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Orange Immortal [63445]
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Clemson City Police Dept brings the LULZ
Oct 24, 2016, 2:56 PM
sorry if this is Germans, I completely missed this last week.....we have a bona fide comedian in the Dept.
Lakebum beware.
Clemson City Police Department about a week ago What a nail biter in the Valley this weekend! Clemson needs to thank a higher power, or sign the check to the Pack's kicker... whichever one. I'm thankful for all of you who did what they needed to in order to read the story this morning... but let's look at a few things on the "don't do" list that ended up being the story. For instance... don't be in possession of marijuana while you are speeding past a marked police car that is running radar, especially if you left your real ID at home to save the space for your fake one. When you are stopped and the officer tells you they smell it in the car don't try to play dumb until the second unit shows up. But if you do, it may be smarter to just continue your ruse instead of telling the officer where to find your weed. I don't know if I am the only one, but I am envisioning the car stop scene from Cheech and Chong's "Up in Smoke". When you are intoxicated and asked to leave a bar, don't stand outside it screaming obscenities even after the police arrive. You also shouldn't get upset when the bar owners ask for you to be placed on trespass notice. It should be noted that refusing to cooperate with officers trying to serve you that notice and send you home, all while you're still drunk and screaming obscenities, will likely result in your arrest. Then... if you decide to resist arrest by shoving your hands into your armpits like a stubborn toddler you should be ready for the high fines and/or jail time associated with the resisting arrest charges. Unfortunately one of our officers was actually injured when the resistance became a little more serious than Romper Room antics. DUI is just plain wrong period. Don't do it. If you decide to drive after smoking marijuana and drinking, don't get upset and tell officers that it's "not fair that I'm being arrested for getting high when smoking weed is legal in Colorado now." South Carolina is NOT Colorado. This geography lesson is brought to you by the Clemson City Police Department and the South Carolina Court system. The last don't for this morning should be a "no brainer", yet here I am typing it, shaking my head in disbelief. Don't pee in public. Additionally... don't pee on cars in public. Specifically... don't pee on marked police cars in public. It would also be wise not to yell cuss words at the police officer that catches you peeing on marked police cars while you are intoxicated and still exposing yourself. All of these things will send you to jail... as the young man who did them all found out. I could keep going, there were a lot of arrests for a lot of completely dumb incidents this weekend. They included three DUIs (two of which had blood alcohol concentrations higher than twice the inference level), three public drunks, three larcenies, one simple possession of marijuana, one resisting arrest, two disorderly conducts, a trespass after notice, and a young man who decided a football game was the best time to go "car shopping" for other people's property. As always... be smart, be safe, and have fun.
There's a BUNCH more on the facebook......
Clemson City Police Department 4 hrs · So... it's Monday... let the week begin. After last night I was glad to see the sun rise, "it's a new day." For those of you who caught that reference, it was a long wait for that premier episode and I am not happy with Robert Kirkman, Scott Gimple, or the "Negan" character. That ruined my Sunday evening... not really... but yeah. Sorry for the break in commentary. I worked a really long day Thursday, and took Friday off because of it. There were only six arrests this weekend, so let's get caught up. In one instance officers responded to the downtown area for a guy who was taking "tree hugging" to a whole new level. Meaning the complainant told dispatchers he was literally hugging trees. This particular nature lover was found passed out on the side of the road. After waking him up, our officers determined that he could not form a coherent sentence or stand unassisted. He was taken into custody for Public Drunk. Another man was arrested after he decided to protest the arrest of his friend. He was intoxicated and told repeatedly to go home. Alcohol fueled poor decisions and he told the officer to arrest him with some "flavored" language. When the handcuffs came out reality hit him and regret immediately turned into a struggle... a struggle he lost. He was arrested for Public Drunk and Resisting Arrest. Our last story for the morning is about a young lady with a serious aversion to honesty that went to jail for credit card fraud. I cannot adequately describe her dislike for the truth. It's like the truth is the sun and she is a real life Nosferatu. If the "Pinocchio Effect" was a real thing, her nose would be a global health concern. She is currently out on bond and the investigation is ongoing. Other arrests included another Public Drunk, Driving Without a License, and Driving Under Suspension. As always... be smart, be safe, and have fun.
Heisman Winner [81084]
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They do at least smile while attempting to ruin your life
Oct 24, 2016, 3:02 PM
They'll even joke with you about how your their first arrest for the night, or how funny it's going to be to give these stupid 18 year olds MIP's.
All-In [29076]
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I stopped finding these funny after someone I know was
Oct 24, 2016, 3:50 PM
arrested and their anecdotal tale was not even close to what happened in reality.
Heisman Winner [81084]
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Yeah...I know someone who not long ago got a DUI for quite
Oct 24, 2016, 3:55 PM
literally nothing. It was after midnight, and he was going to arrest somebody for DUI no matter what, basically told them as such. He then proceeded to talk ##### to them for the duration of the car ride to the jail, conveniently leaving his body cam off in the process.
In the videos from the sobriety test and police station, the cop looks more drunk than the supposed drunk driver. At one point, the person arrested had to help the cop work the computer during booking. His incompetence would be laughable if he weren't costing people thousands of dollars in legal fees just because he wants an award for the most DUI arrests.
110%er [5298]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Yeah...I know someone who not long ago got a DUI for quite
Oct 25, 2016, 1:15 PM
If what you are saying is true, and the person arrested for DUI was not intoxicated, is the DA not going to drop charges? I assume there must be some kind of breath or blood test involved to get the actual blood alcohol content right?
Heisman Winner [81084]
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They refused breathalyzer, but consented to a field
Oct 25, 2016, 1:58 PM
sobriety test, and passed all of those. The police video clearly shows it, and they were able to regain their full license recently. But no, no breath or blood test. You can still be arrested even if you're under the legal limit, so consenting to a breathalyzer really can't help.
They're kind of assuming that since they had no problem getting their license back after refusing a breathalyzer there won't be much of a problem getting it dropped. BUT, it seems as if lawyers default is to plea down to reckless driving, something they don't want to do, because innocent.
Problem is, it's a waiting game. And this particular person graduates in December, and has a really good job lined up pending a background check.
Orange Phenom [14177]
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Once we move from Clemson...
Oct 25, 2016, 8:33 AM
in the next few months, I will share a couple of true stories about the righteous City of Clemson Police and the annual Christmas Party.
Stand by your computers
Tiger Titan [45104]
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Is you nomads? Where you moving to this time?***
Oct 25, 2016, 9:13 AM
Orange Phenom [14177]
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Close by this time
Oct 25, 2016, 9:16 AM
but well outside of the Clemson City Limits.
Tiger Titan [45104]
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Oct 25, 2016, 9:18 AM
Orange Phenom [14177]
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Three reasons for the move...
Oct 25, 2016, 11:12 AM
[ in reply to Close by this time ] |
1. City of Clemson-inept local government, continued proliferation of students living in neighborhoods, unattractive growth (condos), loss of a sense of community. 2. Opportunity to sell our house while Clemson market is up 3. We no longer need a 2,200 sf house, so we be downsizing.
Heisman Winner [81084]
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Don't blame you for that, we don't even like to enter the
Oct 25, 2016, 12:49 PM
[ in reply to Close by this time ] |
city limits after dark these days. No way would I ever live there. I'm not keen on having my house raided because they mistake the address, nor do I want a DUI for having the audacity to go get Chick Fil A after sundown.
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