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Orange Immortal [63354]
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Ring of Honor [21510]
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I watched his video this morning, and I agree with him.
Nov 4, 2024, 8:50 AM
Clemson has the 5th best roster in the country based on 4-star and 5-star players on the roster. We are not getting the production to match the talent. Something is broken.
TigerNet Immortal [169331]
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Hes a German football commentator.***
Nov 4, 2024, 8:52 AM
Clemson Sports Icon [54576]
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Re: Hes a German football commentator.***
Nov 4, 2024, 9:11 AM
Orange Immortal [63354]
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Ultimate Tiger [36530]
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Nashville's finest neutral foosball commentator***
Nov 4, 2024, 8:53 AM
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103678]
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I don't question Dabo. I question our AD, and college football in general
Nov 4, 2024, 9:16 AM
these days.
Just imagine being a head coach at Clemson, or ANY college. Pretend you're Dabo. You're struggling daily to keep 100 kids humble and hungry when they're already driving Lambos flush with NIL endorsement deals. And then your bosses boss sends out a letter explaining to the donors, who fund much of your salary and scholarships for these ticket distribution will be handled IF Clemson gets to host a first round playoff game.
If I'm Dabo I'd walk straight to the AD's office and light their ### up, and they'd probably not be able to keep me on staff anyway after a stunt like that. They'd have to try mightily to keep me because my inclination would be to leave. You want to run an AD like this, I'm not going to sit here and have to work against you.
WE GOT EXACTLY WHAT WE DESERVED. I'd like to pretend I was shocked at Saturday night, but after some sleep and thought, not really. Nick Saban left because of the garbage. I know Dabo's of the same mindset. And what will really be a bummer is when donors bail. It wouldn't surprise me if everything I mentioned DID happen, and Dabo just said fuggit. Why fight this battle?
If I wanted to watch professional athletes play football I'd be a Panther's fan and not a Clemson fan.
There's something in these hills..... before the nighttime stadium lights, before TV games, before TV revenue, before $5,000 a year+ to watch football in the seats you occupied as a child, before all the flashing LED lights, the fireworks, the blasting scoreboard audio, before the DJ, the world class training facilities, and indoor practice fields, before luxury student condos, and all the new buildings and shiny things......before all of that.......
There was something in these hills.
TigerNet Legend [142969]
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I really didn't want to have to point you on this post, but it had to be done.
Nov 4, 2024, 9:42 AM
Couple the athletic side with the academic side...the university in general and the town itself, and it's even more evident that the erosion damage is widespread and permanent. What made the entire Clemson ecosphere unique and special isn't so much anymore. I think we were still hanging in there when Joonyer was a student a decade or so ago, but even he brought up the 'disappearing Clemson' just shortly after graduating.
TigerNet Immortal [169331]
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Cmon man.
Nov 4, 2024, 9:51 AM
I’ve been whining and moaning about the school’s transformation (erosion is an excellent and much better term) for like 10 years now, and every time you talked me down and been the voice of reason reassuring me that the old Clemson still exists somewhere under the dorms with pools and student parking lots filled with $60k cars.
It’s officially over if you’re throwing in the towel too.
Seriously though, in a weird sense, riding Dabo all the way to the bottom (not literal bottom but the bottom of fan and booster discontent) might be the best route to bringing back the old gameday experience and fans that you’re surrounded by.
Heisman Winner [87006]
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The toothpaste is out of the tube, and it ain't going back in.
Nov 4, 2024, 9:57 AM
Gameday experience like it was when Jim Philips was there is gone. Clemson is a victim of its own success, even if they ain't that successful any more. Well that, and changing times.
It's over, Johnny.
Orange Immortal [63354]
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I am going to The Citadel game. Why? 1) my friends will be there 2) given
Nov 4, 2024, 10:02 AM
that it is The Citadel and we're now out of any CFP consideration, it will probably be a relatively light crowd, no stress about the outcome of the game, and there will be a glimpse, ever so slight though it may be, of the Old Clemson.
Heisman Winner [87006]
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Have you ever been to a Citadel game?
Nov 4, 2024, 10:05 AM
Well lemme ask you this...have you ever seen little league football? Like Pop Warner style little league, for 12 years olds?
That's a little more enjoyable to watch than Citadel ball.
