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Why are we assuming that dabo is getting in the way....
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Why are we assuming that dabo is getting in the way....

Sep 5, 2023, 9:11 AM

Of garret riley's playcalling? That doesnt make sense at all.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Because the same garbage calls made last night....


Sep 5, 2023, 9:13 AM

...were a mirror of the last 3 years.

Elliot is gone.
Scott is gone.
Streeter is gone.

Dabo is left.

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Re: Why are we assuming that dabo is getting in the way....

Sep 5, 2023, 9:16 AM

It's long been a thought around the water cooler (read as Tigernet).
It seems to stem from the fact that Dabo was never a coordinator, and so is trying to 'prove he can do it'. It's helped by the fact that our offense has largely looked the same through 4 different offensive coordinators (Morris, Elliot/Scott, Streeter and now Riley).

You would think that would go away after two championships but maybe not.
However, it also contradicts the other assumption that Dabo is fat and happy. If he was sitting back on his laurels you would think he would bring Riley in and say 'run the offense' and leave him alone.

So who knows?
Something ain't right, though.

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Those of us who are College Football fans and not just


Sep 5, 2023, 9:21 AM

Clemson Fans can immediately detect that the garbage product put on the field last night WAS NOT Garrett Riley's offense.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

And there's also the fact that Dan Mullen


Sep 5, 2023, 9:22 AM

asked Dabo in pre-game if we would see Garrett Riley's new Offense or a combo and Dabo responded that Riley was brought in to run "Clemson's Offense"

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: And there's also the fact that Dan Mullen


Sep 5, 2023, 9:24 AM

Which is specifically what we (as fans at least) were hoping to get AWAY from... talk about not reading the room!

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It's nothing but ego at this point

Sep 5, 2023, 9:26 AM

It's obvious that Dabo is at a point that he refuses to let go of any component of what was built between 2011 and 2019 no matter how old or stale it has become and is out to prove a point that he can still drive the bus without a make over. He's trying to pull a Saban by hiring coordinators to run the "Clemson Offense" when it's obvious to everyone in the world that the "Clemson Offense" needs to be thrown directly in the garbage bin.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

That statement....


Sep 5, 2023, 9:26 AM [ in reply to And there's also the fact that Dan Mullen ]

....probably deserves a thread of its own.

I heard it last night and asked myself, "Did he really just say that?"

Very troubling to me. It was at the time, and even moreso now.

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Re: And there's also the fact that Dan Mullen

Sep 5, 2023, 9:29 AM [ in reply to And there's also the fact that Dan Mullen ]

Exactly!! When I heard that I thought “uh oh” he is defensive about Garrett Riley coming in and being the savior. He hired him, he wants to be better but he can’t really get past his ego.

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Doesnt make sense to whom?

Sep 5, 2023, 9:24 AM

It’s called a common denominator.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpgringofhonor-obed.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Why are we assuming that dabo is getting in the way....

Sep 5, 2023, 9:27 AM

I assume it’s just a deduction of reasoning. He’s the common denominator from last years offense to this years. That coupled with the comment from David Hood last night of the text he received from a former player.
My assumption would be that if a former player is making the comment, he has first hand knowledge that it’s something Dabo has done in the past.

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Re: Why are we assuming that dabo is getting in the way....

Sep 5, 2023, 9:27 AM

I think it is an assumption on fans part. Dabo is also always speaking when we have the ball while looking at his play sheet giving the appearance at least that he has a heavy hand in the offensive play calling. I don't think we really know for sure how much influence he has.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Why are we assuming that dabo is getting in the way....

Sep 5, 2023, 9:27 AM

Also, he still has the same play sheet in his pants

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Re: Why are we assuming that dabo is getting in the way....

Sep 5, 2023, 9:30 AM

You could clearly see Dabo with the play sheet in his hands and calling the plays. It appears out new OC has his hands tied by Dabo.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Why are we assuming that dabo is getting in the way....

Sep 5, 2023, 9:29 AM

Did you not watch the game or something? The Offense literally looked the same as last year minus the 2 RB Set, Streeter was Dabo's Scapegoat, Dabo needs to hand the offense off to Riley or we're doomed.

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Re: Why are we assuming that dabo is getting in the way....

Sep 5, 2023, 9:31 AM

Correct Jacs.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

The offense out up 420-ish yards and 29 1st downs

Sep 5, 2023, 9:34 AM

what was wrong was not the play-calling or Garrett Riley's control of the Offense.

When guys drop passes right in their hands, and fumble the ball incessantly, that's not the "Offense". That's the Execution.

Stop being OBTUSE.

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if you are looking for "sense" Tnet is not the place for u***

Sep 5, 2023, 9:59 AM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

Re: Why are we assuming that dabo is getting in the way....

Sep 5, 2023, 10:54 AM

Because the "air raid" was for some reason nearly identical to the offense we have had for several years.

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