the issues we have on offense (and not just quarterback). I am a Tiger 24/7/365. I hurt when we lose, which thankfully does not happen that often. Sometimes it seems like tigernet is a forum for mostly b___ers and moaners. But I realize that frustrated fans are much more likely to post than happy fans, so that makes it seem skewed. Like Mickey said, if a small percentage of fans boo, no one notices the majority who do not boo.
Now, let's go win 3 games. I celebrate anyone who puts on the pads for my beloved Tigers. I will be there to cheer for ALL of our seniors on Saturday, and I will cheer extra loud for Cole. If I boo, it will be at the men in striped shirts.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 1:24 PM

Don't try to backtrack - you helped create this atmosphere against Stoudt - come out and support the kid and our staff and encourage true fans of the program to do the same (no you didn't in your blog)

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Re: Plyler's Blog: Agree - Plyler is backtracking from his

Nov 19, 2014, 5:53 PM

negative comments about Stoudt!

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 2:19 PM

Mickey I am very disappointed with your take on this. Just because something has become the norm does not make it right or acceptable. In no way should a player or a coach have to put up with such childish and immature behavior . The people who take sports so seriously that they would make threats or the ones who boo players the ones who curse and act like idiots should be called out and pointed out and told the behavior is not socially acceptable. Our country is going down hill quickly our morals as a nation are gone and much of it is people are allowed to get away with anything because oh well its the norm that's just how it is. Well a big greek word for that HOGWASH!
Dabo was 100% correct and I would think that an upstanding man such as yourself would recognize it.
A fan pays money to see a game if he does not like the outcome he or she does not have to return to another game. Just because your a fan or pay does not give you the right to act like an idiot. You have the right to go elsewhere. I wish that all these people booing players and calling for coaches jobs would do just that... Go elsewhere.
Go Tigers and thank God for Dabo!

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agree - Dabo was 100% correct and I would think that an upst

Nov 19, 2014, 5:55 PM

Dabo was 100% correct and I would think that an upstanding man such as yourself (Plyler) would recognize it.

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Thumbs up!***

Nov 19, 2014, 6:26 PM [ in reply to Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue ]

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 6:22 PM

I wasn't there in Atlanta on Saturday but I don't what I was doing watching the game. I wasn't as mad at Cole Stoudt as I was the coach that tried to get Watson killed. That's who I was booing or saying other things than boo. Got to figure Stoudt wasn't prepared to play at all. Knew all week it was Watson's game. My problem. With the coaching is that we can't make adjustments it seems on the fly or even half time looks lime the defense gets it, not the offense.

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 19, 2014, 6:24 PM

I wasn't there in Atlanta on Saturday but I don't what I was doing watching the game. I wasn't as mad at Cole Stoudt as I was the coach that tried to get Watson killed. That's who I was booing or saying other things than boo. Got to figure Stoudt wasn't prepared to play at all. Knew all week it was Watson's game. My problem. With the coaching is that we can't make adjustments it seems on the fly or even half time looks lime the defense gets it, not the offense.

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Nov 20, 2014, 6:39 AM

Unless you are holding up a sign that says "I'm an idiot and my particular boo is directed at..." Booing does nothing but reflect poorly on the fans, the team and the University. Don't like what you see - spend your money elsewhere. Booing makes me think of SCAR fans. "Boo if you have to"? Really Plyler? I think both you and Coach Morris didn't bring your "A" games this season.

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 20, 2014, 10:31 AM

I will be the first to come out and say that I will not boo Cole Stoudt, but bet your behind I will not cheer for him neither. Being Coles neighbor, he is never putting in the extra work on/off the field to better himself to make this team successful. Along with his poor work ethic, his personality and how he treats his peers sucks. Tajh Boyd came over to his house the other week and Tajh came over to us, introduced himself and shot the bull with us. A man with that big of a reputation on campus, made it a point to come talk to us and be friendly. Every time Cole pulls up, I acknowledge him and never get a response. His reputation on campus is terrible. He is not well-liked. I think the booing and frustration doesn't just stem from his performance on the field, but also his actions and performance off the field. Sure, he's not getting in trouble like Winston is at FSU, but being a QB of a big time D1 program, you should be held to a high standard than anyone on the team and be the face of the team. So always remember people, it's not just about on-field performance. Adding on to the Morris comment, how do you expect him to call plays with a QB who can't throw it more than 30 yards down the field with 0 accuracy?

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 20, 2014, 10:48 AM

Agree on the downfield accuracy, but only need 3-4 yards a play - run it, pass it, do something. Tired of the 3 and outs.

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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Booing Issue

Nov 20, 2014, 6:13 PM

You missing the point...they won't boo the player...they boo the idiot who keeps throwing him out there expecting different results...if his tailback fumbled three balls and two were returned for a a TD....he wouldn't see the field again. Period. They would be booing the DABO and Morris.

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