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Another thing about Charlie Waters I remembered
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Another thing about Charlie Waters I remembered

Dec 26, 2018, 10:19 AM

IN 1981 as the Tigers were driving to go undefeated and won the National Championship he started wearing a small tiger paw on the back of his helmet. I'm sure these days the NFL uni police would fine you for doing that.

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Re: Another thing about Charlie Waters I remembered

Dec 26, 2018, 10:22 AM

How are they getting away with the shoes? Seems like everyone has their own brand and color...

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Re: Another thing about Charlie Waters I remembered

Dec 26, 2018, 1:51 PM

Its a campaign by the league allowing players to wear shoes that represent whatever cause they are into.

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this is what I remember about Charlie Waters

Dec 26, 2018, 10:43 AM

Charlie came to Clemson as a quarterback out of North Augusta high school and started at QB for a few games. Billy Ammons was injured and Waters got a chance to shine ... but he couldn’t beat out Ammons when he returned from injury. Charlie moved to wide receiver and finished his career at Clemson in that position. The Cowboys drafted Waters, made him into a defensive back and the rest is history. I think he played ten or eleven full seasons and had 40 + interceptions in his career. He and Cliff Harris were the most feared DBs in the NFL. Great Clemson guy

As I recall his brother was a baseball player at Clemson but I can’t remember when he played

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Charlie was emergency QB for Dallas

Dec 26, 2018, 11:43 AM

I remember one game where they were down to their third string QB due to injuries and the announcers were trying to find out who would play QB if they needed a forth QB. They found out the the emergency QB was Charlie Waters because he was the only one who had experience as QB in college. I seem to remember that when CW was a Senior he and some player from USC were tied for the most receptions in the ACC going into the game with the coots. Seems like CW was hurt and couldn't play or there may have been some other reason that CW did not get any catches in the game so the coot won the award. In the Spring after CW played his first season with the Cowboys he returned to Clemson to finish his degree. I remember him telling about his bonuses for making an interception or recovering a fumble. For each interception he received a $250 bonus which today sounds like a pittance but back in 1970 that would almost cover a semester at Clemson.

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Re: Charlie was emergency QB for Dallas

Dec 26, 2018, 1:48 PM

+ 1, but one correction we did not play the USC Trojans that year.

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But I think we did play them two years earlier

Dec 26, 2018, 3:52 PM

And Charlie would have been on the team when they traveled out to LA.

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Re: But I think we did play them two years earlier

Dec 26, 2018, 9:51 PM

+1 , good memory. It was the only time we played USC, but he was a freshman and would be surprised if he would have traveled. Either way, he's a great Tiger.

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Re: this is what I remember about Charlie Waters

Dec 26, 2018, 11:57 AM [ in reply to this is what I remember about Charlie Waters ]

I think Keith played firstbase. I knew him well in the Army. He's a physician in Simpsonville.

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Re: this is what I remember about Charlie Waters

Dec 26, 2018, 1:59 PM

The receiver for the Other USC was Freddie Ziegler!

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Re: this is what I remember about Charlie Waters

Dec 26, 2018, 10:20 PM [ in reply to Re: this is what I remember about Charlie Waters ]

Keith played in the outfield, I believe center.

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Re: Another thing about Charlie Waters I remembered

Dec 26, 2018, 5:14 PM

A small Tiger paw wouldn't make it past the NFL uniform police yet a coot is saying he'll wear his coot gear at the ProBowl. Go figure.

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