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Tiger Titan [46774]
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The evolution of RFK Jr. love reveals the rank stupidity...
Aug 28, 2024, 8:01 AM
And complete lack of understanding of political ideology from the Trumpkins.
RFK Jr. has said of Trump that he's a "threat to democracy" and a "terrible president". That he appealed to "bigotry" and "hatred". You know, all the things that get Trumpkins all up in arms and riled. Kennedy, a pro-choice, anti-corporation, pro environment liberal (check his platform, folks) accused Trump of running a corrupt presidency that just gave kick backs to his family and friends.
Trump called RFK Jr. a "radical left liberal".
And so would all the Trumpkins... until RFK Jr. started hating on some Covid vaccinations. Then they suddenly thought he was "conservative" and "anti-establishment".
Of course, now Trump praises the man and has welcomed him to his side, which also sees RFK Jr. singing a different tune about him.
And that's what it really boils down to. Trumpers don't understand political ideology. They aren't conservative nor do they know what that means; they just spout off that anyone who doesn't side with them is a "lib" or a leftist.
But what it all boils down to is whether or not you're loyal to Trump. You can be anyone--the most radical leftist. Hell, probably even a violent felon, I suppose. But as long as you're loyal to the Big Fat Orange Daddy, we'll embrace you. Regardless of what you believe.
Congrats, guys, on the new liberal Democrat on your team.
Paw Warrior [4882]
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Re: The evolution of RFK Jr. love reveals the rank stupidity...
Aug 28, 2024, 8:03 AM
Orange Phenom [14464]
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Re: The evolution of RFK Jr. love reveals the rank stupidity...
Aug 28, 2024, 8:07 AM
I don’t get it.
Even Trump would be considered liberal by many people when looking at his actual policies. He is far from conservative.
But, I guess he is better than the alternative in some minds.
Tiger Titan [46774]
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I'm amused at...
Aug 28, 2024, 8:10 AM
At the people here who post about how evil and vile someone is for being pro-choice, and now they're going nuts over a pro-choice Dem because he flipped sides.
Ultimate Tiger [36647]
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Who's going nuts? Now try you libbes with Kumala***
Aug 28, 2024, 8:20 AM
Tiger Titan [46774]
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Looks like you're the one who is voting liberal.***
Aug 28, 2024, 8:22 AM
Ultimate Tiger [36647]
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Yes, yes, yes....if that's what you call liberal, I take it***
Aug 28, 2024, 8:24 AM
Ultimate Clemson Legend [104208]
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Just look at who is trying to run the country.
Aug 28, 2024, 8:21 AM
Hillary. Kamala. Trump. Biden. RFKjr.
We are not attracting the best leaders.
Good paople are being marginalized. Sad.
I'm off the ideology train. It's all a diversion at this point. None will make a difference. Money talks. Ideology walks.
Tiger Titan [46774]
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Yep. They're awful
Aug 28, 2024, 8:21 AM
But some folks have convinced themselves that one of them is great.
Clemson Conqueror [11512]
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Re: Yep. They're awful
Aug 28, 2024, 8:38 AM
But some folks have convinced themselves that one of them is great.
Or at least, better than the other option.
Isn't this the reasoning you guys used 4 years ago?
Paw Master [16420]
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Re: Yep. They're awful
Aug 28, 2024, 10:52 AM
[ in reply to Yep. They're awful ] |
But some folks have convinced themselves that one of them is great.
Nope, some of you just want to hate one and don't care what the other one stands for!!!
Dynasty Maker [3526]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: The evolution of RFK Jr. love reveals the rank stupidity...
Aug 28, 2024, 8:39 AM
I have liberal and conservative views. I think it’s great that RFK joined Trump. I am on record, months ago, saying I agree with many of RFKs stances. So, thanks for the congratulations, I’m very excited and believe it will help Trumps chances. Sorry you are so angry at Trump voters. Smoke a doobie and relax partner.
Tiger Titan [46774]
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Not sure how pointing out Trumpkin lack of integrity or ideology...
Aug 28, 2024, 9:50 AM
Equals angry, but okay. I'll probably smoke one this weekend during football.
Ring of Honor [21305]
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Re: The evolution of RFK Jr. love reveals the rank stupidity...