Orange Immortal [63354]
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The game will be of secondary, maybe even tertiary importance.***
Nov 4, 2024, 10:07 AM
Clemson Sports Icon [54576]
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Plan as of right now is to be at The Citadel game, with
Nov 4, 2024, 10:39 AM
one to three kids in tow
Orange Immortal [65727]
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Heisman Winner [81033]
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I live 10 minutes from Clemson and only go to a couple of games a year now
Nov 4, 2024, 10:21 AM
[ in reply to I really didn't want to have to point you on this post, but it had to be done. ] |
I was out on the boat all day Saturday with my son instead of tailgating like I grew up doing. When it started costing $7500+ a year just to get a parking spot within 2 miles of the stadium we gave it up. I'm not the only one, our core little tailgate group is down to 4 people now...and all of them are starting to reconsider whether it's worth it. I NEVER thought I would see these people give it up, but the product on the field is no longer worth the cost of admission.
Clemson is losing generational fans, and once they're gone I don't think they come back.
Ultimate Tiger [36309]
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Re: I live 10 minutes from Clemson and only go to a couple of games a year now
Nov 4, 2024, 10:33 AM
The cost of attendance is really absurd, it’s basically $1000/game, not including travel, tailgating, concession etc costs. Not to mention a 12hr day there & back w 5 of those in the car. Did 4 games last year, chose not to buy back in this fall w the new baby.
There’s a lot of places I’d rather be on a fall Saturday and I can use that money elsewhere.
TigerNet Champion [113095]
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Yes, it is cost prohibitive with kids involved. Unless you are big ballin or
Nov 4, 2024, 10:37 AM
spend your extra cash on Clemson, it just doesn't make sense. I got ALOT of other things that I would rather spend money on, and we have ALOT of other things already taking up my Saturdays. I just hate that I had to watch that game. Sometimes, I just want to find out later. It aint worth the stress to me.
Heisman Winner [81033]
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For sure, if I had to travel I'd definitely be out
Nov 4, 2024, 10:49 AM
[ in reply to Re: I live 10 minutes from Clemson and only go to a couple of games a year now ] |
When you start comparing costs of other activities it really is absurd. I'm not sure how people with younger families justify it. Frankly, I can't see a time where I even want to go to every game anymore. By the middle of the 3rd quarter my wife and I were drinking wine on the porch listening to music, not pissed off in a parking lot with thousands of other angry Clemson fans. Much more pleasant experience.
Going to games with an 18 month old majorly sucks anyway.
However, concession stand hot dogs are my white trash guilty pleasure, and I do miss them.
TigerNet Legend [142969]
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We've had our family seats and parking since 1972.
Nov 4, 2024, 10:53 AM
[ in reply to Re: I live 10 minutes from Clemson and only go to a couple of games a year now ] |
I can afford to do it, but I gave up my ticket for this year to see how it went (I have the seat but sold the season ticket for the year). The Friday prep, the complete loss of a Saturday and not knowing the game time until a week before, the recuperating on Sunday and trying to squeeze any chores that need to be done into the afternoon and a wife that cares not one iota about football was pretty much the impetus and had nothing to do with the quality of football. I've suffered through some MISERABLE seasons in my lifetime. It's far easier to watch on TV and not lose an entire weekend of productivity.
Heisman Winner [87006]
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5 years ago (the last time I went to a Clemson game)
Nov 4, 2024, 11:49 AM
[ in reply to Re: I live 10 minutes from Clemson and only go to a couple of games a year now ] |
It was pretty normal to drop $1500-$2,000/weekend. Add up in-town hotel room (2 day minimum) tickets, food, beer, gas--that amount was pretty easy to do.
Then add in 8+ hours of driving and yeah..I'm prob not doing that much, if ever again.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103678]
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We drove back after the game. We left at the 4th quarter and got back with
Nov 4, 2024, 12:15 PM
screaming kids at 1:30am.
I've really toyed with the idea of camping after a night game. But I will NEVER pay $1K for a hotel room. Sorry, not going to happen. If I won a billion dollars tomorrow, I wouldn't do it.
Heisman Winner [87006]
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I think I spent $1200 at the Abernathy one football weekend.
Nov 4, 2024, 1:11 PM
I prob won't do that again.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103678]
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Yeah, I couldn't sleep with myself if I did that.
Nov 4, 2024, 1:36 PM
Heck, I've stayed in world class resorts, in exotic tropical destinations, for less.
Heisman Winner [87006]
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But could you walk home from the Esso Club or TTT at 2 am?
Nov 4, 2024, 2:15 PM
I think not.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103678]
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For the price of a single night hotel room, I could live for a full MONTH
Nov 4, 2024, 4:49 PM
right behind the Esso, a stone's throw away. AND DID. $900 a month. Two bedrooms and two baths. And we split that three ways, so technically I could live (with roomates) for THREE months, right behund the Esso, for the price of a hotel room.
