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TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 7:01 AM
Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Jake Herbstreit and Tye Herbstreit grew up visiting the best college campuses in the nation, but also grew up with the legacy of a grandfather and father that both played for Ohio St. The twins grew up loving the sound of a college football Saturday at The Horseshoe in Columbus as the Buckeye faithful cheered at full throat. Full Story » |
Dynasty Maker [3509]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find
Nov 29, 2018, 7:19 AM
No better complement from the national media than the face of college football being comfortable sending is two oldest sons to your school.
Every time I see this though I think back to how it can go horribly wrong, like when Craig James’s son went to TTU and got Mike Leach fired. Leach did something I’m pretty certain Dabo and staff would never do, and Herbstreit is not James, but having this type of direct connection to the national media can be like flying too close to the sun.
Happy for the kids and happy for Clemson but I hope ‘we’ (TigerNet and local media but also the fans) allow them to be the preferred walk-ons they are, and not make them reality tv stars. There is no indication that they are the next Hunter Renfrow so let’s not start making those kinds of comparisons.
Message was edited by: OrangeCoast®
Orange Phenom [14752]
TigerPulse: 100%
I wouldn't worry too much about the potential problems of
Nov 29, 2018, 7:58 AM
the Texas Tech Mike Leach - Craig James thing. Totally different people with way different personalities, program cultures, and histories. Craig James' kid had a history of being "spoiled/entitled" and Mike Leach took him anyway (apparently after James hounded him). Kirk Herbstreit is not Craig James (who was a bit of an a$$hole) and imagine he has raised some quality young men. Likewise, Dabo is not Mike Leach - Leach is a quirky oddball that has a totally different approach to coaching and running a program.
Dabo has said many times that Clemson only offers young men that are a "fit" (i.e. high character young men) for the program and is why we have so few discipline problems on our team. You can bet that Dabo would not allow the Herbstreit kids to be a part of the team if they did not meet his high character standards - he protects our program's culture more than anything and no one is above it. I trust that Dabo and the coaches know what they are doing and the Herbstreit kids will be a great addition to the team.
Orange Blooded [2490]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: I wouldn't worry too much about the potential problems of
Nov 29, 2018, 8:57 AM
I agree with both. Dabo and staff have been pretty good about selecting high character guys. But he will have to manage that extra "window" into the program that the media will have. Hopefully Kirk will respect that and keep it closed.
110%er [3658]
TigerPulse: 96%
Re: I wouldn't worry too much about the potential problems of
Nov 29, 2018, 9:11 AM
[ in reply to I wouldn't worry too much about the potential problems of ] |
I agree, no fear of getting too close to the Herbstreits.
Hasn't Dabo already handled Swag Kelly, and the team was better for it? Haven't Scott Pelley's kids (CBS' 60 Minutes journalist) been attending Clemson for a couple years now? Rex Ryan's son, Mark Richt's son (primarily under TB), other legacy players--they come to Clemson because Dabo treats them as maturing young men, not employees.
Once Renfrow finally leaves, who are the Swinney boys going to bring home for dinner? I imagine Will and Drew will get along fine with Jake and Tye, and Kathleen is a great team mom.
Not that your concern is irrelevant, but i think we're beyond that now.
Dabo has learned to fly close to the sun.
Ultimate Tiger [33860]
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Orange Immortal [62083]
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Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find
Nov 29, 2018, 10:01 AM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find ] |
Thank you, thank you saying the same thing that I feel about this scenario with the Herbstreit twins, and if these two kids never play a meaningful down at Clemson, I'm thankful that Jake, Tye, and their father believes that Clemson under Dabo's leadership was the right place for them to pursue FB and a great College education!!! Go Tigers!!!
Clemson Conqueror [11409]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 7:35 AM
This is great! Power of the Paw!
Paw Master [17095]
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Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 7:38 AM
What a positive indication where Dabo, his staff, the players, the athletic department and the university administration have taken the football program. Not many young men would choose to move away from a family tradition without a scholarship. It just shows the respect the program has earned nationally.
Commissioner [1258]
TigerPulse: 93%
Did ESPN approve this?
Nov 29, 2018, 7:44 AM
I thought they hated us ??
Rock Defender [56]
TigerPulse: 94%
Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 7:47 AM
I think Kirk Herbstreit and family will be a good fit. He is too smart to pll a ‘Craig James’ if something went awry. I cannot imagine a situation like that blowing up with the program. Dabo and Kirk respect each other and if something was up, I doubt we would ever hear about it. The twins seem to be good kids who will work hard. Perfect Tigers. Dabo and staff have had plenty of time over the years to pick up any negative rumors. I trust Dabo’s judgement. Like the other players, they will play some. Whether they end up being a lot more will be dependent of several factors. I welcome them and wish them well! ????????????
Playmaker [363]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Dec 5, 2018, 9:10 AM
If they play a lot its because those young men was willing to work and to earn the respect of the coaches and players. Hunter Renfrow did that and I feel these two young men will come here with that type of attitude. Dabo saw something in these young men and I trust his judgment. We wish them the best and hope the players will see these young men for themselves and not because they are Kirk's sons.
Go Tigers bring it against the Irish. Be prepared, prepared. Focus on this game. OL lets get it done, have been so proud of you guys this year. D line you are our Power Rangers and we love each of you. DB's we know you guys can bring your hearts, guts and determination to show the scouts, the doubters who you guys are. Special teams lets get it done. Love the leg of Potter!!! He is going to be an even bigger weapon next year than he is this year. Spiers I believe in you, keep pushing and have a whale of a game. Don't overthink. Go Tigers
Walk-On [108]
TigerPulse: 64%
Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 7:52 AM
I am amazed at how the perception of Clemson has drastically changed over the years. OSU alum sending his kids to Clemson? Where's Clemson? Is that in California? I still have to pinch myself that this is real.
