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Statues, coots, women's basketball
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Statues, coots, women's basketball

May 12, 2018, 1:48 PM


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Re: Statues, coots, women's basketball

May 12, 2018, 3:06 PM

Raise private funds and put it on campus. It amazes me how people of authority can spend other peoples money and not blink an eye. Fix some potholes please!

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Re: Statues, coots, women's basketball

May 12, 2018, 4:48 PM

Absolutely!!! They get federal money to fix roads, and the state raises the gas tax to fix roads, and inner city roads get tar and gravel put in holes that the next heavy rains will wash right out. But they will repave the same interstate highways and plant flowers and trees in the middle for all that drive through our state, over, and over, and over again. Then they will waste any surplus money for their personal projects while continuing to go up on gas taxes again, and again and again with the people that is wasting the money, they get a free vehicle + free gas to beat the H&ll out of on these inner city roads that get patched up, not fixed!!! But that is OK bc, when they beat those vehicles all to H&ll, the state will buy them new vehicles to repeat the very same process!!!

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Re: Statues, coots, women's basketball

May 13, 2018, 10:22 PM

It takes a dirty unclean gay SOB to TD this my other post that does nobody any harm, it only speaks the truth of how they waste the tax payers hard earned money like it's what they were suppose to do. The streets where I live off fish hatchery will beat a new vehicle to death in less than a year, it's absolutely pathetic bc I'm helping pay the cost of planting flowers and trees up and down the interstate highways that are better than most other state Interstate Highways in other states, while we have to drive down inner city and county roads that look like a patch quilt, and that is the absolute truth, and it's mostly the same for most of the residents that live in and drive down some of the worst ever streets and rural road in our great state and counties of South Carolina. And it's totally a shame that we have to drive on trashy pot hole streets while people that are just driving through our state are driving on nice interstate highways, and most of them, most of the time never buy a gallon of gas in our state that rapes our citizens with such an enormous high gas tax, a tax that is paid to the federal and local government that was suppose to be intended to fix all of our roads, city and county along with the structural damage to our bridges that is ignored on both of our city and county roads that has gotten beyond repaired!!!

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Re: Statues, coots, women's basketball

May 12, 2018, 3:59 PM

And it's been approved by their President, Harris Pesticides;)

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Re: Statues, coots, women's basketball

May 12, 2018, 6:25 PM

As long as it is on campus grounds and not the State House grounds I don’t care what they put up. If Deshaun wasn’t put on state house grounds that girl and her women’s basketball stats shouldn’t go

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Go Tigers! Once A Tiger Always A Tiger

Re: Statues, coots, women's basketball

May 12, 2018, 6:50 PM

What a bunch of low life’s. Celebrating a females accomplishments. Hopefully this never happens at our great university.

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Nice try coot but once again you fail

May 12, 2018, 7:34 PM

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Re: Statues, coots, women's basketball

May 12, 2018, 9:03 PM [ in reply to Re: Statues, coots, women's basketball ]

I wonder if this sexist attitude would be posted if the idiot had a daughter with Wilson’s accomplishments? Like it or not the young lady earned everything she won. Perhaps if Clemson’s Lady Tigers won a National Championship we would feel differently. I teach college students and trust me they represent all types, but they recognize achievement.

Go Tigers!

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i do find it hard to believe that some people on here

May 13, 2018, 8:38 AM

Are husbands and fathers to daughters with some of the posts I see about women on here.

Oh right they are "joking". It's the kind of joking but not really type of joke

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Re: Statues, coots, women's basketball

May 13, 2018, 10:26 PM

They all treat her like MJ, Babe Ruth and Tom Brady all into one. It’s amazing how obsessed they are with her.

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Are they using state funds for this?

May 14, 2018, 11:34 AM

It's going to be on SCar's campus and not on the statehouse grounds. If they use funds from private donations or their athletic department to pay for this, seems fine with me. Although I would hesitate to put up a statue of anyone still living - especially someone as young as Ms. Wilson. You never know what long-term legacy she might leave behind - even someone as seemingly pure as Joe Paterno can be brought down in the blink of an eye.

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