Heisman Winner [87006]
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Sure, if you could get a yearly lease amount for a weekend, in Clemson,
Nov 4, 2024, 5:06 PM
On the Thursday before a football game weekend.
TigerNet Legend [142969]
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I can see the entire 'Clemson game day experience' being completly owned by
Nov 4, 2024, 10:45 AM
[ in reply to I live 10 minutes from Clemson and only go to a couple of games a year now ] |
corporate entities in the not-too-distant future. Not just Clemson, but the entirety of college football least by teams that hope to compete on the big stage. Big corporate money will be required to compete if you're not Texas, Ohio State, Oregon, etc. Mark my words, the the game day experience will become much more sterile in the name of profit. As someone stated above, I'd much happier playing in a league that isn't trying to be NFL Light.
Heisman Winner [81033]
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Fatz Cafe kept us humble, now that they're gone the flood gates have opened.***
Nov 4, 2024, 10:53 AM
TigerNet Champion [113095]
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H00ters was such a great family-oriented sponsor.
Nov 4, 2024, 11:03 AM
Those were the good ole days
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103678]
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I can see it now. Skittles Stadium
Nov 4, 2024, 1:41 PM
[ in reply to I can see the entire 'Clemson game day experience' being completly owned by ] |
Or the Nabisco concession stands. Maybe the Intel Tiger Walk. Volvo Colosseum where we play basketball? Doug Kingsmore could become the ConAgra Ballpark. Smegma Field perhaps? Oh, and Costco Hall for Tillman. Bowman field can be Sam's Field, to compete with Tillma....I mean Costco Hall.
This is not an if thing, more like a when thing.
Heisman Winner [87006]
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We already call the academic buildings peoples names who never went to
Nov 4, 2024, 2:16 PM
Not much different really.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103678]
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Well, maybe $lightly different.***
Nov 4, 2024, 4:50 PM
Heisman Winner [87006]
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Is it? The Snow family gave $25 Mill to "University's Study of Capitalism and
Nov 4, 2024, 5:17 PM
and Lyceum Scholars program" whatever that is. Unless he's just loaded with family money, I'd guess there's a corporation somewhere that he made all that through. And he didn't even go to Clemson.
The engineering and innovation building is still named after Flour Daniel..I have no idea how much that cost them, and the The Watt Family Innovation Center is sponsored yearly by a different tech company.
What's the difference?
Tiger Titan [46566]
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I'll repeat something I said a lot back in the Bowden days
Nov 4, 2024, 11:05 AM
[ in reply to I live 10 minutes from Clemson and only go to a couple of games a year now ] |
If you're going to raise the cost of the product, you better #### well be improving the product.
Now, we did do that in the late 2010s, of course. We're still a great program. But if we continue on the slide that we're all pointing out, and those prices still stick around to only cater to fans with money and not loyalty, don't be surprised when we hit Florida State-level problems with money and donors.
Clemson Sports Icon [54576]
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Yet Clemson and FSU going to the conference for more money
Nov 4, 2024, 11:14 AM
I imagine they are LOLing at both of us right now.
Commissioner [1290]
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Re: I live 10 minutes from Clemson and only go to a couple of games a year now
Nov 4, 2024, 11:16 AM
[ in reply to I live 10 minutes from Clemson and only go to a couple of games a year now ] |
Ah, the competition for our discretionary income. I have to limit mine to once in a blue moon. Traveled with some friends to see a Braves game 2 years ago. 3rd base line and a level up. $125 per. Couldn't help but wonder how people do this on a regular basis. The same story for any event these days.
You can't give away Panthers tickets, yet the seating license is around $10K and change and the season ticket is well over a 100 bucks. Any higher and you spend the day watching the jumbotron to see what happened. Not interested.
Years ago, my father said he was contributing more and more to IPTAY and they were moving him further and further away to park. He finally said that was enough. Exclaiming "pretty soon I'll be paying $10,000 GD dollars to park at the end of my own d**n driveway!"
I do miss a good tailgate. But hey, I can drive somewhere, have a picnic and watch the game on my phone or find a good place to hotspot it on a TV. Maybe at the end of my d**n driveway! The best part? I can turn it off when things go south and have another drink. As long as you have someone to drive ya home.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [103678]
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Irony abounds, because the product on the field was the last reason
Nov 4, 2024, 11:56 AM
[ in reply to I live 10 minutes from Clemson and only go to a couple of games a year now ] |
I loved football games. There was no time in my life where Clemson football was LESS IMPORTANT....TO ME.....than when I was a student. If we won we'd go out and party and have a good time, with lifelong friends. If we lost, we'd go out and party and have a good time, with lifelong friends. I remember playing UTEP one perfect fall afternoon and laying out on the bleachers in the warm sun. There were probably 30-40K at that game. Maybe. And that's one of my most memorable games as a student. We had a blast.