Aug 28, 2024, 8:47 AM
"Ideology" is a file not on their hard drives and it's becoming more apparent by the day. I honestly feel kind of dumb myself that I did not get how simple it really was.
They don't even know what the freaking words "liberal" or "conservative" mean. They're basically cavemen. Me team good. You team bad.
That's it, every bit of it. That is literally the extent of their political acumen. Anything beyond that just confuses and angers them.
It is a little depressing, seeing how people are so susceptible to being led around by their resentments, and how quickly and blindly they're willing to change the definitions of "us" and "them" to whatever Big Man (whoever that may be) says it is.
They are as literally as good or as bad as whoever's leading them. They love to throw the words around "sheep" and "cucks" and "Beta males" but these dudes are largely the textbook definition of all of those.
Paw Master [16420]
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Re: The evolution of RFK Jr. love reveals the rank stupidity...
Aug 28, 2024, 10:55 AM
Explain why you hate one man so much?
Top TigerNet [29640]
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Top TigerNet [29640]
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Re: The evolution of RFK Jr. love reveals the rank stupidity...
Aug 28, 2024, 9:18 AM
And, people who believe the Dems are are a liberal party do not understand political ideology either.
You may think things like COVID mandates, removing leading candidates from ballots, or the President unilaterally making (basically laws) around spending hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayers money are the right things to do, but there's nothing liberal about it.
Tiger Titan [46774]
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Re: The evolution of RFK Jr. love reveals the rank stupidity...
Aug 28, 2024, 9:51 AM
I dunno. Sounds like the things you cited are big government.
Top TigerNet [29640]
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Re: The evolution of RFK Jr. love reveals the rank stupidity...
Aug 28, 2024, 9:52 AM
Which is the opposite of liberal.
Not sure how things like big government and socialism ever came under the 'liberal' banner.
Message was edited by: p6fuller®
Tiger Titan [46774]
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Classically? Yes
Aug 28, 2024, 9:55 AM
By modern definition of Dem/liberal/leftist, I would disagree.
Top TigerNet [29640]
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Re: Classically? Yes
Aug 28, 2024, 10:01 AM
If that's the case, then maybe the term 'conservative' has changed.
Tiger Titan [46774]
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It sure seems to have.***
Aug 28, 2024, 11:54 AM
CU Medallion [20192]
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Whale... I dont know where this post is heading?!?***
Aug 28, 2024, 9:44 AM
Orange Phenom [14325]
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Yep... Strange bedfellows indeed. So now let's balance the sheet and give
Aug 28, 2024, 10:12 AM
the other side some love as well.
You know - like how the Democrats now idolize and celebrate Liz Cheney - the designated heir of "that" conservative, war-mongering, war profiting Cheney dynasty which Democrats characterized as a "war criminal" for years. All because they have a shared hatred of Donald Trump. Heck - Democrats even campaigned for Lizzy during her futile primary race in 2022.
There was even a Republican Inc. Mayor - John Giles - giving a speech at the DNC last week - cheered by an adoring Democratic audience because he pandered to their "Hate Trump" message they so rely on in order to hide their lack of real policy solutions.
Same goes for all those Bill Kristol Bulwark "Republicans" and "Lincoln Project" perverts, and all the other out of favor former Republican Inc. "conservatives" who now align themselves with the most leftist positioned Democrat Party in it's entire history. These "conservatives" would rather live in a permanent socialist hellscape run by Democrats so long as they are the ones in the DC swamp running the "faithful" but meaningless conservative opposition. They quickly crapcan every conservative policy value they pretended to hold in order to align with the most extreme leftist Democrats running the modern Democratic Party. These "conservatives" are doing it because little Donny Trump upset their cushy DC cocktail party gig and took their tax payer funded gravy train away from them... and the Democrats are welcoming these "conservatives" with open arms and cheering crowds...
So for everything you said about the Trumpkins we can very easily apply to the out of favor Republican Inc. turned Democrat party voting nuthuggers and the Democrats themselves.
Politics has always made for strange bedfellows where the "enemy of my enemy" is probably the least rare aspect of any political alliance. RFK Jr. joining Trump is the least surprising move of all - especially with the way Democrats have crapped all over him in the non-Democratic primary and then in his Independent run...