Campus Hero [13652]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 7:54 AM
Things like this amaze me how coot fans and haters say Dabo is a fraud. They listen to Dabo in an interview and on the sidelines and come to the conclusion he is a fraud. But yet people in the know, people that are involved and get to see behind the scenes all sing Dabos praise and have nothing but great things to say. Things like this just go to show Dabo is exactly who he says he is. Kirk gets to see things and talk to people that are around these coaches every single day, and yet he still wants his kids to play at Clemson. And I remember him saying 5 or more years ago that Dabo is who he would want his kids to play for, and now it’s a reality. That’s pretty cool.
110%er [3658]
TigerPulse: 96%
Re: Coot critics
Nov 29, 2018, 8:59 AM
Usually their criticism stems from something he said or did very early on in his head coaching career, when he wasn't as wise as he is now, and they plan on holding it against him for life. But even as he matures (i.e., becomes an old fart), he still is a real person, so he still provides fuel to the petty haters in spite of all his redeeming and admirable qualities. So their criticism speaks more about them than it does Dabo.
Unless you're talking about fans like the BC girl who complained that a truly Christian coach wouldn't still have his team throwing forward passes with a 20-point lead and 2 minutes left in the game. Those critics are PeeWee League moms and sisters and have never let their boys leave the sandbox.
Top TigerNet [30939]
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Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 7:59 AM
Maybe we’ll get more 8:00 games with Herbie as commentator.
Athletic Dir [1190]
TigerPulse: 98%
Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 8:19 AM
It may be the opposite, to avoid perceived bias or conflict of interest.
Dynasty Maker [3413]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 8:38 AM
I'm not sure if we can get too opposite. We only had 1 night home game all year.
Game Changer [2015]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 9:11 AM
Duke and that school we beat for the 70th time we're both played at night.
Orange Immortal [63441]
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"The Clemson Network" - get it done, Herbie
Nov 29, 2018, 8:23 AM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson ] |
we all know this new ACC Network thing is gonna be all Duke/UNC basketball all the time, similar to what the SEC Network has morphed into (the Bama Network). You KNOW the ACC Network will show 70% basketball, 10% football and the rest split into all the other non-revenue sports.
What we really need is a Clemson Football ESPN channel.
Heisman Winner [87464]
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I don’t think that’s really true. It will show football
Nov 29, 2018, 9:31 AM
games during football season and basketball games during basketball season.
Also, I’m betting Bama appears on the SEC Network less than any other team live. Of course during downtime, they show replays of more Bama games than anyone.
Clemson Icon [24027]
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These Conference Networks show mainly 3rd tier football
Nov 29, 2018, 9:45 AM
games. We know them as old Jefferson Pilot games.
I'm of the opinion that, because of ACC basketball and ACC Baseball that the ACC Network has a chance to be a hit. Not to mention, this is where including ND really will help. Catholics are Nationwide.
Playmaker [363]
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Orange Immortal [62083]
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Orange Beast [6175]
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Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 8:15 AM
I can only see positive in this move. Great for the kids and the program.
CU Medallion [19492]
TigerPulse: 100%
The NCAA will watch Herbstreit
Nov 29, 2018, 8:57 AM
Under an electron microscope for comments to be interpreted (by Saban's law...unwritten/ever-changing) as recruiting violations. Then again, Nick might be happy, thinking Clemson made preferred offers for 'rat poison'!
Scout Team [181]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 9:03 AM
Am I alone hoping in a couple of years ABC/ESPN gets to have a Ned Jarrett calling Dale home to flag moment as Clemson Wins big with Kirk calling the game. One of his boys making a key play
Top TigerNet [30939]
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Re: TNET: Herbstreit twins find "perfect fit" at Clemson
Nov 29, 2018, 10:23 AM
Just go all in and make it a Will Swinney to Jake H. fake field goal for a game winning TD. In the Natty. Against the buckeyes. If you’re going to dream might as well go big.
Clemson Icon [27679]
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this says a lot
Nov 29, 2018, 10:26 AM
About Urban Meyer!
Game Day Hero [4159]
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With Kirk doing the late games, we are destined for nooners.***
Nov 29, 2018, 10:34 AM
Legend [6896]
TigerPulse: 99%
Kirk is the closest announcer to the positive attributes of
Nov 29, 2018, 10:51 AM
110%er [4071]
TigerPulse: 100%
These are exciting times at Clemson and these two will only
Nov 29, 2018, 10:55 AM
help our program grow stronger. Herbstreit has always had plenty of character and I believe these young men would be great contributors to our program in many ways.
Top TigerNet [29837]
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They need to put on some weight
Nov 29, 2018, 12:42 PM
Venables has his kids tipping the scales at 230 when they step on campus
Clemson Conqueror [12016]
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Re: They need to put on some weight
Nov 29, 2018, 2:31 PM
They will.
Standout [202]
TigerPulse: 41%
Nov 29, 2018, 4:03 PM
Rival Killer [3094]
TigerPulse: 100%
Herbstreit: Hunter Renfrow 2.0
Nov 29, 2018, 10:52 PM
I think we just found our next slot receiver
Varsity [103]
TigerPulse: 92%
You have an amazing family. We’re excited you both chose to become Tigers!
Nov 29, 2018, 10:53 PM
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