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TNET: LOOK: Clemson Historic photo #75 'Rusty Adkins'
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TNET: LOOK: Clemson Historic photo #75 'Rusty Adkins'

Jun 15, 2020, 9:14 AM

LOOK: Clemson Historic photo #75 'Rusty Adkins'

TigerNet will be posting several historic Clemson photos during this difficult time with no Clemson sports. Long-time TigerNet member Mintaka ® submitted many o Read Update »

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That's back when you couldn't play in

Jun 15, 2020, 9:35 AM

your freshman year - still had a freshman team back then. Just think what career stats would look like with one more season. I enjoyed watching him hit my first 2 years on campus - never missed a home game.

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Re: That's back when you couldn't play in

Jun 15, 2020, 9:46 AM

We’ve been blessed with a good number of great players. But when I start to think of who I would like to see play just one more time, Adkins comes to mind. Same with Bert Heffernan and Khalil Greene.

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What year was this photo taken?...

Jun 15, 2020, 9:46 AM

RC Edwards presenting him with award and almost no empty seats in the background, so I'm guessing mid to late 1970s?

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Re: What year was this photo taken?...

Jun 15, 2020, 10:55 AM

Rusty graduated in 1967

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Re: What year was this photo taken?...

Jun 15, 2020, 11:33 AM [ in reply to What year was this photo taken?... ]

Judging by what Rusty's wearing--three-button coat, fairly skinny tie--It must be late '60s. Definitely not what we wore in the '70s. (Edwards was president from 1958 to 1979.)

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That has to be the football stands, not

Jun 15, 2020, 1:55 PM [ in reply to What year was this photo taken?... ]

the baseball field - home football was always packed - but not necessarily at halftime ceremonies though.

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Re: That has to be the football stands, not

Jun 15, 2020, 2:23 PM

Definitely is at a football game. 60's was before my time so I don't know if the fb games would have been that packed in the 60's.

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Re: That has to be the football stands, not

Jun 16, 2020, 8:25 AM

I was a student then and the "visitor" side was always packed -at least for most of the games.

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Watched Rusty play when I was in grammer school. The

Jun 15, 2020, 10:13 AM

baseball field was located up the hill where the tennis courts are located. We'd shag foul ball for Wilhelm if the went out side the park. Wilhelm was so cheap that the only thing he'd give us is a broken bat if there were any! I had three of them with nails driven in them and taped up so I could play Little League with them.

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Re: Watched Rusty play when I was in grammer school. The

Jun 15, 2020, 3:40 PM

Yes, compared to now, those were the good ole days!

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He never made the majors but was a great college player***

Jun 16, 2020, 1:38 PM

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