Heisman Winner [86737]
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The Lincoln Project Republicans didn't run from
Aug 28, 2024, 10:22 AM
the new Trump Republican party because of policy. They ran from him because he became an embarrassment and was a terrible human being. The "my heroes are the ones who didn't get captured" started the embarrassment and that was just the tip of the iceberg. He made statements like this over and over and over.
Orange Phenom [14325]
TigerPulse: 100%
Yeah... almost as bad as Lincoln Project Co-Founder John Weaver...***
Aug 28, 2024, 10:30 AM
Heisman Winner [86737]
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True, but what I said still stands.***
Aug 28, 2024, 10:56 AM
Orange Phenom [14325]
TigerPulse: 100%
Oh I concur - Trump's ability to stay stupid shid is off the charts. Probably
Aug 28, 2024, 11:31 AM
the biggest political stupid shid generator of media fodder in the last 200 years.
However, in internalizing the immortal words of Greg "Pappy" Boyington: "Show me a hero and I'll show you a bum." I don't put ANY politico on a pedestal. To even enter that fray in today's hyper-partisan environment almost guarantees the individual has an egocentric, narcissistic complex. As John Weaver proved - some politicos have a real disciplined ability to hide their bad behavior, moral bankrupt thoughts, and low character true selves while showing a completely false, morally righteous exterior that too many of the partisan masses believe to be real.
After the Clinton's successfully destroyed the idea of high moral character mattering in Presidential politics back in the early 90's - what are we left with? Essentially a blind partisanship facade carefully constructed by the political powers that in reality could not give a crud about their candidates moral failings so long as they get them into power.
So, I've simply "settled" and choose who I think will do the least damage to our country and support the Constitutional principles of limiting the Federal Government's power and supporting individual liberty. None of the current crop of candidates gets a "10" in regards to that on my scale. But one side at least talks about limiting the Federal Government's power, reducing Federal regulation, and stopping the ever growing Federal Governments desire to censor speech with a genuine interest in securing our border.
Tiger Titan [46774]
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Re: Yep... Strange bedfellows indeed. So now let's balance the sheet and give
Aug 28, 2024, 11:55 AM
[ in reply to Yep... Strange bedfellows indeed. So now let's balance the sheet and give ] |
You know - like how the Democrats now idolize and celebrate Liz Cheney - the designated heir of "that" conservative, war-mongering, war profiting Cheney dynasty which Democrats characterized as a "war criminal" for years. All because they have a shared hatred of Donald Trump. Heck - Democrats even campaigned for Lizzy during her futile primary race in 2022.
This is a fair counterpoint. Obviously, she's lauded over her opposition of Trump.
BUT... do you think Dems would embrace her if she joined on board Harris's ticket? Given her ideology and family history?
Orange Phenom [14325]
TigerPulse: 100%
Absolutely the Democrats would embrace her if she joined their campaign
Aug 28, 2024, 1:15 PM
in the same manner as RFK Jr. Democrats would gloss over a "we have differences" statement to immediately go to the reprobate Trump topics and espouse their common ground on things such as Ukraine policy etc...
Gaining votes is the name of the game to these politicos of both party's - practically nothing else matters. If they think Satan would increase their total vote count - they would gladly find some weird common ground scenario and embrace him on the town square.
Paw Master [16311]
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I agree with him on 1 fact. Dems are worse for the country.
Aug 28, 2024, 10:39 AM
That is all. I’ve never changed my mind about him or his policies at all; ever.
So all your whining in the OP is to perpetuate a false narrative. I can usually tell by which Tnetters give a thumbs up; how stupid the post is.
Tiger Titan [46774]
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The toddler version of...
Aug 28, 2024, 11:55 AM
Every one of those TUers could beast you in a mental aptitude test. A smart man, you are not.
Paw Master [16311]
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Beast me? Is that some #### game you guys play at rest stops?***
Aug 28, 2024, 12:46 PM
Campus Hero [13336]
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You got the joy too, eh?
Aug 28, 2024, 2:48 PM
RFK makes substantive observations and charges of realities that cause him to subsume his politics to an existential threat.
Why don't you address his specific allegations?
Oh, that's right. You don't want to know.
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