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This is how you fix the portal
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This is how you fix the portal

Dec 6, 2022, 2:27 AM

1. To enter the portal you must have been at your current school for 2 full seasons minimum, or suffer a 1 year penalty.

2. You can only transfer once without a 1 year penalty.

Fix the NIL

1. NCAA needs to put a salary cap on it. $75,000 per season per player. If they go over they serve a 1 season penalty.

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Re: This is how you fix the portal

Dec 6, 2022, 5:52 AM

I think the NCAA could do something about the portal. As for NIL, that's based on a Supreme Court decision. If the court says you can't keep a kid from earning money, I doubt the NCAA can put a limit on those earnings.

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Re: This is how you fix the portal

Dec 6, 2022, 6:47 AM

I tend to agree that the NCAA would have to step in in some fashion. But most universities/athletes I think would prefer to have some guidelines that way it's as fair across the board.

1) Have an actual salary cap nationwide dedicated to NIL dollars. Whatever that amount is , $5M, $10M, $25M, etc.

This way it's not on a per player basis but you expose them to exactly the same decisions they'd make in the NFL. Are you all about the bag, great but you may limit the amount of other good players you could attract.

2) Either make it so incoming freshman are unable to get any funds coming in or scale it similar to a rookie wage scale so they're able to earn significantly less than Sophomores and older.

This limits the chances of having another Texas A&M buying a recruiting class as well as the massive division that will inevitably occur when a freshman comes in earning $5M+ but hasn't done anything at this level.

3) Have all athletic budgets audited on a yearly basis.

Make it public so it vastly limits the amount of under the table deals that are occurring. Players get money but like anything else make it.

4) Make Financial Education/Budgeting etc. a Required course for all college attendees/students.

We talk about all the time athletes running into millions of dollars yet being broke years later. Teach them about taxes, emergency savings, credit, diversification, risk management, etc. However, that information shouldn't just be for athletes all students should learn since other students will have student loans, and other financial constraints.

As a bonus for trying to fund NIL, College educational development, athletics, and paying down loans:

- Have all student loan payments, donations to colleges be 100% tax deductible up to a % of earnings rather than a dollar figure. Instead of paying income taxes to the government students could pay off their student loans faster and get themselves out of debt. Corporations could reduce their tax liability by donating to universities scholarship funds helping not only athletics but also fine arts, engineering, business schools, etc.

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Re: This is how you fix the portal

Dec 6, 2022, 7:04 AM

I like the ideas. But I don't think we can trust the NCAA to execute them properly. Once CFB separates from the NCAA it won't matter anyway.

My thought on fixing the portal is letting universities do it themselves. Make scholarships come on a contractual basis, much like coaching jobs or any salary job outside of sports. You want to come to Clemson, Bama, or GA? You sign a contract agreeing to the terms the school decides. Something along the lines of getting a full ride for the duration of your stay as long as you stay for 2 years. Leave early and your contract is breached, you owe the school for your tuition up to that point and forfeit a percentage of NIL earned. After your contract is up, you can renew or leave on a year-to-year basis.

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Re: This is how you fix the portal

Dec 6, 2022, 7:31 AM

Yep the only thing the NCAA would be interested in as it relates to NIL is how they can take their cut. They are all about the NCAA.

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Good thinking. What I'd prefer to see is the NCAA admit

Dec 6, 2022, 7:24 AM

they were idiots, and revert to the original rules requiring the one-year sit out.

The inexcusable failure in leadership has opened a can of worms deserving to be tossed out like household garbage onto the anuses of human history!

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