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New Story: Clemson visit gives Virginia Tech commit a lot to think about
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New Story: Clemson visit gives Virginia Tech commit a lot to think about

Sep 12, 2017, 10:17 AM

Clemson visit gives Virginia Tech commit a lot to think about

Jordan McFadden committed to Virginia Tech back in July, but the thoughts of playing for Clemson was always in the back of his mind. Saturday's visit for the Auburn game gives him even more to think about.
Full Story »

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Re: New Story: Clemson visit gives Virginia Tech commit a lot to think about

Sep 12, 2017, 10:44 AM

I have watched this kid grow up. Good kid, Good Character and would be a great addition to this class!
Would be great to keep that latest Dorman pipeline going as well! (Brandon Thomas, Patrick DeStephano, Michael Sobieski, Brandon Thomas, Adam Humphries, Charone Peak...(if we go way backVance Hammond)

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Sounds like you really know him....couple questions

Sep 12, 2017, 10:46 AM

1) What's his favorite meal?
2) what's his biggest regret?
3) If he got three wishes, what would they be?
4) Would he rather be respected or feared?
5) What's his stance on climate change?

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpgringofhonor-obed.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Couple" = 5... How many wives do you have?***

Sep 12, 2017, 11:29 AM

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Sep 12, 2017, 11:48 AM

Sorry Rain Man, it's correct.

"an indefinite small number."


2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpgringofhonor-obed.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Sep 12, 2017, 12:00 PM

McFaddens do very well at Clemson. I remember a kid named Banks "who did real good"!

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Wes McFadden too***

Sep 12, 2017, 6:18 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: couple

Sep 14, 2017, 9:31 AM [ in reply to couple ]

Stick it up your a$$, obed. Didn't say he was his Jiminee Cricket

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What did he say that was so bad?

Sep 12, 2017, 12:46 PM [ in reply to Sounds like you really know him....couple questions ]

So he knows the kid and says he's a good kid and you gave a jerk reply. Good job!

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I'm sorry, jerk reply?

Sep 12, 2017, 2:23 PM

I asked some genuine questions, and for that you give me your jerk reply? I'm guessing you aren't even an alum. Clemson men don't speak to each other like that. Good day sir.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpgringofhonor-obed.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I'm sorry, jerk reply?

Sep 12, 2017, 2:59 PM

Well I'm a Clemson Alum, from 1985, and I agree with Fletch.
Good questions are always appreciated, but grammar school replies
are always worthless.
If you actually graduated from Clemson, maybe it's time to become an

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Awesome! Clemson Fletch set up a completely new account

Sep 12, 2017, 3:29 PM

to agree with himself! That is fantastic. I'm flattered.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpgringofhonor-obed.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

They are right, you know.

Sep 12, 2017, 3:34 PM

It may be time for you to try some adultery.

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you offering?

Sep 12, 2017, 3:37 PM

I mean, I don't want to sound childish on this board that is a bastion of maturity.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpgringofhonor-obed.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Hey man.

Sep 12, 2017, 3:41 PM

Find your own way. Sheesh.

Some people are so da m juvenile.

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Re: I'm sorry, jerk reply?

Sep 12, 2017, 3:54 PM [ in reply to I'm sorry, jerk reply? ]

> I asked some genuine questions, and for that you give
> me your jerk reply? I'm guessing you aren't even an
> alum. Clemson men don't speak to each other like
> that. Good day sir.

They do if one of them is being a butt hole.

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thanks for having my back Bro. That's how it's supposed

Sep 12, 2017, 4:02 PM

to work. You hear that Fletch? Quit being a butt hole. It's game week! Let's get along!

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpgringofhonor-obed.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: thanks for having my back Bro. That's how it's supposed

Sep 12, 2017, 5:36 PM

Glad I had some work to do- just noticed your continuation.

BTW- I'm not Fletch, and I stand by what I said.

I like to read information & opinions that people have concerning our
recruits- Unfortunately, dipsticks like you get in the way.

But thankfully, this iPad is like a remote; all I have to do is click, you're
gone, and I'm off in search of some intelligent posts.

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LOL! A personal attack, and I'm not the adult?

Sep 12, 2017, 6:29 PM

Hope you're enjoying your first day on T-net. Totally normal for first three posts to be white-knighting Fletch. May your studious, erudite, sophisticated recruit surfing be truly edifying.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpgringofhonor-obed.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

That's great...your typical retort on here...

Sep 12, 2017, 7:26 PM [ in reply to I'm sorry, jerk reply? ]

You didn't call me or anyone else calling you out a coot yet, but you covered the other typical bases. You first say I'm not an alum and then you go at someone else as "rookie" on the board. Congrats that you have all day every day to rack up posts on here. It must feel great to be "the king of the board".

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Sep 12, 2017, 8:23 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpgringofhonor-obed.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Sounds like you really know him....couple questions

Sep 12, 2017, 5:25 PM [ in reply to Sounds like you really know him....couple questions ]

Thanks for all the question but I don't get it. I am sure the kids read the boards and this is the best support we can show?
My post is one of support for him and hope that he becomes a Tiger Man and follows in the footsteps of some of the other Dorman guys who made it to the next level.

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Re: Sounds like you really know him....couple questions

Sep 12, 2017, 5:38 PM

Thanks for your attempt.

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My bad, I'd like to know our athletes as individuals.

Sep 12, 2017, 6:26 PM [ in reply to Re: Sounds like you really know him....couple questions ]

I guess you guys just look at them as football players only and only care about that aspect of their lives. Sorry I asked. I hope my attempt at getting to know this young man better as a person didn't offend any other T-net sticks in the mud who only care about their benchpress and 40 time.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpgringofhonor-obed.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: My bad, I'd like to know our athletes as individuals.

Sep 12, 2017, 9:07 PM

All is good. By the way, I spend a lot time outside of sports with the futures of these and other students in our area and only want the best for their success on and off field. By the way, he did come to my house as a middle schooler and had 3 plates of beans and other snacks. I believe we were watching the Georgia Vs Clemson home game that evening...when TB was qb. So there is always that for you! Go Tigers!

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Good to hear!

Sep 12, 2017, 9:12 PM

Thanks for the reply and cheers. Here's hoping he comes to CU.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpgringofhonor-obed.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: New Story: Clemson visit gives Virginia Tech commit a lot to think about

Sep 12, 2017, 6:15 PM

JMac, want you to think about one thing! Blackburg Winters! Ain't gonna be wearing shorts in the winter at VT. Come on down to Clemson, we wear flip flops in January!

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

what the he11 do you know about football?

Re: New Story: Clemson visit gives Virginia Tech commit a lot to think about

Sep 12, 2017, 7:20 PM

"I doubt you're even an alum". When are you guys gonna get off this "alum is better than non-alum" crap? I am NOT an alum but I've been a Clemson fan and supporter for 55 years. Yes, my first Clemson game was when I was 7. So don't give me this crap about a "Clemson man does this and doesn't do that". Off soapbox.

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