Clemson was mostly just football until I lived it. Then it became something far more than football, as I was told it would by my mother, father, both grandfathers, cousins, uncles, and great uncles who all attended. And they were right. And now it's a shell of what it once was. Top to bottom.
In the parking lots, for football games, the PEOPLE are different. I have never understood the elaborate tailgates, and still don't do one. No TV, no elaborate food, smokers, friers, whatever. We tailgated as a kid with Po Folks fried chicken on a card table in the middle of Lot 5. We had a football, a cooler, and two card table chairs. And I loved that. I would slide down the hill on cardboard boxes (until they recently destroyed that hill).
Everyone is so invested now. They want to see a return on their dollar. I want to see a return of the people. My grandfather was a graduate, a farmer, not wealthy by any means, and he had 50 yardline seats. He was a charter member of IPTAY and was a faculty member way back in the day. He was Frank Howard's doppelganger. They looked the same, acted the same, and talked the same.
And the students are not the same either. They live in fancy condos that approach my mortgage in monthly payments. They go to class in office buildings. They have nicer cars. They don't party like they used to. The dorms, which ones are left, are all nice. No gas chambers for showers anymore. Showers are private. Bathrooms have stalls.
Just....soft. No better way to describe it. And when I attended it was far softer than in the 80's. I remember seeing students sitting on the Johnstone ledges as a kid, with a 6 pack of beer beside them, smoking, and listen to jam boxes. All of that was already gone when I attended.
I'm a 4th generation graduate, fwiw. 1890's, late 1920's, late 1950's, late 1990's, and now........that's a lot of history and family to bury, and I hate to do it. I met my wife at Clemson. My father met my mother at Clemson. My grandfather met my grandmother while at Clemson. She was a farmer's daughter from Starr. And every day, walking to class, I'd walk across my father's name on the sidewalk between Johnstone and the Library. My class didn't even have the opportunity to have a sidewalk.
I'd love to think Clemson has retained what made it special, but all signs (from the outside anyway) point to that no longer being the case. I'd really have to meet some students to get a feel for things. Maybe our sons will attend, but I'd never expect them to have the same experience. I'm fairly sure my experience was not far off from my father's experience. But their experience will be very different from mine. I stayed in the same dorm my dad lived in, and it was largely the same dorm when he attended.
National Champion [7245]
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I'm with Dabo
Nov 4, 2024, 11:23 AM
To the bitter end
Still pretty mad about Saturday
TigerNet Elite [75338]
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I am jealous of you guys who grew up going to Clemson
Nov 4, 2024, 5:09 PM
first time I went I went with my high school gf, big Clemson family, too.
I had grown up a SCAR fan, not hard to do where I grew up, some of you know my family and they are, still, HUGE SCAR fans. Anyway, I was immediately converted at my first game and wanted to go nowhere else to college. The gameday atmosphere was so unique, and fell in love. This was the NCSU game when Rodney Williams threw like 60 passes in the second half to lose 30-28.
I don't do the Bowden lip quiver, but man I still get butterflies riding into the town. Met my wife there, made incredible friends there, but it's probably past time I've moved onto something new to love.
It's hard to come to that realization, but here I am.
Heisman Winner [87006]
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Priorities change as you get older.
Nov 4, 2024, 5:22 PM
Stuff you used to like to do you just kinda quit caring about. I used to be big into technology, now I just wish stuff would stay the same as I'm tired of trying to learn something new every 6-8 months. Wearing my Clemson ring used to be important, but I'm not sure I could find it now. It's all part of the trip to the end I guess.
When that happens with me with boating and drinking beer, I guess I'll know when my time is up.
Hall of Famer [8973]
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Man, this post got me.
Nov 4, 2024, 5:52 PM
[ in reply to I am jealous of you guys who grew up going to Clemson ] |
I had never heard of Clemson until a high school college counselor recommended it. The first time I came to campus, I knew it was where I wanted to be. I can't describe it: "Clemson family," "There's something in those hills," etc. Yall know what I'm talking about.
I haven't lived there in nearly 15 years but going to Clemson still feels like going home.
I've gotten to bring my 4 year old son to two games. He absolutely loves it. Doing that makes me hope Clemson remains a special place for a long time to come. I'm to the point that I really don't care about the football, but I do still care about the place. There's just nothing like it anywhere.
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